Quote: Now I'm asking you for a single example.
The theological laboratory is human behaviour. There are no single examples. It is one large example. Behave as we tell you to and you will reap the rewards.
Each individual rule is consistent with the body of the rules.
The effect on behaviour of music. Stalin took some pains over that subject. As did Hitler. The US sent experts into Germany after the war ended to change the musical perceptions of the population. To re-establish artists who had been persecuted and discredit those who had found favour with the Nazis. See the Wagner argument which still goes on.
Would a US State ceremony have a brass band playing Roll Out the Barrel.
It is the same with painting and architecture. Compare a Gothic cathedral with a Mosque. Compare Titian to Warhol.
You are trying to level the wisdom of the ages with your own understanding. Your attempt to simplify in order to bring the matter within your own intellectual range is an absurdity.
Do you think that the Christian theological project has been a success? Or not? You answer that.
The scientific revolution of the last 1,000 years, involving the mathematical analysis of dynamic space, belongs to the Christian project and to no other.
Augustus, with all his power, tried to get Roman citizens to have more children. He failed.
Whether to legitimise alcohol or opium or marijuana.
The objective being to engineer a population for success.
Behaviour in human society does not deal with the simple and strict limits that are found in labs.
Should chastity be valued or not? Should private property be valued or not? Should inheritance of private property be valued or not?
What do you recommend?