You surmise correctly that I'm not 100%...I know that I'll have to spend a couple of weeks in Dublin, at short notice. Our clients have yet to give the go-ahead but it's highly likely to be in the next few days, which means that I can't guarantee to be in London for the 19th.
Sorry to miss you all, this time, but I understand that it's a long way to travel for some of you.
Walter, if I'm in Frankfurt this summer (same project, multi-location work!) I'll certainly email you about the possibility of meeting. I miss those autobahns, anyway - traffic's too slow, here!
Hire cars are meant to be flogged to death, right?
Gautam, Steve, Walter (anyone else local?) - if we are all in London/SE, shall we keep that evening open for meeting? If we can make it, it would be fun.