Why do people deny evolution?

Thu 3 Jul, 2014 08:35 am
It is obvious that there would have to be equivalence of some sort between ACTG, that DNA would not be lopsided towards C being inherently more likely or something.
Im afraid youre reaching. "Substituting" of one molecule for another does exist in the world. Bone Calcium phosphor- apatite is "substituted" with flouro apatite in a fairly constant rate, but it doesn't DO anything.
The 20 amino acids in DNA and 22 in RNA are formed by specific tri-partite associations of ACTG and (in RNA) U and only G (no T). Im not sure where we go from there . your question can be simply answered that, in biochem, it IS what it IS.
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Thu 3 Jul, 2014 08:37 am
Science IS a religion. by design!
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 09:28 am
The objects studied in labs, do not have any inclinations towards pleasure or curiosity or ambition. They have no fears. No animation. Nor do they have any responsibilities regarding the provisions and infrastructures of the conditions in which they exist. And they can be studied in isolation and in a specific manner under the control of the researcher.

The theologian's laboratory of human behaviour has all of those problems to deal with, and much more, and results are difficult to measure and are a long time in coming.

Comparing the two is silly. Childish actually. It is like pretending to be an architect after spending Christmas day playing with a Lego kit.

The evidence is the civilisation you live in. Seen as a whole, warts and all.

Do me a favour Brandi--don't ask me again. If you have not got the general idea by now you never will have.

Thu 3 Jul, 2014 09:53 am
spendius wrote:

The objects studied in labs, do not have any inclinations towards pleasure or curiosity or ambition. They have no fears. No animation. Nor do they have any responsibilities regarding the provisions and infrastructures of the conditions in which they exist. And they can be studied in isolation and in a specific manner under the control of the researcher.

The theologian's laboratory of human behaviour has all of those problems to deal with, and much more, and results are difficult to measure and are a long time in coming.

Comparing the two is silly. Childish actually. It is like pretending to be an architect after spending Christmas day playing with a Lego kit.

The evidence is the civilisation you live in. Seen as a whole, warts and all.

Do me a favour Brandi--don't ask me again. If you have not got the general idea by now you never will have.

You made the specific claim that theologians regularly use the scientific method as I defined it. If that is true then you have thousands of examples to choose from. Give me one example of a case in which a theologian conducted an experiment designed to test a specific religious hypothesis and refuted it. If you can't back up your specific written claim, then your words were just hot air. Is that what you do here - just make stuff up?
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 10:07 am
Quehoniaomath wrote:

Science IS a religion. by design!

Good one, Humpty, but isn't the following also true?

Design is a science, by religion.
cicerone imposter
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 10:40 am
Science 'is' religion based on facts and evidence. Where's the facts and evidence for the bible stories?
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 11:08 am
@cicerone imposter,
Science 'is' religion based on facts and evidence. Where's the facts and evidence for the bible stories?

are you sure? I think they have sold us fairy tales but we took them seriously because it was called 'science;' It is one big PR stunt.
Nearly everything that is 'discovered' by 'science' is bollocks.
relativity, global warming, EVOLUTION, black holes, biggie bangie,
and so on and so forth.

so no, 'science' has nothing to do with facts at all.

Sounds bizarre, yes, of course, I know.
But it is not about it being bizarre, but being true or not.
History is full of things calles'crazy' and 'bizarre' by scientists and 'experts'.
And afterwards they were wrong, very very wrong.

0 Replies
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:15 pm
Note to the board. In another thread, Q claims that he studied physics at a university. I then asked, Q, the "science expert," to solve a typical high school physics problem, which I posted, and he ran away from it. Then another board member came along and solved it. So, he's not just completely ignorant of basic physics, but is also a liar.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:26 pm
It's very possible guys like Q are assigned by their boss or religious leader to troll forums like this. In which case, they have to fill in the gaps with everything, including the kitchen sink.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:46 pm
Note to the board. In another thread, Q claims that he studied physics at a university. I then asked, Q, the "science expert," to solve a typical high school physics problem, which I posted, and he ran away from it. Then another board member came along and solved it. So, he's not just completely ignorant of basic physics, but is also a liar.

The lie is upon you. You are NOT telling the whole story here Brandon9000
I did en do see it as a divertion about what I was writing.
It was and is irrelevant to the discussion, and I didn't fall for your bullshit, because if i did you could come up with other soms and so on and so forth
I also told you that!
But it seems you are letting that piece of information here out.
I did indeed study, i am embarrassed to say, physics and math and clinical psychology at a university. I am extremely sorry I did.
I had to unlearn all that bullshit, and wasted some of my precious years.
And why should I lie about that all, I an to old for that kind of nonsense.

