Miller believes that Bush's problem is deeper than
mere dyslexia, or what he calls Bush's "West Texas
ebonics." It's deeper, too, than simple ignorance.
Bush's problem is that he's an anti-intellectual, and thus
he plays very well on television. Although TV is an
excellent advertising medium, it detests reasoned
discourse and instead focuses attention on the visual and
the trivial, such as Ross Perot's big ears, Al Gore's
robotic gestures, or any woman's hair style. Writes Miller:
"The networks' journalistic stars go on and on and on about
the politicians' failure or success at pleasing--or at
not displeasing--viewers.
such interminable yakking
tells us nothing, dwelling on details of bearing, posture,
voice, and makeup, instead of dealing with what anybody
did, said, or failed to say." Put another way, our TV
culture reduces "all discussion to the level of the taste-
test, wherein 'likeability' is all that counts."