Scientific studies: Religious people are less intelligent than atheists

Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 08:38 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
But isn't the earth and the universe evidence of a Creator?

Most definitely not.

If you doubt that the universe could arise from something unknown then you have to doubt that God could arise the same way.

You can't have it both ways.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:17 am
'Course I might have missed something
But you seem to have more to say now.

BTW, I was referring to word count.

Happy to see you are still watching
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 11:32 am
JimmyJ said: Christians state that Jesus was an incarnation of god himself

Some say he WAS God which just shows what dummies some "christians" can be!
For the record, Jesus made it clear that he WASN'T God, use these full metal jacketted quotes to shoot down any fundy cultists who say otherwise-

Jesus said -"Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone" (Luke 18:19)
Jesus said - "I am going to the Father, for my Father is greater than I" (John 14:28 )
Jesus said - "Only God knows when Judgment Day will be, I don't know myself" (Mark 13:32)
High Priest asks - "Are you the Son of God?" Jesus replies - "I am" (Mark 14:61)
Jesus said - "I say nothing of my own accord, i only say what my father tells me to say" (John 12:49)
"My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me" (John 7:17)
Jesus said to God the day before his execution- “Father I am coming to you now" (John 17:13)
"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)

And Jesus regularly prayed to God, yet if he was God why would he pray to himself?..Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 12:03 pm
Jesus was an incarnation of the imagination.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 12:11 pm
There's a lot of stuff here. I wish I had time to check it all. Forgive me if I don't get to y'all.

Jack still has me wondering about how to explain the bugs' survival. And the rutabaga plants. And then I have to explain to Set how the lesson of the flood and Noah's 'impossible' work served God's purpose better than a simple 'zap'.

For that matter, perhaps I should also try to explain why the original rebels in the Garden of Eden were not 'zapped' so God could start over clean.

Well gosh, did I ever tell you the Bible is not a scientific treatise? Have I forgotten to say it is God's message to us about why we die, about why we have human misery, and what he intends to do about it? The Bible does not explain the survival of tics and turnips, the demise of dinosaurs, or the basics of boat building. But it does give us an idea.

For example, there were questions raised in Eden about God's right to set standards for his intelligent creation. How long should it take for those to be resolved? Should we be the judge of God's time keeping?

And there was a lesson to be learned in Noah's example: decades of preaching, the building of a very visible means of salvation, the ark, which none of his fellow humans deigned to enter. Were I to tell you a similar work is being undertaken in our day, you may think I am crazy. So, go ahead and think.

Noah had not the foggiest idea how the details of his work would apply. He just did what he was told. Instead of his own understanding, he trusted God's sovereignty. And this, of course, was and is the central issue of the universe. Whether it is resolved in our lifetime, as I believe, or in future millennia, we all must stand on one side or another. Does the creator have the right to author the users' manual?
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 12:15 pm
Edgar said: Jesus was an incarnation of the imagination

But why would anybody want to sit down and "invent" Jesus and Christianity what would be their motive?
It can't have been to make money or control because that's a no-no-
"Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care...not greedy for money, but eager to serve,
not lording it over those entrusted to you," (1 Peter 5:2)
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:49 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
You're too soft mate, what are you, a lefty social worker?..
By getting rid of them, God improved the breeding stock of the human race by removing them from the gene pool. They asked for trouble and they got it-

You are bringing the word "stupid" a new meaning here...

You legitimately think my political orientation has anything to do with me finding a passage in the Bible to be morally unsound?
It's becoming clear to me that you're all talk when it comes to morality. If you can legitimately read that passage and dismiss it's clear dark implications... Let me see what you think of this one.

" As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you."

^seems to me that God is referring to rape here. What do you think?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:51 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Muslims are forbidden to like Christians-
"O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends" )Koran 5:51)

so although the Koran admits Jesus was a miracle man-
"Allah gave clear miracles to Isa [Jesus] son of Marium [Mary], and strengthened him with the holy spirit" (Koran 2:253)

it still can't bring itself to admit he was God's son..