It seems to me that something I am writing here is very bothering to you,

Now, start being fair and stop spreading lies by giving misinformation.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:46 pm
I'm not sure any religious leader would assign him to state that Newtonian physics is baloney, sun screen causes cancer, and the Earth is hollow. He's just an ordinary, garden variety troll, trying to attract attention by provoking a negative reaction, and every response given to him gives him motive to stay and post.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:48 pm
Quehoniaomath wrote:

Note to the board. In another thread, Q claims that he studied physics at a university. I then asked, Q, the "science expert," to solve a typical high school physics problem, which I posted, and he ran away from it. Then another board member came along and solved it. So, he's not just completely ignorant of basic physics, but is also a liar.

...Now, start being fair and stop spreading lies by giving misinformation.

Here's the thread:


I gave him the physics problem on page 2.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:51 pm
I'm not sure any religious leader would assign him to state that Newtonian physics is baloney, sun screen causes cancer, and the Earth is hollow. He's just an ordinary, garden variety troll, trying to attract attention by provoking a negative reaction, and every response given to him gives him motive to stay and post.

You are in a rescue mission regarding your rigid worldview.
We are lied to on a enormous scale and it is indeed very difficult to comprehend for a lot of people like yourself.
But it is a process, so I don't expect a rational answer from people like you.

It is really about this:


and this. and you are at the first stage, so be prepared, Wink


0 Replies
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:53 pm
my god, he just can stops himself!
I have here more then 10 classic physics books, so I can give you sums
why the hell should I!?

Now play fair mate! You are jumping to a lot of conclusions and are very very very unlogic and you just don't see it yourself.

Really, where are these people coming from????
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:55 pm
Here's where he accuses me of lying for telling the truth about him:

Quehoniaomath wrote:

Note to the board. In another thread, Q claims that he studied physics at a university. I then asked, Q, the "science expert," to solve a typical high school physics problem, which I posted, and he ran away from it. Then another board member came along and solved it. So, he's not just completely ignorant of basic physics, but is also a liar.

...Now, start being fair and stop spreading lies by giving misinformation.

Here's the thread:


I gave him the physics problem on page 2.
0 Replies
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 12:59 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
This is the main upfront difference between literates and mystery believers, the mystery of Christ; the mystery of Christ is really involved. Powerful people believe it, like the Pope and bishops, so, there's some truth, over the years. You can't really believe these people are deluded. They have so many tombs of remarks, other than these literately taken lines by literates.

Christ is doing things only God can do. Well I don't think he's half human, to the point where they claim or portray him as a sinner, nor do I think he says that either; when he says God alone is good. By himself he is not God: the mystery.

And this: "And making a whip of cords, he drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and oxen. And he poured out the coins of the money-changers and overturned their tables. And he told those who sold the pigeons, "Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade."[Jn 2:13–16]

Israel Museum model of Herod's Temple, referred to in John 2:13.
"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

—Matthew 21:12–13
In John, this is the first of the three times that Jesus goes to Jerusalem for the Passover, and John says that during the Passover Feast there were (unspecified) miraculous signs performed by Jesus, which caused people to believe "in his name", but that he would "not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men".[4][7]"

I think it's about Law and Hypocrisy in. Because he's mentioning thieves, that's a big part, of his forgiveness. Judas is a thief. He's calling it a house, and it's a temple, and house law literally applies! So, I think, he's been in the temples praying as usual, and they called it a house, and he's pointing out that it's a house of prayer, it's his father's house, and they are making it a "thieves den" probably what they may have said to him about being at the temple at odd hours. He did not have a whip on him, he made one, it's a joke; definitely a hypocrisy joke, like the rest of them, it fits a greater parable: Law.

If it is a house you can whip someone in it.

What they are doing during the day is worse than what he is doing during the night, which is apparently sleeping in them; the garden, agony in. How many thieves come to places where things are being sold vs his friend Judas, best friend, Judas the Thief, it's written in his name. There's basically dozens of thieves coming in the temple during the day, just because they are selling things, which is illegal to do out of a house, but not out of a temple.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 01:06 pm
Powerful people believe it, like the Pope and bishops

The pope certainly doesn''t believe it! He knows it is all a scam.

“What Profit has not that Fable of Christ Brought Us!”
– Pope Leo X 1513 -1521
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 01:10 pm
hmmm yea, you may be right.

Well, why do people deny evolution? Lol (they believe in Christ? or is it just fake fight?)
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 01:16 pm
Well, why do people deny evolution? Lol (they believe in Christ? or is it just fake fight?)

simple, there is no evidence. And people who are indoctrinated for ten years or more with this evolution shite are conceptual blind to this. It is a perception deception.
Thu 3 Jul, 2014 01:26 pm
what do you believe? just curious.
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