Why do people deny evolution?

Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:06 am
The study of geomagnetobiology is very new, only in the last 20 years has
attention been given it, with greater emphasis today, as many scientists had denied that magnetic fields could influence lifeforms which shows how naive they can be. It was the advent of the space age that everyone's eyes opened to it as ships had to be designed to protect the astronauts. They still have a great deal to learn for a little known advertised fact, only in science journals, was that when the shuttle exploded (January 1986) there was a massive magnetic disturbance beforehand. But, scientists only like to report their hits, never their misses, something Carl Sagan criticizes the paranormal researchers for. However, since the space age, more emphasis has been given to magnetic affects on lifeforms. Most of the research though is still in Europe with Russia in the lead. Scientists here have great trouble in obtaining grants because there is no quick dollar to be made in the medical and industrial monopolies as most still do not accept the fact the human body creates its own magnetic fields despite the fact technology has proved just such a thing. One researcher stated:

There are two separate ways' to consider this question. The first can be
explained by relating a conversation I had recently with a leading biomagnetic
researcher in Europe, He asked me how things were going, and I replied that I was a bit worried because the funding situation in the U.S. was moving toward the support of more pratical projects, and perhaps biomagnetism work would not produce practical results in a short time. He then said that the situation in most of Europe was quite different; science was being supported for its own sake and not particularly because of practical application. He therefore thought that the biomagnetic work in Europe was in good shape, in the sense there were many scientific questions to answer in biomagnetism.

The Greatest Story never told. Landa Cantrell, p 72

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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:08 am
According to researchers there have been five major GMF reversals in antiquity all with extinctions. (Will they never catch on!) Since no cyclicities have been found these pole reversals could not have been produced by nature. It seems odd that if the earth is a living organism, Gaia as the Greeks called it, it would intentionally produce such havoc. It makes no sense that if all of the earth's lifeforms were acclamated to a specific magnetic flow that life would survive after a reversal. Although many in the study of biomagnetics are trying to imply some "good" mutations occur from reversals, still, clinging to evolution. No animal could escape the new fields and even if some suspected a change they could not alter their own biochemistries. Again, evolution falls flat on Darwin's face.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 72
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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:16 am
We have to take into consideration also, that these people at the Fall were also under a great deal of stress and lack of protein in particular as well as the stress itself causes somatotropin or human growth hormone to reduce glucose uptake and releases free fatty acids that affects amino acids which
on a developing fetus would have produced giants and dwarfs. The neuroendocrine system thus is a mighty one. This is also one of the basic reasons against man's evolution for a hominid with poor physical powers with a background as the fierce African savannah with an equally less mental acumen could never stand the rigors and produce viable offspring. The hypothalamic-adrenocortical interplay cannot withstand stress of any kind and creates little biochemical bungaboos as histamine and lactic
acid which causes cytocide. As for female hominids, procreating healthy offspring in such an environment is ludicrous. If all of them were loping around in the midst of saber tooth tigers and leopards trying to chip tools, running for the trees, etc..
they have not the biological time to adapt and learn by mistakes. There can be no mistakes in nature or you lose and so does your lineages.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 73
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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:19 am
When you start studying heliobiology you start asking yourself a great many questions, particularly about the feasibility of evolution and the question of life having arisen from a "primeval soup." Studies have shown that just low doses of solar radiation on a variety or microorganisms, killed them. Can you not just picture pristine organisms trying to develop under such a blazing sun? Even if there were some vapor cover, UV-C and UV-B
rays would kill them, particularly UV-3, the most lethal component of the sun which alters DNA. In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, DNA breakage, disruption of hydrogen bonds and changes in RNA as well occurs, when exposed to UV light. Enzyme activity has been shown to be decreased as well. Decarboxlationic deaminations, ring breakage and amino acids, particularly tryptophan, have been broken. Breaking tryptophan opens mankind up to painful birth, pychosis, pain sensitivity, depression and inability to be fully aware of the environment. UV radiation of tryptophan has
produced photoproducts that are toxic for both bacteria and mammalian cells. It seems the only organisms on this planet that come out unscathed are reptiles and amphibians. They have a photoactivated enzyme that helps restore DNA. But, they also have green skin! Take heart, a photo-reactivating enzyme has been found in human leukocytes but it is dormant. (See, we have a chance yet!) If magnetism affects leukocytes, which has been found, this may be another reason, just as in copper, why these cells have receded.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 74
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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:28 am
Interestingly, a nine year old child was found at Lozaret Cave n^ar Nice, dated 120,000 B.C.E., showing signs of meningitis as the cause of death. Lack of copper and vitamin C also causes hydrocephaly. Magnetism which can deplete vitamin C and strips copper, can make women produce androgynous offspring which causes android pelvis'. Or, the offspring were just malnourished to cause this, Another peculiarity is the great
evidence of arthritic conditions we find in Lucy to Cro-Magnon. You just cannot evolve any higher lifeform from a people suffering from a copper depletion which also means vitamin C and B-complex is missing and other essential elements. Either they were suffering from UV light exposure, fall-out or a magnetic flux, or all of the above. Our so called primitive ancestors were a morbid lot. It is too bad they still do not have the TV show 'It Pays to Be Ignorant' for evolutionists would make excellent panelists.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 77
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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:39 am
It would literally drive one insane if you were to spend your entire life trying to piece together all the puzzle parts of fossils to derive an impossible lineage that leads to us, although a great many Neanderthals and their gendre yet abound today and many are certainly on the road. We have very modern fossil remains preceding Neanderthal. This makes no sense. All of these diverse forms of supposedly early man do make sense if we accept them as being what ancient texts tell us they are; not races nor castes or lineages but pathological conditions and sad remnants of a once monomorphic past. Evolutionists would catch on to this if they blended forensic pathology and sitology together.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 77
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Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:43 am
If there has been an evolutionary process at work under the present sun, my goodness, I cannot figure it. If anything, our skin types have produced a very necrocytosic organism as melanin is a strong light absorber. And, when you think the the great apes are light to dark skinned, evolution is truly the farce of the 19th and 20th centuries. UV light inactivates enzymes, peptide bonds split, sulfides and disulfide bonds alter, photochemical oxydation and DNA is disrupted. UV-B is the most lethal of the sun's rays. UV-C, like UV-B, kills bacteria by altering their DNA and it does the same to us and every other living thing beneath it.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 93
0 Replies
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:46 am
I wouldn't dream of replying to a post of yours, or that of anybody else, using the Reply to All box. It must be done on purpose and it's a bit snotty.