There's a huge jump from "prophet" to "son of god". Islam is a different faith than Christianity. For you to condescendingly say "bring itself to admit he was god's son" shows your arrogance.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:53 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
But isn't the earth and the universe evidence of a Creator?
Or did it just suddenly decide to appear out of nowhere on its own?

That's the most circular nonsense I've ever heard. You're taking the approach of "we don't know how it came, so god must have done it". You shock me with every post.

PS- but to return to the "intelligence" debate, Jehovahs's Witnesses call themselves "christians", yet they let themselves and their kids die for want of a blood transfusion, which doesn't sound very intelligent to me.
I bet no atheist would ever refuse a transfusion for themselves or their kids.

It seems like you're proving my point here...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:54 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Everything is made of individual atoms like this one.
So how did it suddenly pop into existence?
I mean, one second there was just an empty spot in the void, and the next second an atom was there!

As someone already pointed out, you aren't doing christianity any favors here by making silly arguments like this. Saying god must have done it because you don't know how it happened just makes you sound ignorant.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:56 pm
@Frank Apisa,
That was a positive assertion on your part, Jimmy. You asserted that it is more likely that there is no god than that there is one.

Where is the evidence that validates that assertion?

And if you do not have it...and it was just an atheistic throw away line like the theistic throw away line of, "It is more likely that there is a GOD than that there are no gods"...grow the spine to acknowledge that it is.

C'mon, Jimmy, if you do...we can have more fun discussing less absurd notions...and you will be able to put away all that silly, " I think I've clearly made my point with you on how illogical your methodology is."

It's also more likely that unicorns do not exist than that they do. It's not my responsibility to prove that assertion either.

I gave you my evidence and you dismissed it, which shows you're unwilling to accept when you are wrong.

Perhaps if you would stop equating the two (when clearly proving a negative is not the same thing) I would be able to take you more seriously. Honestly, I'd expect better from someone your age. Just proves my phrase "with age does not come wisdom", I guess... Pity
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 01:59 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
But why would anybody want to sit down and "invent" Jesus and Christianity what would be their motive?

Nobody needed to "invent" Christianity. It evolved from pre-existing mythologies as people added their own layers of stories.

And despite what the bible preaches, many many people and groups ended up using it for a variety of purposes, not the least of which was as a means for "priests" to control the population.
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:05 pm
@Frank Apisa,
My...you are all worked up. Have I gotten to you that much in the short time we've had to work together, Jimmy? We've got so much more to do...so try to get a grip on it.

Many "textbooks" do not use "lack of belief" as a definition of "atheism"...and if you are suggesting there are no atheist who "believe" there are no gods...I can introduce you to some right here in A2K.

You'd like to think I'm worked up lol. I debate idiots like you frequently. This is not new for me.

There are no atheists who "believe" there are no gods because atheism itself is a lack of belief. Again, bald is not a hair color.

Jimmy...there is nothing ridiculous about any "claims" that I make.

But if it calms you down a bit to "believe" that there is...please continue to delude yourself. It is interesting (and a bit entertaining) to watch.

It's pretty obvious that most of what you say is ridiculous. It's not my problem that you can't accept it and change your ways. Most people like you are too far gone to be saved.

Ahhh...so you are acknowledging that some do. Big improvement. Keep it up.

And you do guess!

I do not guess.

Wow...you really do have trouble presenting logically coherent arguments, Jimmy.

For the record...a guess can be in exactly the opposite direction. Some atheists, for instance, GUESS that there are no gods.

No, the illogical argument is, "you can't prove the negative and therefore it's a possibility." I'll give you a hint, that's YOUR standpoint.

And no, atheists do not "guess" that there are no gods.

Ah, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. You have got to control yourself...and stop making yourself look like an out-of-control. That makes you look ridiculous.

