Scientific studies: Religious people are less intelligent than atheists

Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:29 am
Smileyrius wrote:
. . . . perception is often driven by preconceived bias.
Pretty well defines the substance of this thread.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 11:39 am
I was quite a difficult child, and tend to ask a lot of questions, and yet I received many answers such as "we can but know Gods ways, it is a mystery" and "you must trust that God has the answer" made me down right furious. I used to pray to God asking him why he appointed idiots
I ended up realising that there truly are a lot of airheads in religion who ride along on the emotional opium that religions create, most of whom seem to rise up the heirarchy. I could very well have been atheist myself had I not started studying and gathering my own answers

I'd hazard a guess and say more intelligent people are Atheists mostly because they ask more questions and get more stupid answers.

All of that might work up to the point at which you realize how stupid evolutionism really is. At that point, you have to pick a religion. You could in fact devise a new religion from the single stupidest doctrine of each of the existing religions and even that would make more sense than evolution.

For those who can't stand Christianity or Judaism, there is always Rastafari:


Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:18 pm
OK, first, theists do that **** all the time around here. Look at your buddy Romeo here who just makes the **** up as he goes along.

Here, from a Christian source, is an explantion of why it was important to claim that Jesus had been born in Bethlehem:

The New Testament records that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. In fact, this was a fulfillment of prophecy, as Matthew records:

Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” 3 When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; 4 and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. 5 They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet:

6 “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” Matthew 2:1-6 ESV
So, what is the significance of Bethlehem and why did God choose this city, and not any of the other cities in Israel, for the birthplace of the Messiah? It seems that it should be something more than just a random selection.

Source (More information can be found at the source.)

Claiming that your boy Jeebus was born in Bethlehem, and making up a story to claim it was due to a census ordained by the emperor was all a part of the messianic "package" Christians were peddling at that time.

How do you know that no one objected at that time to the story? For that matter, why do you assume that anyone but Christians were paying any attention to the whole song and dance? That preconceived bias to which you refer would have made the members of the cult want to believe, especially as it purportedly was the fulfillment of a prophecy. It would also likely have lead them to ignore anyone who objected. As i've already mentioned, there are no copies of this scripture any older than the early 4th century. A lot could have happened in those 300 years, and we don't have any documentary evidence for how the text read in the first century.

Now, let's eliminate a basis for anyone to claim that i've been bullying you with ipse dixit claims.



From Fordham University, by clicking here, you can read a text of an English translation of the Res Gestae Divi Augusti ("The Deeds of the Divine Augustus," from more than one monumental inscription on monuments erected by Tiberius, the step-son and successor to Augustus).

As for the office held by Pilate, that has been settled by what is commonly know as the Pilate inscription:


This was found by Israeli archaeologists in about 1960 at the site of Caesarea Maritima, which was the capital of the sub-province of Iudaea (what you would call Judea)--not Jerusalem. You can read about it by clicking here.

(Looking at the article, i see that my memory is faulty on a couple of minor points--it was uncovered by Italian archaeologists, and in 1961--otherwise, what i have told you is accurate.)

The Pilate inscription was very important at that time becasuse careful scholars from around the world considered the passage in Tacitus purporting to describe the persecution of Christians in Rome after the great fire to be an interpolation, and many questioned if Pilate had ever actually existed, as there were no other records of him. This inscription confirmed that he had existed, and that he was the prefect of Iudaea--not the proconsul. However, the fact that he did exist has been taken by far too many Christians as proof that the text of scripture about "passion week" is an accurate historical record. That, of course, is nonsense. We know that George Washington existed, but that doesn't mean that all that old "chopping down the cherry tree, i cannot tell a lie" bullshit is true--Parson Weems was making that **** up as he went along because it was a great story. Much as Romeo makes his **** up as he goes along.

This may not seem important to you, but it brings up two points. One is that the passage in Tacitus is almost certainly an interpolation (a forgery inserted into the text), both because Pilate was not a proconsul, and because Tacistus, who did hold that office in the province of Asia (we would think, western Turkey), and he would have known better. It is also important because if they get such a basic fact as that wrong, then it calls into question the rest of the claims made in scripture about that period of time. It also shows that their source could not possibly have been an eyewitness, because any such witness would have known that Pilate was a prefect.

