Evolution vs Rastafari: Why you have to go with Rastafari

Sat 18 Feb, 2012 08:09 am
I've posted a few of these notes at odd spots, but I get the impression it would be good to collect them in one place...

I normally RECOMMEND Christianity for any who WANT a recommendation for a religion. Nonetheless you have to recognize that there are a great many others who simply need something better than evolutionism, and who for one or more of a variety reasons simply cannot stand Christianity.

Fortunately for those people, finding something (aside from Christianity) which is better than evolution is not overly difficult...


Rastafari in fact has a distinct advantage over other religions in that it offers an apples/apples comparison with evolution, that it, it amounts to a religion which operates on an intellectual level similar to that of evolution.


Granted the theological basis of Rastafari is a bunch of bullshit; nonetheless it has distinct advantages over evolution. Rastafari does not involve any sort of a trans-finite sequence of zero-probability events or probabilistic miracles as does evolution. Moreover, Rastafari does not preach the idea of your neighbor being a meat byproduct of stochastic processes; nobody ever fought a world war over Rastafari or any sort of a doctrine based on Rastafari.


Aside from theological problems, Rastafari is not at war with modern mathematics as is evolution;


and there is this: If Rastafari were to be brought into the public schools, it would fit admirably into certain kinds of team teaching situations. In other words, a biology teacher looking for a way to put 25 teenagers into the right frame of mind for indoctrination into something as stupid as evoloserism/evolution could simply walk across the hall to the Rasta class for a box of spliffs...


Last but not least, think about it in terms of picking up women. I mean, some seriously hot chick's got her choice of getting into a car with an evolutionite:


of a Rastaman:


which way do you think that's gonna go, most of the time??
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:05 am
Still a clown gunga. Still unable to provide any evidence that supports your sides beliefs right?

Creationism doesnt need any brains , in fact it discourages use of the human brain.
When are you gonna begin sharing your evidence?
Its been several years since youve been politely asked and all we get is this retarded ****.

Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:10 am
PS actually Rastamen believe in the literal Creation legend and that EThipea was the GArden Of Eden . SO in that respect Rasta is more in line with your beliefs . SO if you wish to make any claims, youd better be more astute at seeking out the foundation legends of **** you wish to make fun of.

Rasta believes in Creation

Gunga believes in Creation


Gunga is a Rastaman

"And on the seventh day he smoked a great doobie"
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Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:24 am
WISTAR iNSTITUTE IS A PRESTIGEOUS medical research facility in Philidelphia. Many times , a group of crackpots, like the douche bags who published gungas link, will try to RENT a facility to add some credibility to their bullshit conference. SO in 1966, the Wistar Conference on Creationism was held at the Institute,(Wistar had nothing to do with it other than to provide a space for meetings and a lunch). Remember, this **** that gunga is positing was from the 1960's, we barely had an understanding of DNA's role in genetics back then. (After all a lot of stuff can happen in 50 years, like the invention of the pocket computer).
SO, not to confuse anyone that WISTAR is actually (or lets say WAS) endorsing this crap, Ive included a clip of some findings that were published in 2006 and compare the evolutionary pressures on cancer cells

http://www.wistar.org/news-and-media/press-releases/does-natural-selection-drive-the-evolution-cancer SO please gunga, stop being such a lying sack of ****. Dont go pushing these lies made to look like modern thinking when your putting out crap from DUANE GISH's group about the time he was involved in the Creation SCienceInstitute and was lining up many of these garbage conferences .
"Modern MAthematics" is on line and is highly supportive of the findings of the genome and evolutionary dynamics and dont try to make believe it isnt.

Youre such a fuckin fool
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 10:57 am
The meeting was held at Wistar. Nobody was calling themselves creationists at that time, the word in question was "mathematicians". They (mathematicians) tried to explain the problem to the evolosers and the evolosers walked off talking about how to rid the world of mathematics and mathematicians.
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 12:59 pm
You really believe that mathematics disagrees with evolution theory. YOU ARE NUTS . In 1966 the mathematical beauty of the genome and how the genome is preserved as "fossils" in subsequent species is a fact that has arisen after the 1980's and mostly since the genome project was completed.

HOW IS IT THAT no real biologist or real geoscientist has come out in favor of your ideas.

MAthematics of evolution is quite complex. It uses several techniques that Im sure you are familiar with. Stuff like data mining and factor analysis.
Standard binomial expansions have been in use since HArdy Weinbergs contribution.
J. B. S. Halldane, of whom you are fond of misrepresenting because of a little mistake he made and which was grabbed onto by the CReationists, DID contribute mightily to natural selection by deriving several equations that explained natural selection in terms of Mendelian genetics (this he did in 1924 and the equations still hold)
Ronald Fisher published

