Why do people deny evolution?

Frank Apisa
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:10 pm
giujohn wrote:

Frank, you may not have been a threat, but losing my cover would have been.
You have to remember back in the day possesing weed was more serious than it is today. I never had any problem with busting someone for it as I have seen the results of several MVAs where the person was high on weed or the neglect of children because their Mom was a pothead. I also judge weed by the company it keeps...LSD, Coke, Speed, etc.
When it became decriminalized I was known on ocassion to let you hang that baggie in the wind instead of issuing a ticket. But if you were driving or involved with any of the above mentioned circumstances, you were advised to give your heart to god cause your ass was mine.

Anyone who smoked and drove was a jerk...and deserved anything he/she got.

A bone done behind a barn...or in the comfort of one's home just never seemed to me to be justification for an arrest, but I understand your point.

I was careful not to put any of my relatives in jeopardy by smoking in front of them, but I am sure most of them knew I was a criminal.

You must have been military at one time, because that "heart to god" comment seemed to come from from there!
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Yep...started in the MPs...Sgt., 6 years, Army
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Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:19 pm
TV Evangelist Pat Robertson has some interesting comments about the theory of evolution:

Sat 14 Jun, 2014 05:26 pm
aswacky as Pt Robertson has been, he has NEVER been a science denier. In fct, hes had many dealings with the oil exploration companies and has been asked to open stockholder meetings in compnies like SChlumberger and he appeared at a science colloquium in Columbus Ohio a number of years ago talking about "Theistic EVolution".
Where he gets his ass in trubble are with his dumass predictions based on"memos from God"

I guess Ken Ham has got Pt in his sites. Too bad because pQt's not got the spin on his fast ball like he used to, so I think, if he debates Ken Ham, "Dr dino" will not be running too big a sweat , and Pat, even though hes probably more correct than the ID and Creationist views of HAM, will lose just on debate style .

Sat 14 Jun, 2014 05:31 pm
Would you count among the evolution deniers the framers and enforcers of the Endangered Species Act who appear to believe the disappearance of non-competing species must end at any cost to humans?

Remember the Spotted Owl in the Pacific Northwest ? We shut down the logging industry there a decade ago to protect it from being out competed by the Brown Owl. The logging has stopped but the decline of the Spotted Owl has continued.

That said, I still fondly remember the Prebles Meadow Jumping Mouse, a then newly declared endangered subspecies that inhabited the Front Range of the Rockies. He saved us several billions in the cleanup of Rocky Flats by preventing a ridiculous EPA requirement that we transport 12 million cu. yds. of topsoil to the Utah desert, Years later I read in an obscure journal that the mouse had been declared no longer a distinct sub species and no longer endangered. "Never mind little fellow" I thought - "You did your job".
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 06:34 pm
mmmmm spotted owl stew.

The only endangered species at Rocky was you. You lost all kinds of business no doubt.

Having said all that in a light hearted manner, I am also a bit cautious about my "blanket endorsement" of human acts that can interfere with the livelihoods of wildlife. Im not sure anyone fully understood the eco nicherelationships that the spotted owl needsto make a decent living"

Anthropogenics is an argument point that I find myself on both sides of at times.
1.no`matterwhat Gungasnake says, the AMerican Bld Eagle was declining into extinction mostly due to continued use of DDT and its concentration up the food chain. s soon as DDT was banned, the eagles and several other species (Ospreys, field songbirds etc) quickly began to recover until now, we are swimming in eagles here in P. In 1972, we had 2 breeding pair left in the entire state. in 2013 count we were up to 200 pair.

I don't think we should become active agents of extinction just for some economic short term profit. IF it turns out that anthropogenics Ispartly responsible for global warming , wed have wreaked havoc by being closed minded and politically agenda driven.
I readily accept global warming as a reality but , as an earth scientist, don't yet see conclusive evidence that we are the cause. BUT, OY, what if we are???

I can se the polar bear resettling into a hybrid staus as they become more lndlubbery for the next 100000years or so. But if we are the agent, then Dollos law will kick in and weve lost the species of top predator.

As I say, Im on both sides of that fence and I cannot honestly take a firm side. Its one area that Im agnostic

Romeo Fabulini
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 07:20 pm
Farmerman said: all the lying in the culture wars has BEEN ON THE SIDE OF THE RELIGIOUS bIBLE THUMPERS

There are plenty of phoney so-called "Christians" around, even Jesus said so (Matt 7:21), but I wouldn't say all of them deliberately lie, they're mostly just misguided.
Atheists on the other hand DO deliberately lie because it's in their nature, for example Attenborough lied about the polar bear cubs, Dawkins lies about the eye being wired "backwards", and atheist authors lie about Nazareth, saying it never existed in Jesus's time.
And my own life experience has been that you can never trust an atheist..Smile

PS- thanks for trying to explain what Quehon and you and your mates are arguing about, but it's all over my head and sounds a bit boring so I won't get involved, it's not my fight..Smile
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:06 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
SO you are saying that the guys who chiseled the Paluxey "footprints " into the soft sandstone did that accidentally ?
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Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:21 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
I had to look up the Attenborough stuff . It was a BBC program that I guess has already been presented. I wonder whether anybody ever thought about filming a bear den in the wild might not involve an unacceptable danger to the cameraman?

