@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:Religious motivation has none of what can be determined as 'common sense,' because it relies on faith and nothing else!
RE: the beliefs
Even science is based on beliefs - this is not the world. It is our knowledge about the world, our understanding, which actually is a representation based on personal beliefs. The fact that science is based on beliefs of first order (result of personal experience, observations & conclusions) and the religion is based on beliefs of second order (result of trusting on external beliefs) does not change the very circumstance that it is beliefs in essence ... only beliefs and nothing else.
RE: the 'common sense'
This is not true (that "Religious motivation has none of what can be determined as 'common sense,' ") for most of the extended interpretations of the religious beliefs are based on logic - logical inferences and logical assumptions, etc.
The problem that it is full of misinterpretations and cross-cultural misunderstandings does not necessarily mean that all the logic that it uses is fake. The method of assigning beliefs on external experience is also based on logic and comprises logic by itself. If you don't trust this method you will never assign belief to any messages on the mass media and would trust only things of immediate personal experience (which BTW is also disputable in terms of trustworthiness).
Can you guarantee that there are no scientific conclusions based on fake logic and fake assumptions (like the theory of the Big Bang ... for example)?