Right-oh, here I am again.
Perfidious Albion, rouse thyself!
The bold FionaB and my goodself are to be in London around 12th of September, and from thence plan to take the choo-choo to France.
Anyone in town then, for a jar?
Wish I could be there to share a "jar" with you folks, but I'll be in the Baltics on a slow boat. puff puff....
Would come, too. But the flights are to expensive (weekend, nearly booked out).
Guess I could be persuaded, McTag. Depends on the day. 12th may be a bit difficult. Monday 13th would be better.
Walter Hinteler wrote:Would come, too. But the flights are to expensive (weekend, nearly booked out).
Even Ryanair, Easyjet? :wink:
Welcome back from Duitsland!
Since I'd like to fly from my local airport (15 mins drive, no parking fee, free drinks, papers and sandwiches on AirBerlin-flights)) and not from some a day-tour away, .... :wink:
Walter Hinteler wrote:Welcome back from Duitsland!
Danke, herr Hinteler.
OK, considering you want free drinks, papers and sandwiches :wink: , it's understandable. Both Ryanair and Easyjet though travel also from local airports (Eindhoven Airport - Welschap - is a good example).
Yes would be good to see you both again
Oyez, Oyez, Ohyez
The McTaggies will be in London on Sunday and Monday 12th and 13th September, should anyone be available and desirous of a rendezvous.
I'm up for it! Where in London is it being held?
Rats! I'll be in Thailand until the 16th. Anyone up for a meeting on the 17th/18th?
I'l be up for meeting the McTags, Gautam and anyone else (welcome, Nat23).
13th is better for me than 12th, I think, but I'm flexible if it's the evening of the 12th.
As I said earlier, the 13th is great for me.
And does this mean I finally get to meet Gautam? Yipee!
So we have McTags, KP, Tarah, Nat23 and me - all set for 13th Sep. McTag - did you hear anything from Steve ?
Where do we meet ?
Well we could meet in the Olde Cheshire Cheese, Fleet Street, again, but let me say please, that since we are going on holiday the next morning we will not want to stay too late: hope this is okay with everyone else......
Not too late works for me as well - however, nothing stops me and the others to continue having fun once the McTags have retired to their bed
So are we agreed on the venue? Fiona and I will go in the Old Cheshire Cheese, Fleet Street, around eight o'clock, maybe earlier.
They serve bar meals there, as I recall, so I need not starve.
We will probably be in the basement- I think that's the biggest room, or at least it was the least crowded one before.
Hope some others can make it.
Haven't heard from Steve, Gautam, so I'll PM him now.