I was suggesting that one might deny evolution by changing the subject to one which has other threads dedicated to it.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:47 am
If man is such a paragon of evolution, how did he ever make it on the Savannah where he was overdosing on vitamin A and showing
arthritic bones? In rabbits subjected to a magnetic field there was an increase of blood clotting power and a reduced consumption of food and an increase in water. Their weight reduced, some lived, some died. Also, if our forebears were having a problem with the sun and/or radioactive fallout, carbon 14 would have been in food and air, as a radioactive carbon is created by cosmic ray interaction and nuclear weapons and nuclear po^er plants. It is unstable unlike its more beneficial counterparts as C and C which being noil-radioactive helps to metabolize protein,
carbohydrates and fats. Carbon 14 lays down in fat and hemoglobin which is why bodies decay and we age so. Now that the nuclear age is here we will decay even more. Bones have more carbon and especially so if it is radioactive. As it has a half-life of 5,760 years (sources vary from 5600-8000) any dating beyond this is ridiculous, although evolutionists yet use it. One reason we may not be absorbing all our nutrients, such as fats, proteins and carbohydrates is because of elevated levels of C02 , which is changed into a carboxylation of pyruvic acid, a well known cell toxin. Pyruvic acid is well known for its changing of brain chemistry (it is one of the by-products of refined sugar). Chocolate and grapes contain it also which may be one of the reasons the latter was forbidden in archaic literature. It is thru ingestion that C02 creates so many problems. If what occurred in our archaic past is true, this means our hominid fossils are not millions but rather thousands of
years old. As a by-product of certain cosmic rays it still should not really be
showing as heavily as it does in fossils unless its other source was from nuclear weaponry or a general large scale decay of the earth from quite unnatural reasons. Since 1900, combustion of fossil fuel (the Suess effect) and after 1950, we have had a heavy influx of carbon 14 thanks to the all-knowing scientists and politicians. Thanks to their unnecessary testing to secure their countries they have subjected every living thing to a slow death. This all lays down in our bones and causes blood cells to weaken and each successive generation suffers. (How could anybody supposedly with such responsible positions, be so naive not to think these tests
could not disrupt the entire globe?)