Splicing actual and dramatized wildlife scenes has been going on ever since Walt Disney's TRUE LIFE ADVENTURES.
Cmon, if the damn websites or the tabloids hadn't reported it youd have never known.

The fact is, you missed the point that the polar bear that was digging the den in the wild WAS A FUCKIN MALE NOT A GRAVID FEMALE.

IS SIR David an Atheist? cool!
IS he the one responsible for the entire production of the series?
Are you trying to pick the fly **** out of the pepper?

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Finn dAbuzz
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:43 pm
And now Brown Owls are being killed to assist the Spotted Owls in competing.

Talk about hubris!

It's one thing to deny human beings a livelihood and the use of wood products to protect a species, but to step in an screw with the natural order of things just because you have a political stake in the survival of that species? What would Gaia say?

I mean a laid off lumberjack can always flip burgers in a McDonalds, or go on the dole, and people can build homes out of hemp and furniture out of driftwood, but what's a dead Brown Owl going to?

What a shame for the Brown Owls that putting a stop to logging hasn't validated the righteous arguments of eco-warriors and helped to save their spotted cousins. I actually think the Brown Owl is a far more attractive bird than the spotted version too. But this was always about the poor underdog, avian or otherwise.
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:45 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
theres more dark meat on a barred owl.
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:47 pm
Ahhh...that must be it. But who is shooting these birds? I though all eco-warriors were vegans.
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Sat 14 Jun, 2014 08:48 pm
That's a reasonable place to be. With respect to fixing global warming, I'm with Bjorn Lundberg. Even if it is real it isn't worth fixing. The economic cost is far too high.

I am bemused with the reverence which many environmental zealots appear tho treat our planet. Sometimes I get the impression that many view this ever-changing sphere as some kind of permanent idyllic garden that is sadly infested with a vermin like species known as homo sapiens.

Mindful that our planet will end its existence being fried and swallowed up by our sun in its Red Giant phase, I take a more human centered view of these things. What is good for mankind is good in my view. Freezing in the dark isn't good.
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 09:01 pm
There is even a TV show called "After People" which celebrates the physical breakup and chemical dissociation of all our great buildings and cities after Were gone by means undisclosed in the series.

However, I still will fight when a gas pipeline is being routed right through Park or Forst lands oowned by the state (Or the people of the state)

We just hd such a fight for a TRANSCO pipeline to carry Marcellus gas to shipping points for offshore sales. The pipeline was run right smackass through 4 State parks along the Usquehanna River. There were already 2 ROW's for gas 3 miles inland. that would go through farmlands and with deep burial the farmlands could be used for hayfields and shallow cropping like soybeans and tobacco.
We won.
My point was always, This Pa gas aint goin anywhere so don't give me that "economic hardship unless we run through your parks" ****. Youll do what the people want to get it out, and then, at the end of the 20 year life, youll post a bond to remove the pipe and sell the scrap to China.

PS, Being tough with the gas companies is based upon a serious concern about what the mining industry had done to our states rivers as a result of coal mining. We have actual Rivers with a Ph of 2. And Pa has the second most number of stream miles of any of the 50 states and 1/3 of the 84000 miles are contaminated by acid mine drainage.
I may be a mining geologist but first IM A FISHERMAN
Sat 14 Jun, 2014 09:33 pm
farmerman wrote:

I may be a mining geologist but first IM A FISHERMAN

LOL !!! You're a cranky SOB too.
(So am I)
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Sun 15 Jun, 2014 01:51 am
When, not if, but when the West Antarctic ice sheet detaches, you're gonna see an economic cost from sea level rise which will make the cost of doing something now look paltry. Your claim is simply the whining of capitalists--history's biggest and most virulent parasites--about anything that interferes in their relentless greed for profits, no matter who has to pay later or elsewhere.
Romeo Fabulini
Sun 15 Jun, 2014 04:51 am
Farmerman: IS SIR David an Atheist? cool!

You might think he's cool to be a liar and faker, but many don't!
However he does occasionally talk sense like when he said food aid is 'barmy' (english word for crazy), and he also hinted that the natural world will do something to cure the overpopulation problem, i'm not sure what he meant by that but I like the idea..Smile

Sun 15 Jun, 2014 05:50 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
I asked whether Dvid Attenvorough is an atheist? SO far you've associated him with atheism as a reason for his wacky ideas. (Maybe hes just a wackadoo Chritian).
Sun 15 Jun, 2014 05:54 am
I think Attenborough is, he spoke about an African worm that could only exist inside the eye of a child, for him that negated the possible existence of a benevolent god.
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Romeo Fabulini
Sun 15 Jun, 2014 06:05 am
Attenborough has said he's an agnostic, but that sounds like an attempt to cover his atheist ass, because his actions certainly scream "atheist"..Wink-

WIKI- "Attenborough has joined Richard Dawkins in signing a campaign statement calling for "creationism to be banned from the school science curriculum and for evolution to be taught more widely in schools"

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