With out trust and self love, there is nothing. If you love yourself enough to love another human being then go for it. But do not let your mind travel to places it doesn't need to be. Live and let live. Give him the chance to be, to live. It is not up to us women to determine what a man can or can not live with at the end of the day. true love, Unconditional love means there are NO conditions. Meaning you would love that person regardless of what they did, are doing or, you believe them to do. It is very hard and challenging to do this in a w0rld such as the one we live in today, filled with jealousy, envy and the works. That is where self love comes in. If us women truly love ourselves then we would allow our minds to be free of worry and jealousy and put that all that extra effort into ourselves, into our wellbeing. Into loving ourselves and making our selves happy so that we WILL NOT expect it from ANY other person. So that we WOULD NOT NEED it from another being.
I strongly feel that we in this western civilization have lost true community. We have no true love for each other. How is it that jealousy and envy, feelings of no self worth have trump the ultimate.. Love? My advice is love, and trust in love. If he is doing something in a manner which he believes hurts you in any way, he will probably confesss it to you one day if he loves you and it is conflicting inside of him. If not, well don't stress your pretty little self about it. Enjoy the love and time you have had together and the time you will have. questions of infidelity or cheating can lead to feelings such as "What is wrong with me" "am I good enough" So I challenge you now to let it go and enjoy life and love. We could be gone in an instant. P.s YOU ARE WORTH IT ALL