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 97

0 Replies
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:54 am
Evolutionists also forget, or never learned, what biomagnetism has shown us. The stability of ferrimagnetic minerals pertains to rock as well as tissue and the fixity of the crystal structure of either pertains to magnetic fields. Any instability is known as being superparamagnetic. This is because even a weak magnetic field causes a rotation of a particle movement toward a force and then causes a parmagnetic susceptibility. In other words, if an organism has an established magnetic pattern, if it is weakened by whatever agency, it loses its stability. We can glean two things here, the ancients belief in spontaneous generation gets another plus while evolution gets a very big red checkmark. One thing that was found is that a change in size of a few nanometers of these particles and the superparamagnetic force changes the rotation of the moment vector and time changes organisms. That is, the crystal structure of a so-called fossil would be eno^|h to change it from 100 seconds at death to a seemingly decay rate of 4 billion years, / How old is Lucy, Homo erectus? They could be anywhere from 2000 to 200,000.000 years old depending on this and a myriad other constituents, as well as the magnetism of the area in which they lay. With a changing environment in a magnetic reversal, there could be no possible way of telling the age of any fossil. Even fossil bacteria is questioned as the small grain size of the crystal gives them a large ratio of surface to volume which attracts other minerals to it after death, a further complication as to age.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 99
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 06:59 am
All dating is tentative, particularly since the experiments of Ernst Beil in 1940 when he developed a process for converting carbohydrate-containing material to coal and oil in one hour, thus contradicting that the coal beds took millions of years to complete but can be done in thousands of years. This is another of many experiments disproving evolution the scientists just happen to overlook in their game of monopoly they are playing. Again, to paraphrase Sagan who criticizes anyone against Saint Darwin, scientists never record misses, only hits, which he said against researchers in the paranormal who, so he claims, never record their misses. Another fact they overlooked was when scientists found shells of living snails in freshwater Nevada pools and dated the living specimens at 27,000 years as the snails were merely using ancient iimestone to build their shells. I was glad to see it reported in the April 6, 1984 issue of Science, the major United States science journal which admitted the shakiness of carbon-dating. They should also have mentioned the shakiness of most scientists. There has been a gigantic crackdown in the fraudulancy of scientific papers where many have flawed in their research either intentionally, or by mistake.

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 100
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 07:04 am
It seems to be a pet-peeve with evolutionists and the medicl establishment to state that when an organ cannot be explained because it goes bad, it is a useless appendage we no longer need on our step up the ladder of evolution. It has been claimed the fornix and hippocampus, which are more highly developed in us than in animals, must be useless since our sense of smell is so bad, so saith them. You would think these jackals could see the engine is all equipped but is missing the high octane fuel. If they would lay off the refined foods, step up such vitamins as zinc and ascorbic acid, they would not be making such ridiculous statements. We have the same situation with the appendix. It is not a worthless organ and the reason it goes bad so often is western diets, which lack fiber and then bacteria grows in this organ that is one of our best detoxicates, but like all our organs, it must be fed properly. It is a matter of record wherever western diets come to primitives they
start having appendicitis attacks. Remember years ago when doctors were yanking tonsils out right and left? Now these children are adults and they have found the tonsils are a vital part of the lymphatic system and these people are developing infection, even cancer, they cannot fight, all because sugar and junk foods caused a dysfunction as a youth. Children on health foods rarely have such serious problems. We have a bad habit of removing something we cannot conquer through intelligence. I am waiting for them to tell us our hearts are an evolutionary leftover because they go awry so often!

The Greatest Story never told. Lana Cantrell, p 103
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 07:48 am
That is some funny stuff there Q.

If we believe Ms Cantrell about magnetism then shouldn't an MRI kill people since it is a magnetic field that would affect their biomagnetism and create fossils. Cantrell wrote her thesis in 1987-1988. The first MRI of the heart was done in 1987.