As i said before, it's literally carved in stone.
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:20 pm
@Calamity Dal,
Calamity Dal wrote:

@ Jimmy Jams and Frankie

I believe X

no you believe Y

you're stupid

you're stupider


Its a draw, you're clearly as intelligent as one another. Keep going tho, I'm having fun.

I have never called Jimmy stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:28 pm
. There is a methodology to science which cannot be ascribed to the "scripture" of Christianity.

One might have to suppose that Setanta thinks that because Christian tradition depicts Salome as an icon of dangerous female seductiveness that dangerous female seductiveness is a myth or superstition or bullshit.

Although he might never have experienced it due to the scientific method being unable to detect it.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:34 pm
In the modern scientific world dangerous female seductiveness causes men to lose their heads but in a different way to the Baptist losing his which was at least mercifully quick.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 12:48 pm
Cheers Set I'll take your notes on board,

With regard to intellectual bullying, I meant credible intellect Wink
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 01:38 pm
Neologist said: @Romeo - Highlighting the difference between one who gives a serious answer and one who resorts to buffoonery

Are you calling me a buffoon mate? You should know better by now than to throw a punch at me, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume i've simply misunderstood your post..Smile
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 01:55 pm
Setanta said: Claiming that your boy Jeebus was born in Bethlehem, and making up a story to claim it was due to a census ordained by the emperor was all a part of the messianic "package" Christians were peddling at that time.

Atheists talk the talk but they can't walk the walk by simply answering the question:- WHY would anybody want to invent Jesus and Christianity?
It can't have been for money or power, so what on earth would have been their motive?
Here are the verses that scupper atheists..Wink-

"Unlike so many, we do not sell the word of God for profit....be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, not lording it over them.." (2 Cor 2:17,1 Peter 5:2-3)
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:33 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Neologist said: @Romeo - Highlighting the difference between one who gives a serious answer and one who resorts to buffoonery

Are you calling me a buffoon mate? You should know better by now than to throw a punch at me, but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume i've simply misunderstood your post..Smile

I'm pretty sure Neo WAS calling you a buffoon, Romeo. That's probably because you have been acting the buffoon since you've been here.

Sometimes it is funny...I get a laugh out of some of your schtick. I don't mean that as an insult, but as a compliment. Some of your stuff is clever...and fittingly humorous.

But the constant delivery...with all of the accompanying ego... in all sorts of situations has worn more than thin.

Why don't you clean up your act...at least for most of your posts.

Then people may stop thinking of your posts as buffoonery...and of you as a buffoon.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:40 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Fancy thinking a twee bourgeois finger-wagging like that will have an effect on Romeo. I would love to see Margaret Rutherford do those lines at Frank Harris.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:42 pm
Frank Apisa said: I'm pretty sure Neo WAS calling you a buffoon, Romeo

Are you his agent mate, having to speak for him?
Sigh, I can see i'll have to dump my truckloads of fan mail on you both again to make you sulk and pout..Smile

