"Great Philosophers" is a somewhat nebulous term and can be researched using Google.
Your question is covered by a large body of work termed "Philosophy of Mind". There are thousands of papers published on the subject.
But simplistically, philosophers tend to gravitate towards two poles on this.
1. The idealists who argue that there are
only mental phenomena.
2. The reductionist/ materialists who argue that mental events can be reduced to physical processes.
In the middle ground you have the Cartesian dualists who argue that mental events and physical events are separate realms with no clear means of connection.
In addition there is the fundamental point that the word
is in your question "What is thought" is itself a problematic concept (a product of thought), which some philosophers have tried to eliminate by use of a verb named "E-prime". Language has tended to replace mind as the focus for philosophy since the advent of psychology in the 20th. century.