Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 04:26 pm

You may claim that there is nothing stochastic if you can arrange the puzzle of the "intermediate" fossils of the major animal groups; Tiktaliik rosacea; fish, full amphibians; 'fish-pot'; "descent trees " of organisms (protists, plants, and animals) ... and prove that this 'ecosystem' is able to reduce the CO2 of the air from 7000 ppm to 185 ppm.
You can design the biosphere with and without the Punctuated Equilibrium, if you wish.

I have no idea what you are even trying to promote here.

YOU are the one whose "beliefes hve been made public". Ive gone waaay farther with real scientific evidence and Ive not red a scintilla of anything from you other than your own bumper sticker relting to CO2. If you've got any information, present it, otherwise your just being like Frank Apisa with his
If there aint any(..............add favorite mystery guest here.........).then there aint any (............add favorite mystery phenomenon here..............).

I guess Im trying to give you the benefit of the oubt that you even know what the hell your talking about? DO YOU?

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 04:31 pm
DNA by natural phenom isn't difficult. (Id advise Herald and Frank to read more and bitch less)

The clouds around Novae in space give us spectral radiation returns for at least 3 of the 5 nucleics in DNA/RNA.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 04:33 pm
Why don't you guys go over and bug the Atheists thread. Im getting really annoyed with feeding Apisa like he's making any sense, because he isn't.
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 04:33 pm
Why don't you guys go over and bug the Atheists thread. Im getting really annoyed with feeding Apisa like he's making any sense, because he isn't.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 05:08 pm
maxdancona wrote:

I don't understand exactly what you are trying to say, and it doesn't seem that you are responding to my points so maybe there is balance.

It seems that word "GOD" in all of your posts can be replaced with the word "SOMETHING". And, of course you are correct.

You don't seem to be saying anything more than this. If that is the case, then I agree that there is a distinct possibility that "SOMETHING" exists. If you want to continue this conversation more, then you need to start defining the term "GOD" in better terms. If I can be GOD, then anything can. I may have even eaten GOD for breakfast. It doesn't mean anything.

Same with the word intelligence. I define intelligence by comparing it with the human brain. By my definition, something that is intelligent will approximate the behavior of a human brain given the same inputs. Do you mean something different than this?

If any process that happens (having nothing to do with the electro-chemical processes in the brain) can be considered "intelligent" then I really can't answer the question.

Mostly, those two opposed absurdities arise from the fact that neither of you know whether there is intelligent design at work or not

When I hear the tern "intelligent design", it has a clear meaning to me based on my understanding of the religious and cultural ideas that "intelligent design" comes from. This makes it possible for me and Herald to have a discussion because we understand and agree on the meaning of the term. Clearly the Intelligent Designer in mind is the Judeo-Christian God with all of its power and personal foibels. The Judeo-Christian God is clearly "intelligent" in the human sense and not only acts with an anthropomorphic purpose, but also feels jealousy, happiness and rage and is motivated by desire.

When you say that "you don't know whether there is an intelligent design", what do you mean by "intelligent design"? Do you include the possibility that the Judeo-Christian God exists as the Bible states?

It seems like you are saying that "Something may have caused something". It is awfully difficult to argue with that.

If you feel comfortable degrading what I wrote to being nothing more than, "Something may have caused something"...be by guest, Max.

Herald does not even know if there is a GOD...so he cannot know that "where we are now" is the result of intelligent design. His arguments that the probability is too great against an evolutionary pattern are absurd.

He does not realize that his arguments on this issue are absurd.

But your arguments in refutation are absurd also, Max, whether you realize it or not.

Stick with mocking what I said. Anyone really listening with an open mind already gets the point I was making. Anyone who still doesn't...probably never will, because their blindness is selective and elective.
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 05:15 pm
@Frank Apisa,
If you feel comfortable degrading what I wrote to being nothing more than, "Something may have caused something"...be by guest, Max.

I don't at all feel comfortable degrading what you say. That is why I keep on asking you, even prodding you, to define your terms better. I am not mocking you, and I certainly am trying my best to have an open mind. I assure you that my blindness is neither selective nor elective.

All I am asking of you is to please define your terms better. I think it is reasonable to ask for a definition of "intelligent design" that both of us can accept before we attempt to discuss whether "intelligent design" is a possibility.

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 06:09 pm
Intelligent design, max, is a thought process which postulates that some entity, unspecified, after one presumes some consideration, and with either the sort of malice aforethought which enjoys watching cats on hot tin roofs or the utopian hope that it would eventually come good, set it in train.

So it is a question of temperament and opponents maintain that nothing set it going beyond an infinite quantity of energy finding an infinitesimal volume intolerable and that nothing means anything and anything means nothing. In which case the free indulgence of the carnal urges is not only entirely justified but indicated in the nature of the case.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 06:57 pm
My point is this, Frank. If we are going to have any kind of rational discussion about whether there is a god or not, or even if there might be a god or not, then we have to have some kind of understanding about what the word "god" means.