Spannerose - "Mick, I would like you to know that the result of reading your posts I am left with the desire to pick up my bible for the first time in years"
ChildofLight - "So good to read your responses Mick, some are quite witty and made LOL"
Happysandyh - "welcome Mick, welcome welcome!"
HenryS - "You are brilliant Mick in finding appropriate phrases. Another one of your superb emails to store"
Firebrand - "Amen and welcome Mick"
Coconut - "Whew! Thanks for sharing Mick"
Sarah4Jesus - "Listen to Mick in Plymouth, he is a great teacher"
Cathie - "Very wise advice Mick, thanks"
Kierri - "That was one of the best explanations I've ever heard! Yay for Mick in Plymouth"
Haimehenmmli - "I LOVE IT MATE!!! I'm going to put it into my files, with some of my other favorites, from you"
Evachrst3 - "Right on, Mick, I couldn't agree more.Thank you for defending the faith so eloquently".
Devilmademedoit2 - "I love this! Thanks, Mick!"
SweetSummer96 - "Wow. That's a cool story Mick."
Vespasian052 - "Wow! Mick,what an awesome tale.."
Beekpr9 - "Amen to all you have said, Mick!"
Saipan1777 - "Spot on Mick bravo"
Duke Tinn - "Thanks again Mick. Great Stuff"
Tahella - "Welcome Mick!"
Ainglkiss - "Mick what a wonderful story. You write so well. Keep up the great work"
BlessedOne - "Glad to have you here Mick! Jesus is the way!"
MonkGirl - "Wow, thank you Mick! That is really comforting...and all I really needed to hear!"
WOFman - "Welcome Mick!"
Nottonguetied - "I loved those stories from Mick"
Honeybearx - "This was very good reading thank you Mick"
Megan - "Mick, I just wanted to tell you that I loved this story, it was very touching"
Benjoman - "Your one of the only ones from the singles board that I still love Mick"
Allisoneness -"You are the one true Christian on here, keep up the good work and praise the Lord"
Sherry Anne - "Mick i love your posts"
Antipas - "Brilliant yet again Mick"
Easynote - "ROFL Mick you are pure class, another of your timeless classics!"
Kermit - "I love Mick. He is so, how shall I say it, RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND FUNNY, TOO"
Kermmiekr - "How uplifting Mick, and so very true"
Chrysalis55- "Just want to say, I love your posts and your messages not only insprire me, sometimes they make me laugh
because you are able to get your point across in such a great way. WAY TO GO waymarker!!!"
Evenflow- I just LOVE this post You have made me smile BIG TIME this morning. Good for you and what a great attitude you have to life xx"
Apple Pie - "Really good to see you, Mick. Come on over to 4church, we could do with your input and your humour"
Lillian - "Mick please come back..it's nice having you on the board"
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:54 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Frank Apisa said: I'm pretty sure Neo WAS calling you a buffoon, Romeo

Are you his agent mate, having to speak for him?
Sigh, I can see i'll have to dump my truckloads of fan mail on you both again to make you sulk and pout..Smile

Spannerose - "Mick, I would like you to know that the result of reading your posts I am left with the desire to pick up my bible for the first time in years"
ChildofLight - "So good to read your responses Mick, some are quite witty and made LOL"
Happysandyh - "welcome Mick, welcome welcome!"
HenryS - "You are brilliant Mick in finding appropriate phrases. Another one of your superb emails to store"
Firebrand - "Amen and welcome Mick"
Coconut - "Whew! Thanks for sharing Mick"
Sarah4Jesus - "Listen to Mick in Plymouth, he is a great teacher"
Cathie - "Very wise advice Mick, thanks"
Kierri - "That was one of the best explanations I've ever heard! Yay for Mick in Plymouth"
Haimehenmmli - "I LOVE IT MATE!!! I'm going to put it into my files, with some of my other favorites, from you"
Evachrst3 - "Right on, Mick, I couldn't agree more.Thank you for defending the faith so eloquently".
Devilmademedoit2 - "I love this! Thanks, Mick!"
SweetSummer96 - "Wow. That's a cool story Mick."
Vespasian052 - "Wow! Mick,what an awesome tale.."
Beekpr9 - "Amen to all you have said, Mick!"
Saipan1777 - "Spot on Mick bravo"
Duke Tinn - "Thanks again Mick. Great Stuff"
Tahella - "Welcome Mick!"
Ainglkiss - "Mick what a wonderful story. You write so well. Keep up the great work"
BlessedOne - "Glad to have you here Mick! Jesus is the way!"
MonkGirl - "Wow, thank you Mick! That is really comforting...and all I really needed to hear!"
WOFman - "Welcome Mick!"
Nottonguetied - "I loved those stories from Mick"
Honeybearx - "This was very good reading thank you Mick"
Megan - "Mick, I just wanted to tell you that I loved this story, it was very touching"
Benjoman - "Your one of the only ones from the singles board that I still love Mick"
Allisoneness -"You are the one true Christian on here, keep up the good work and praise the Lord"
Sherry Anne - "Mick i love your posts"
Antipas - "Brilliant yet again Mick"
Easynote - "ROFL Mick you are pure class, another of your timeless classics!"
Kermit - "I love Mick. He is so, how shall I say it, RIGHT ON THE MONEY AND FUNNY, TOO"
Kermmiekr - "How uplifting Mick, and so very true"
Chrysalis55- "Just want to say, I love your posts and your messages not only insprire me, sometimes they make me laugh
because you are able to get your point across in such a great way. WAY TO GO waymarker!!!"
Evenflow- I just LOVE this post You have made me smile BIG TIME this morning. Good for you and what a great attitude you have to life xx"
Apple Pie - "Really good to see you, Mick. Come on over to 4church, we could do with your input and your humour"
Lillian - "Mick please come back..it's nice having you on the board"

Or continue to play the buffoon!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 02:58 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
These American men, Romeo, who are used to mending their ways after being given a good talking to, (like Tiger Woods) think the technique has general validity.

