Why do people deny evolution?

Sat 21 Dec, 2013 01:55 pm
Burden of proof does not fall on the one with the lack of belief.

I think this has been covered multiple times.
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 02:02 pm

And then we now have real radiocarbon dates for dinosaur remains coming in and they all seem to come in around 20K
Its interesting you must note that Mary Schweitzer, using approximately the same type of"cleanup" to extract their samples for proteinaceous compounds, took a really loooong time to accomplish a "clean sample without any bioapetites or other modern carbon containing stuff. The guys who sampled the dinosaurs for C14 didn't have any trouble it seems. They just assumed that there was no "modern Carbon within the matrix" nd be done with it. Then Ga took over and gave em what they wanted.

THE NEW GEOLOGISTS, Ive since found out in an NCSE note, are a bunch of Creationist CATHOLICS. holy **** , Weve now got Creationist Catholics to deal with again.

Sat 21 Dec, 2013 02:30 pm
Enlighten me. What is my REAL reason?

Something to do with rejecting one or other or all of the Catholic teachings on sexual matters. I can't think of any other sensible reason. And all my pub discussions, bar none, have shown me that it is the case.

The idea that Christianity holds back progress is laughable. It is the power house of progress. The very engine.

However, you claimed it as evidence why people SHOULDN'T accept evolution.

I don't think I did James. If I inadvertently gave that impression I apologise but I can't image how I did because I don't think that.
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:07 pm
farmerman wrote:
Science, as far as I know, does NOT bother with refuting the existence of a creator, it assumes that one doesn't exist n proceeds along apace.

That bears repeating, as it's a point often misunderstood by fearful theologists.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:24 pm
We're talking about evolution here. Stay on topic.

You would cancel out a large number of posts if you applied that idea.

Have you seen the older threads on this subject. About ten years of them I have been in. This is merely a continuation under another title. And a pipsqueak compared to them.

If you find the biggest, "is ID science or religion? " it will take you a long time to read it through. Not that it isn't worth it mind you. It puts to bed the idea that you might respectably promote a momentous cultural revolution without taking the trouble to describe what the New World Order will deliver. It's a common fault with conspiracies of know-all, do-gooding busybodies such as the Fabian Society was before it made an effort to get real.

Just as we have been sleep-walked into having our lives "saved" without considering what happens when they have been and the event coinciding with the near impossibility of getting any more efficiency out of the machines. Significant enough I mean to meet demand. The AHA scrimmage is a mere foretaste of what is to come.

But I recognise that you, being a novice at this game, have not been challenged on that matter, the importance of which cannot be denied.

So tell us what we get James when religion is gone and science has a clear run at the job. That is what you must want and if your argument is good enough it is what you will get. Unfortunately we all get it.

Make it seem to be fortunate for us. At least it would give us something to think about rather than all this blather which has to assume we are not even here for us to notice any possible effects. Which we won't be of course but we ought to think about your grandsons, actual or in the pipe-line/s, who might feel the "white-hot heat of the technological revolution" as Harold Wilson called it, full in the face.

It might have been that the "new Britain" he was campaigning for would need to be forged in the "white heat" of this "scientific revolution". And he set his jacket on fire, a very expensive jacket too, in operating his pipe.

It often raises a laugh when referred to today but there were enthusiastic cheers at the time although not from the aristocracy or the spiritual establishments.

I can offer a range of possibilities myself and I would do if I thought any of them might survive very long.

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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:33 pm
"New Geology" indeed. Its a magazine for folks like you.

You must be joking fm. The only way I would read something called that is if I was shipwrecked on an atoll and a copy washed up on the beach.

Unless it contains a range of beaver shots of course.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 03:42 pm
Hardly, as anyone can see I have great fun on this line.

Apisa pulls that stunt all the time. You failed to respond to my post properly. You didn't even try. And everybody here knows it because they saw you do it.

It touched a raw nerve. There were REAL questions. Pretending there weren't won't get past the feet of anybody reading here. I sincerely hope.

You shrank goodstyle. I know how happy you are with gunga and why.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:02 pm
Your main man, Huxley, said ---

If Suarez has rightly stated Catholic doctrine, then is evolution utter heresy. And such I believe it to be . . . Indeed. one of its greatest merits in my eyes, is the fact that it occupies a position of complete and irreconcilable antagonism to the vigorous and consistent enemy of the highest intellectual, moral, and social life of mankind,--the Catholic Church.