[The Genetical Theory of NAtural Selection in 1930. In this book he establishes , chapter by chapter, the Mathematical relationship of nat selection to Mwendelian genetics. (fisher sent LAwrence Darwin copies of the chapters to get Darwins son's opinion pre publication)
Sewall WRight, in 1930 had published in GENETICS journal the classic paper that we still use entitled Evolution in Mendelian Populations. In this paper Wright established the "three phase shifting balance" theory which includes several very detailed mathematical LAWS. His theory was poo pooed for several decades and today its considered a fundamental rule of evolutionary dynamics. Wright stated that natural selection was but one of the mechanisms of evolution and that this was the result of adaptation to environmental changes. The second point of his three was what we call "genetic drift" and the third was migrational effects of gene dispersal..
Genetic drift was often criticized as being unimportant and circular. However, as our understandings of the genome and details of gene complements of organisms was growing, we understood that WRights theory predicts that over successive generations nearly every mutation or chromosomal rearrangement will experience only one of two fates

1It will spread through the population until the mutation is fixed or else it will disappear entirely from the species. .
There have been a number of subsequent experiments that have confirmed EVERYTHING that wright had mathematically predicted, This explains why the chromosome 2 in humans is a fused version of two chromosomes of a chimp.
Wrights Masterpiece was his four volume set called Evolution and the GEnetics of Populations.
DObzhansky and Sturtevant immediately took off from Wright and showed the evolutionary results in fruit flies that resulted from genetic inversions and what we today call, "protein folding"

HOWEVER, all of these above were independent of the assistance of DNA and its subtext in genetics. DNA was only discovered as a mathematical construct using Bragg's law (which is a means of determining chemical structure using level 2(b) electron radiation.

After DNA was discovered and the genome shown as a product of its arrangement on the bar code. MAthematics and high speed computation has taken the task of typing genes and evaluating evolutionary relationships via such tools as "Data mining" is a complete refutation of your bullshit assertion that mathematics is somehow in disagreement with evo/devo .
You must get your head out of your anal orifice every few weeks so you can appreciate the spring sunlight.

I still hope that some day you will jump up and down and yell HA HA GOTCHA , I WAS KIDDING ALL ALONG. Because I really cant believe how thick headed and overall dense you can be to ignore all the stuff thats going on in so many fields of cladistics, genetics, paleo, isotope geochem, and biogeography. You act like you follow science but at the same time you deny the accuracy of subjects in which you hve little or no real knowledge.
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Sat 18 Feb, 2012 03:27 pm
Evolution is a fact. It happened and it's happening. Get over it.
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 03:58 pm
do you think gunga will EVER present us with evidence of his belief system?
I dont think so either.
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Sat 18 Feb, 2012 07:23 pm
Rastafari in fact has a distinct advantage over other religions in that it offers an apples/apples comparison with evolution, that it, it amounts to a religion which operates on an intellectual level similar to that of evolution.


I really haven't a clue what you're talking about, gungasnake.
But what the heck.
Any excuse to post a little reggae! Smile

Sat 18 Feb, 2012 08:32 pm
I really haven't a clue what you're talking about, gungasnake.
But what the heck.
Any excuse to post a little reggae! ...

Formerman, you see what I mean? You and Marley ask Ms. Ольга here out for the evening, you think there's any shot she's goin with YOU??
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 08:56 pm
All I want for you is to tell me what evidence supports your worldview on this topic. I think that all you have is links that attempt to fond some flaw in evolution and, not being able to, just try out and out fabrication.

Ill probably be waiting here for the next several years while your mentors try to find a shred of evidence that isnt mere mythology.

PS, it was not I who posted those tags on your idiotic thread title. I would take credit had I done them but , nope, werent me.
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Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:12 pm
msolga wrote:
I really haven't a clue what you're talking about, gungasnake.
But what the heck.

It's a typo. He meant to say "Pastafari", with a P. With this error corrected, it all makes sense.
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:24 pm
Formerman, you see what I mean?

Well, I don't know about farmer, gungasnake, but this is getting more confusing for me by the minute!
First, you almost blind us all with that flashing psychedelic creature in your opening post ....
And now you're talking (very confidently! without even consulting me at all! Harumph! ) whether I'd prefer to date Bob Marley or farmerman!

Seriously, have you been indulging in any illicit substances of any variety today? Razz
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:25 pm
don't sell farmerman short, msO.

I bet his stash is top notch...
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:26 pm
It's a typo. He meant to say "Pastafari", with a P. With this error corrected, it all makes sense.

Ah, I see!

Well sort of! Wink
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Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:28 pm

Oh I'd never do that Rocky! Smile

Do you think it's time for another musical interlude?
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:33 pm
okie dokie.

speaking of okie, anybody seen that crazy coot lately?
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 09:35 pm
Very nice choice!
I do hope gungasnake enjoys it, too! Smile
0 Replies
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 10:58 pm
And now you're talking (very confidently! without even consulting me at all! Harumph! ) whether I'd prefer to date Bob Marley or farmerman! ...

Don't let formerman be stuck taking my word for it, tell him yourself....
Sat 18 Feb, 2012 11:14 pm
But it was you who introduced this subject: why you'd go with Rastafarian-ism over evolution, gungsnake. (I think! Wink )
Then somehow introduced dating preferences into your argument. Confused
Me, I've just been enjoying the reggae.
I'm totally mystified by all the rest! Smile
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