Not sure where you get this strange idea that I am (or pretend to be) "neutral on all subjects"...but you couldn't be more wrong. When I do not know something, I have the spine and the sense of ethics to acknowledge that I do not know it. That is not being neutral on all subjects. Keep on growing...and some day you might achieve that ability also.

Hey, this is fun. We have got to keep talking. You really are an enjoyable debate companion.

It has nothing to do with not knowing things. It has to do with acknowledging ridiculous claims just because you can't go out and prove that they AREN'T true. The burden of proof falls on the one who asserts that something is true. Not the one who asserts that it is not. This is taught in any English 101 level'd class and also in many beginner philosophy classes.

You should look into taking some. I know you're a little older and going back to school is probably a scary thought for you, but still.
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:09 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
[But why would anybody want to sit down and "invent" Jesus and Christianity what would be their motive?/quote]

To explain the unknown? Half of christianity is just copied from other religions that existed prior. Humans have always invented deities to explain what we don't understand. As our knowledge grows, religion shrinks.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:18 pm
not the least of which was as a means for "priests" to control the population.

Somebody has to.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:45 pm
JimmyJ wrote:

My...you are all worked up. Have I gotten to you that much in the short time we've had to work together, Jimmy? We've got so much more to do...so try to get a grip on it.

Many "textbooks" do not use "lack of belief" as a definition of "atheism"...and if you are suggesting there are no atheist who "believe" there are no gods...I can introduce you to some right here in A2K.

You'd like to think I'm worked up lol. I debate idiots like you frequently. This is not new for me.

There are no atheists who "believe" there are no gods because atheism itself is a lack of belief. Again, bald is not a hair color.

Now you are saying there are no atheists who believe there are no gods.

Is there no end to what you will say in order to cause me to laugh out loud?

Jimmy...get a grip on it, young man. You are losing it.

Why, by the way, are you saying that atheism is only a lack of belief?

Jimmy...there is nothing ridiculous about any "claims" that I make.

But if it calms you down a bit to "believe" that there is...please continue to delude yourself. It is interesting (and a bit entertaining) to watch.

It's pretty obvious that most of what you say is ridiculous. It's not my problem that you can't accept it and change your ways. Most people like you are too far gone to be saved.

Nice try. But really way short.

I am not saying anything that is ridiculous. But you have started to come very close to doing so yourself.

Ahhh...so you are acknowledging that some do. Big improvement. Keep it up.

And you do guess!

I do not guess.

Yeah...you really do.

Wow...you really do have trouble presenting logically coherent arguments, Jimmy.

For the record...a guess can be in exactly the opposite direction. Some atheists, for instance, GUESS that there are no gods.

No, the illogical argument is, "you can't prove the negative and therefore it's a possibility." I'll give you a hint, that's YOUR standpoint.

This is mangled and I cannot make sense of it. I am not sure what you are trying to say that I said. Re-write it coherently if you want me to comment.

And no, atheists do not "guess" that there are no gods.

Oh, but many of them do.

Ah, Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. You have got to control yourself...and stop making yourself look like an out-of-control. That makes you look ridiculous.

Not sure where you get this strange idea that I am (or pretend to be) "neutral on all subjects"...but you couldn't be more wrong. When I do not know something, I have the spine and the sense of ethics to acknowledge that I do not know it. That is not being neutral on all subjects. Keep on growing...and some day you might achieve that ability also.

Hey, this is fun. We have got to keep talking. You really are an enjoyable debate companion.

It has nothing to do with not knowing things. It has to do with acknowledging ridiculous claims just because you can't go out and prove that they AREN'T true. The burden of proof falls on the one who asserts that something is true. Not the one who asserts that it is not. This is taught in any English 101 level'd class and also in many beginner philosophy classes.

Well...you asserted that it is true that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there are. So, although I seldom actually ask for proof (I prefer evidence)...what is your proof that it is more likely?

You should look into taking some. I know you're a little older and going back to school is probably a scary thought for you, but still.

