Sun 22 Dec, 2002 08:35 pm
University of Michigan researchers have discovered that even helping out just
one person in a year correlates with a 40-60% less chance of dying that year, even taking health problems into account!
An easy and enjoyable way to extend our lives!
I can understand that, it's good for the soul.
I think people who are angry inside, bitter, and detached are much likelier to become ill or die, because those feelings are like slow suicide, they get you sooner than later.
I've often heard by forgiving a person who has injured you it is more beneficial to the injured person because it releases that person from any ties that bind and frees them to live without feelings of guilt and hatred for that person.
Yes, by all means, be kind to one another:)
I have read many articles in medical literature that back up the position that a positive attitude does keep a person healthy and it does a lot for the person diagnosed with a disease. Another note too...good family relationships and owning and loving pets boost endorphins and therefore your feeling of well being!
Vietnamnurse that is a familiar name. Let me be among the first to greet and welcome you.
I agree with you that being kind is beneficial to your health. But scientifically, how do we really know that kindness is the cause and health the effect? Maybe it is the other way around- good health is the cause and kindness is the effect.
There was a study decades ago that noted that prosperous men smoked cigars significantly more often than poor men. The conclusion was that poor men should be encouraged to smoke cigars to make them more prosperous.
Equus, you're right, it
is impossible to separate all the factors and decide what causes what, but if the research encourages kindness, that's cool
I like the Happiness Project.
Knowing there is such a Project is just, well, a happy thing.
Thanks au1929, it is great to be here. This looks like a great site!
Oh Vietnam nurse, I am CERTAIN that you
will love this site, within a few days you
will be HOOKED, that is, if you are not
already. Welcome to A2K dear.
It is no doubt true that kindness - like having a pet
improves your health & well being, ThinkZinc. I was
looking through our local paper for the small town
in NE Florida where I live, and there were so many,
many volunteers needed - I am seriously considering
opting to do so... as long as it is not physically
demanding, due to my rheumatoid arthritis - and
as long as they understand that I can only come in
and help when I am able....there ARE some days when
just getting out of the bed and fixing my breakfast is
a major feat for me.
Babs, I am sure any organization would be glad to have whatever help you can offer. Just be clear and up front about your physical difficulties. (And if the first one you try is narrow-minded and doesn't want what you can offer, just go to another.)
I suspect that "being kind" might lower your blood pressure.