Him, no doubt, defining what the highest intellectual, moral, and social life of mankind consists of and is aligned with. One might easily see how uplifting his message was to his working class audiences before he returned to his salons and the charmed circle and they to their hovels and bowls of thin gruel.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:18 pm
You legitimately think dinosaurs are only 20,000 years old?

The ones which have been rc dated are 20K - 45K years old, within the error bounds of RC dating. There is sufficient reason that to believe that some stuck around longer than that:


Stegosaur glyph at Agawa Rock, Massinaw, Lake Superior


I'm ashamed of you. Carbon dating only works on things that are less than 50,000 years old because carbon has a half life of ~5000 years. We use other dating methods on rocks of that age. Join the 21st century, lad.

That's right. If something can be radiocarbon dated as in the case of a number of sets of dinosaur remains, then it's less than 50K years old.

YOU are the one in need of joining the 21'st century. Professing belief in evolution is becoming a formula for being laughed at.
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:26 pm
Professing belief in evolution is becoming a formula for being laughed at.

I would have said it has long been gunga. The fact the Media has a commercial and moral interest in making it seem respectable and acceptable only makes a difference to fuckwits.
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:31 pm
I would have said it has long been gunga. The fact the Media has a commercial and moral interest in making it seem respectable and acceptable only makes a difference to fuckwits.

Is it my imagination, or do people who get into it with evolosers more than once or twice start to develop an attitude about the thing....
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:37 pm
you know NOTHING about the errors within the methods used for dating Dino bones and then coming up with the silly data of 20-40K.
Youre a mutant when it comes to these subjects.

I love when you try to discuss "data" as if you even understand what youre saying.
I rarely say this but LOL.

PS, one of the sampers of the hadrosaur nd Triceratops fossils was the ever populr "Dr Carl Baugh" who is well known as a fraud Creationist. It was he who, in the 70's had claimed that he found "human footprints" along side the dinosaur tracks in the Paluxey River Shales in Texas. His claims were big news among the creationists until one grad student , accompanied by several witnesses, had tken micros of the "human footprints " and it was seen that these footprints were "doctored" by careful chiseling in the rock. He took a dino footprint and essentially made it a human. HE WAS one of the sampling crew who then turned over these bones to the radiometric lab.
I was a bit leery about why these samplers hd no problems cleaning up and removing the CaCO3 and other bio contaminants in the samples.
We are probably dealing with another Piltdown hox for the sake of Christian "honesty"
When you don't question everything gunga, you can look like a fool. Now go run and find us some links that refute what I said about the faulty cleanups.

Entering the same old stegosaur bullshit are you?
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 04:56 pm
farmerman wrote:
Weve now got Creationist Catholics to deal with again.

I'm thinking of becoming a Creationist Atheist just to piss everyone off. Yes I am aware of the contradictions, that why I think it's right.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 05:39 pm
JimmyJ wrote:
Burden of proof does not fall on the one with the lack of belief.

I think this has been covered multiple times.
Let me get this straight


I don't believe in evolution. Therefore, I have no burden of proof?

Sat 21 Dec, 2013 06:14 pm
you know NOTHING about the errors within the methods used for dating Dino bones

But the subject is actually about dating Lexington Steele bones fm. That you are unaware of what is brewing in the secular undergrowth, whilst it is understandable, it is not a factor serious intellectuals would ever dream of taking into account.

The only people who give two hoots about Dino bones are those who make money from doing and those who batten on to them in order to try to excuse certain infractions of the Christian teaching on rumpy-pumpy.

And that's all there is to it really.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 08:58 pm
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 09:19 pm

Sat 21 Dec, 2013 09:19 pm
I don't know.
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Sat 21 Dec, 2013 09:23 pm
this is the very argument (convergence) that I was trying to get Herald to mess with rather than those stupid "Its too complex to have evolved". So far youre not doing anything with this concept. Lets argue that it iss, or is not, a basis of ID

But new amino acids an nucleotides and genes DO develop .
Sat 21 Dec, 2013 09:30 pm
I think some people learn a terrible fear of damnation early along and it never leaves them. It's like the idea behind a shackled elephant in early life...when mature they simply don't understand the shackle can be broken due to greater strength
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