Especially the evolutionists and other anti-Catholics such as Tommy Huxley and his X-Clubbers who are the real founders of their movement in cahoots with the rising numbers of artisans which the growing industrial revolution required for its upkeep and who drank deep of the temptations on offer.

Somebody traveling in Italy at that time spotted a Huxley book in a shop that specialised in the range risque to obscene.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 03:22 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Scupper? You're delusional. I haven't claimed that anyone invented your boy Jeebus or Christianity, so that's a straw man, and as such, is typical of your almost non-existent rhetorical skills. What has been invented is a series of fairy tale stories to make it seem that the man--whoever he was, if he wasn't in fact a creature of fiction--appear to have been the prophesied messiah.

Maybe your boy Saul of Tarsus wasn't clever enough to have profited from Christianity, although i suspect he lead a pretty good life, without being obliged to labor for his daily bread. But no one can look at the church in Europe without realizing how they cornered all the wealth they could, and lived very well indeed. The poorest parish priest knew he would never go hungry. The people like Jimmy Swaggart or Robert Schuller made themselves multi-millionaires off the gullibility of the faithful. You're living in La-la Land.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 04:11 pm
It's always the "gullibility of the faithful".

The Reverse Invidious Comparison. (RIC). Translated it means Setanta is not gullible. Hence superior. Obviously.

That the faithful might be getting something for their money that Setanta does not comprehend is not even given the slightest consideration. And as long as he avoids giving it consideration he cannot help but come to the infantile conclusions he does.

A person can swot up, or Google, as many disconnected facts about history as he wants but if he doesn't consider that sort of thing he knows nothing about history.

The wealth of the Church derives, in the main, from rich people with an objective in mind. Just so with the political parties.

And as for rhetorical skills Setanta is in the nursery compared to Romeo.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:14 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Why, perish the thought, Romeo.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:24 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Atheists talk the talk but they can't walk the walk by simply answering the question:- WHY would anybody want to invent Jesus and Christianity?
It can't have been for money or power, so what on earth would have been their motive?
Here are the verses that scupper atheists..Wink-

"Unlike so many, we do not sell the word of God for profit....be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, not lording it over them.." (2 Cor 2:17,1 Peter 5:2-3)
What you cite here is correct for true Christians, Romeo; but history is full of contrary examples.
Think Torquemada. Then continue thinking. The clergy have dominated the masses to their injury since before Jesus' time.

No wonder non believers persist in their disbelief.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:27 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Sigh, I can see i'll have to dump my truckloads of fan mail on you both again to make you sulk and pout..Smile
Did you want an example?

Be careful not to dislocate your shoulder with all that patting yourself on your back.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2013 07:38 pm
Setanta wrote:
Scupper? You're delusional. I haven't claimed that anyone invented your boy Jeebus or Christianity, so that's a straw man, and as such, is typical of your almost non-existent rhetorical skills. What has been invented is a series of fairy tale stories to make it seem that the man--whoever he was, if he wasn't in fact a creature of fiction--appear to have been the prophesied messiah.
If no one invented Jesus, are you agreeing that he is, indeed, a historical figure?
Setanta wrote:
Maybe your boy Saul of Tarsus wasn't clever enough to have profited from Christianity, although i suspect he lead a pretty good life, without being obliged to labor for his daily bread. But no one can look at the church in Europe without realizing how they cornered all the wealth they could, and lived very well indeed. The poorest parish priest knew he would never go hungry. The people like Jimmy Swaggart or Robert Schuller made themselves multi-millionaires off the gullibility of the faithful. You're living in La-la Land.
Exactly the point I was making to Romeo. Believers can always be counted on to provide evidence for their own impeachment.

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