I'm not sure if any of y'all know, but even though Nevada has legalized gambling and the bookies of Las Vegas are well known for setting odds and taking bets on just about ANYTHING, setting odds and taking bets on a Presidential election is against the law.
There ARE however, a number of betting establishments located outside the United States that have 'set the odds' and are taking book on the upcoming presidential election.
I plan on posting the running 'line' on the race and will update it as the odds change. I think using these should give better accuracy than polls and projections because the people who set these odds are totally apolitical (well they may have opinions, but they wouldn't let that get in the way of money) and are less likely to be influenced by outside forces.
I'm just doing this for a laugh and do NOT encourage anyone to gamble or to try and bet your house on the possible odds. in other words... please don't try this at home.