Not at all...but it is much more fun here listening to your do what you are doing. So I'll stick here.

Thanks for sticking with me. I won't forget this kindness.
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 02:49 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Now you are saying there are no atheists who believe there are no gods.

Is there no end to what you will say in order to cause me to laugh out loud?

Jimmy...get a grip on it, young man. You are losing it.

Why, by the way, are you saying that atheism is only a lack of belief?

Atheists don't "believe" anything. That's the point. Why you can't understand this is beyond me. Does it have to do with your age?

And I'm saying that because that's the definition of atheism.

Nice try. But really way short.

I am not saying anything that is ridiculous. But you have started to come very close to doing so yourself.

Obviously a lot of people disagree with you. Most of your view-points are borderline ridiculous.

Yeah...you really do.

I do not.

Oh, but many of them do.

They do not.

Well...you asserted that it is true that it is more likely that there are no gods than that there are. So, although I seldom actually ask for proof (I prefer evidence)...what is your proof that it is more likely?

Again, I have already given this in a previous post which you chose to ignore.

Not at all...but it is much more fun here listening to your do what you are doing. So I'll stick here.

Thanks for sticking with me. I won't forget this kindness.

No really. I insist you try to get back into the game a bit here.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 03:02 pm
JimmyJ wrote:

Now you are saying there are no atheists who believe there are no gods.

Is there no end to what you will say in order to cause me to laugh out loud?

Jimmy...get a grip on it, young man. You are losing it.

Why, by the way, are you saying that atheism is only a lack of belief?

Atheists don't "believe" anything. That's the point. Why you can't understand this is beyond me. Does it have to do with your age?

And I'm saying that because that's the definition of atheism.

Really. You are sure of that?

Here are just a few definitions I found in a few minute search:

Macmillan Dictionary: " someone who believes that God does not exist"

Merriam Webster: (first two entries): " a person who believes that God does not exist"...

..." one who believes that there is no deity"

American Heritage Dictionary: " One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods."

I guess some of the dictionaries do not agree with you. Wink


Nice try. But really way short.

I am not saying anything that is ridiculous. But you have started to come very close to doing so yourself.

Obviously a lot of people disagree with you. Most of your view-points are borderline ridiculous.

Jeez, I don't think so. But thank you for sharing that you do think so. I'll take it into consideration.

Oh, but many of them do.

They do not.

Yeah, they do.

Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 03:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Really. You are sure of that?

Here are just a few definitions I found in a few minute search:

Macmillan Dictionary: " someone who believes that God does not exist"

Merriam Webster: (first two entries): " a person who believes that God does not exist"...

..." one who believes that there is no deity"

American Heritage Dictionary: " One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods."

I guess some of the dictionaries do not agree with you.

You lied about the Merriam webster definition. I just googled it and it says "a disbelief"... Also, you can type in "atheism definition" on google and the first thing that comes up for the google definition says, and I quote, "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."

Going to admit you're wrong on that one or just pretend I didn't say anything??

Yeah, they do.

They do not.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2013 03:13 pm
JimmyJ wrote:

Really. You are sure of that?

Here are just a few definitions I found in a few minute search:

Macmillan Dictionary: " someone who believes that God does not exist"

Merriam Webster: (first two entries): " a person who believes that God does not exist"...

..." one who believes that there is no deity"

American Heritage Dictionary: " One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods."

I guess some of the dictionaries do not agree with you.

You lied about the Merriam webster definition. I just googled it and it says "a disbelief"... Also, you can type in "atheism definition" on google and the first thing that comes up for the google definition says, and I quote, "disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods."

Calm down, Jimmy, you are going to throw a rod.

I did not lie.

Here is a link to the Merriam Webster definition of atheist:


The first two entries were exactly what I said.

Going to admit you're wrong on that one or just pretend I didn't say anything??

Take a look at the link...and let me see you acknowledge you were wrong.

Yeah, they do.

They do not.

Yeah...they do.

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