She is a funny read.

An online version can be found here:


Here are some of the more outlandish comments from chapter 3.
This leads me to believe cell division may not be a normal process but a stress reaction.


Perhaps our moon was once a sun. It certainly shows a lot of damage.

I am truly wondering of bleeding is natural for us.

I will never subscribe that mitosis is normal for us.

You can imagine what would occur in a global nuclear war as carbon-14 combines with oxygen to make CO2. Plants would love the latter but soon water would have to yield its oxygen and the waters of the earth would recede and a canopy of water would hover over the earth.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 08:36 am
If we believe Ms Cantrell about magnetism then shouldn't an MRI kill people since it is a magnetic field that would affect their biomagnetism and create fossils. Cantrell wrote her thesis in 1987-1988. The first MRI of the heart was done in 1987.

Magnetic field by MRI's are indeed a very dangerous thing!

0 Replies
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 08:38 am
Maybe you have taken too much from 'science' on faith!

she is indeed wromg about the moon, the moon is actually a spaceship!
Yep, I know it sounds bizarre but that is where the evidence is leading us.

But your comments doesn't automatically also dismiss all she wrote, she has a lot that is really spot on! Esecially that Evolution is a more than retarded theory and should be abandonded as soon as possible.
Our young children are being fed this garbage at the schools! It is a shame!

And, don't take mainstream science too serious. it is full of garbagem shite and bollocks.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:23 am
Maybe you have taken too much from 'science' on faith!

Actually, I observe real life. The magnetism of MRIs don't kill people or turn them into fossils and people do win the lottery.

But who should I believe? You or my lying eyes?
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:33 am
Actually, I observe real life. The magnetism of MRIs don't kill people or turn them into fossils and people do win the lottery.

LOL your twisting my words now.
I never stated Magentism of MRI's kills people1
Where did I wrote that????
Where did I wrote people don't win the lottery?

But who should I believe? You or my lying eyes?

Is is awfully obvious you can't trust your own eyes!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:34 am
"all dating is tentative..."

That's total bs because every year new data re: selective C14 uptake from old calcite deposists is cautionary. When that error was made, there were several additional (duplicate) groups of samples to provide the statistical ranges . And when these stat ranges appeared out of range, the article reported the concern by itself.
certain gastropods do take up old carbonate minerals and convert it to C14 depleted ragonite.

OTHER gastropods DO NOT and all ostracods do not. Rther than being a "n embarrassing discovery s the ldy suggests" science hs celebrated the QA procedures such a result hs prompted.
This goes entirely to the field of C14 dating by using CArbonate minerals which ws a new technique in the early 80's
THIS IS 2014 and , just as the original methods of sample "cleanup" hve been codified, so have Carbonate carbon dating methods.

Its an accusation with no problem.

Hres a paper on the methodology


Pigati, J. S., Quade, J., Shanahan, T. M., and Haynes, C. V. 2003. Radiocarbon dating of minute gastropods and new constraints on the timing of late Quaternary spring discharge deposits in southern Arizona. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology v. 3244, p. 1-13.
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:38 am
thus contradicting that the coal beds took millions of years to complete but can be done in thousands of years. This is another of many experiments disproving evolution the scientists just happen to overlook in their game of monopoly they are playing

while certain mineral coals can be manufactured,as can methane , the earths deposits of coal are all safely aged within specific deposits of the Carboniferous, The Jurassic, the Triassic and the Eocene. Other aged "coals are present around the world but are merely carbon deposits with no hints of metamorphism (peats, cannels etc).

Seems she is attempting to just come short of the truth and fct in order to drive her agenda
0 Replies
Tue 17 Jun, 2014 09:45 am
With a changing environment in a magnetic reversal, there could be no possible way of telling the age of any fossil.
Since about 1968, geologists have compiled and updated a GPTS (a geomagnetic Polarity Time scale)Lowrie and Kent 2003(AGU Monograph 145)

One can date fossils ND formations by normal/reverse polarity data.

Her "Scientific" sounding writing is specious, lots of tinfoil and sparkles, little substance.

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