Attention: John McCain is doing meet the press right now!

Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 08:00 pm
CNBC in my area. Just thought some folks might be interested.
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Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 08:05 pm
A Right Wing Lacky
How Many Must Die to Achieve an Exit with Honor?
The Real Lessons of Vietnam

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Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 08:06 pm
Didn't he issue a statement to the press today:
"No No NO, I am not going to leave the Republican party."
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Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 08:41 pm
Sofia wrote:
Didn't he issue a statement to the press today:
"No No NO, I am not going to leave the Republican party."
Well, he just said it again and made it very clear to everyone that he would never vote for, let alone run with Kerry. I think I just watched the next president of the United States (2008).

Ps Too lazy to start a thread Pist?
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Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 09:46 pm
I think I just watched the next president of the United States (2008).

Surely, you don't seriously believe that McCain would be supported by the present RNC?
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Reply Mon 12 Apr, 2004 11:14 pm
blatham wrote:
I think I just watched the next president of the United States (2008).

Surely, you don't seriously believe that McCain would be supported by the present RNC?
Yep. If he's the guy most likely to win... I think he'll get the backing. Who said "politics make strange bedfellows"?
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 12:46 am
Well how about that. I just posted to another thread that McCain is a man of conviction but is far too liberal to gain much traction with the mainstream GOP. Maybe he is coming around. I hope he is.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 12:53 am
McCain is liberal? Shocked
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 01:33 am
He has been pro taxes, anti-tax cuts, pro base closures though overall strong on defense, pro choice, pro affirmative action, and preferred the Democrats versions of campaign finance reform to that proposed by the GOP.

Yes, McCain is no liberal democrat. He's a good liberal Republican.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 09:40 am

I doubt that you have this right, though you may. But I suspect that his ideas on campaign finance and on right to choose, and his general independence and integrity, will make him exactly the sort of candidate that two powerful factions within the party would make McCain EXACTLY the sort of candidate they least want.

I'll note that, as you know, I consider the present president to be the least qualified and least capable person to hold that office that I've seen in my lifetime, and perhaps ever. But it is his relationship to these two groups above which made him a candidate to forward.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 09:57 am
I hear you Blatham and you may well be right. I dissent because McCain seems so credible compared to the incumbent, Kerry and frankly every other candidate who threw their hat in the race this year. I expect the democrats to put up a better fight in 08. (Kerry, IMHO, won the right to be the guy who loses to Bush.) Also, during the Rupert interview, McCain was clearly kissing extra Republican ass, including Bush's, which seemed a bit strategic.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 10:13 am
Two interesting points were made...

McCain let Russert list and dwell a moment on all those points where he's clearly opposed to the president's conservative stance (enviro., abortion, etc.), and McCain said that he disliked the pork added to those spending bills. <Did he really say 3,000 additions to the last defense spending bill?>

I would probably have missed this show if I hadn't seen this post, so thanks very much, OBill, for posting. I like John McCain. I don't know if I would vote for him, but he has always seemed to be a more "real" person than most other candidates. Too bad about those chipmunk cheeks.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 10:13 am

I truly don't believe that McCain's 'credibility' (and I too think that word is an accurate descriptor of the man) will serve him well in the Republican party as it is presently constituted, though I dearly wish that were the important factor.

I didn't hear the interview, but I too have been querulous regarding a certain degree of ass kissing. I would guess it might be party loyalty (which I think his weakest characteristic, if it is a shallow loyalty) or it might be a deeper loyalty to the values and principles that his party used to stand for, and which he seeks to safeguard against those present forces I've alluded to above.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 10:17 am
Yep, Blatham, conservative Republicans strive to be incredible. Smile
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 10:23 am
And success is within their grasp
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 10:48 am
Piffka wrote:
Did he really say 3,000 additions to the last defense spending bill?
Nope, he was talking about the highway bill and used bridges to nowhere in Alaska as an example.

Before McCain, Rupert interviewed the ambassador in Iraq who describes the opposition to democracy as being numbered in the thousands. He stated poll after poll shows 90% of Iraqi's are behind the effort to bring democracy... But some are still afraid we won't finish the job, so are reluctant openly admit it for fear of revenge if we don't.

I agree with him that we must convince the Iraqi people that we will not abandon them. I think we should be going after Al-Sadr with all the mercy of a wounded bear. I think he'll be less dangerous as a martyr than he is as a speaker. They must be shown the futility of the fight. These riots are just like the LA riots in that: What looks like a whole population gone mad is really a small fraction of the population, with the balance to scared to act against it. Once order is restored and the criminals arrested the majority will become more and more comfortable supporting the efforts openly, as time goes on. (IMO)

Regardless of our motivation the result is that these people will have a say in their own futures for the first time in their lives. Don't you see the Irony; that each Iraqi interviewed who speaks out against us, is speaking out against authority for the first time in his life without fear of death or worse as punishment? What nobler cause is there than fighting for the rights of a stranger? And don't give me the oil nonsense (have you been to the pumps lately?) Hate Bush's motivation all you want, but our soldiers have every reason to proud of what they are doing for the Iraqi people.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 11:02 am
He stated poll after poll shows 90% of Iraqi's are behind the effort to bring democracy... But some are still afraid we won't finish the job,

That's way overstated ...
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 11:26 am
That is what the man said.
MR. RUSSERT: But you're not concerned about the hearts and minds of the general population in Iraq turning against the United States and erupting, in effect, into a civil war?

AMB. BREMER: I believe we are seeing the few thousands of Iraqis who do not share the democratic vision of the future of Iraq that the vast majority of Iraqis show. Poll after poll, 90 percent or more want democracy here. What we see in these insurgents in Fallujah and in the mobs that support Sadr, we are seeing anti-democratic forces, enemies of freedom, and they simply have to be gotten out of the body politic here for Iraq to move forward. And that's the process we're in now. There will be some people, like the driver, who have that view, but that's not the majority view.

The rest of the transcript if anyone's interested is here.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 11:27 am
At this point, I would trust the daily newspaper horoscope over anything Bremer has to say.
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Reply Tue 13 Apr, 2004 11:28 am
Yes, well, Bremer might be buffing
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