If the word "god" can mean some sort of pattern of existence, or a certain mathematical "truth" that encompasses the possibilities of what can or can't be, then sure. This is a lot different than a being who imitates the neurochemical processes in the human brain we experience as jealousy and love and anger and spite.

When I am discussing with Harald, at least I know what he has in mind when he says the word "God". With you, it is very difficult to respond to your argument because it seems the word "god" could mean anything from a anthropomorphic being to mathematical concept to a grape jelly bean.

(Incidentally I find the idea that a grape jelly bean set the Big Bang in motion ultimately leading to this discussion to be quite intriguing and impossible to refute).

Max, I understand you position and your considerations. I was annoyed with your dismissal of what I had to say…and I was more negative than necessary in my response.

But the basics of what I said matter in these kinds of discussions.

Here, we are not actually discussing the existence of any gods. (I agree with you that Herald seems to be thinking of a god like that pitiful creature from the Bible.)

But, there is still the possibility that a GOD exists. You, Max, may be that GOD. You don’t really know that anything out here actually exists…except for yourself and what you call “your thoughts and perceptions.”

You…as the GOD…MAY HAVE set all this in motion as a way of entertaining yourself…and are allowing all parts of it (the “discoveries” and such)…to unfold in an order that is essentially random.

What is happening…what has happened…what will happen…may all be the result of intelligent design way beyond anything you can even imagine…and the “intelligent design” part was to keep it all hidden from yourself. I makes the puzzle more fun.

Herald is full of soup. You can read what he is writing and easily see that. It is more difficult to see your own nonsense. It is absurd for him to argue that he can logically show that “all of this” has to be the result of intelligent design…BUT IT IS EQUALLY absurd for you to argue that it is not.

Mostly, those two opposed absurdities arise from the fact that neither of you know whether there is intelligent design at work or not. You are each making wild, blind, guesses about the REALITY.

I could go on, but I’ll wait for a response to this so far.

maxdancona wrote:

If you feel comfortable degrading what I wrote to being nothing more than, "Something may have caused something"...be by guest, Max.

I don't at all feel comfortable degrading what you say. That is why I keep on asking you, even prodding you, to define your terms better. I am not mocking you, and I certainly am trying my best to have an open mind. I assure you that my blindness is neither selective nor elective.

All I am asking of you is to please define your terms better. I think it is reasonable to ask for a definition of "intelligent design" that both of us can accept before we attempt to discuss whether "intelligent design" is a possibility.

If there is a creator GOD...whatever that GOD did to set the universe outside of itself into being...is what I mean by intelligent design.

Existence itself is a very interesting and intriguing thing, Max...and utterly beyond my comprehension. I react viscerally negative to any attempts to trivialize or simplify "existence" or any component of it.

If someone suggests that "x" has to be a part of it...or that "x" cannot be a part of it...I turn off. There is absolutely no way that I can accept that anyone in this forum can say...other than as a blind guess...anything of that sort about existence.

Herald is saying that existence and its components are too complex and complicated to rationally be conceived of as having “happened by accident.” He guesses there is a GOD…and that the GOD set things in motion. That “setting in motion” seems to be his idea of “intelligent design.” This differs appreciably from the people who are using Intelligent Design as a disguise for Creationism…although for atheists it has the same sour taste.

You (and others like you) suggest that any notion of intelligent design is to be discarded out-of-hand. That is because, whether you acknowledge it as strong atheists or pretend otherwise as weak atheists, you guess that there are no gods. Because of that intelligent design or Intelligent Design of any stripe has to be discarded.

I am saying that we do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence…and any blind guesses made about it should be treated as just that…blind guesses.

I do not know how to make my position clearer. Ask a specific question on what I have said here, but I don’t think it will be much clearer.

I am saying that you are making no more sense in opposing what Herald is peddling using the reasoning you are using…than Herald is making using his reasoning.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 11:26 pm
maxdancona wrote:
How is it ridiculous?

Without any problems.
You don't have, for example a single piece of valid and non-valid evidence that the mutations in the inorganic chemical compounds can cause amino acids. We are not talking about DNA yet.

further wrote:
The Biblical alternative is an omniscient space alien speaking DNA into existence. That sounds far more ridiculous to me.

It may siund to you 'far more', but the calculations of the probability show that it is less more ridiculous. Anyway.
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 11:38 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
The sentence is ridiculous on its face.

F, what does 'ridiculous sentence' mean. The claim may be ridiculous, the statement there may be ridiculous, but the sentence cannot be ridiculous, for such claim remains undefined as semantics, for we don't know what does ridiculous sentence mean (is it with distorted letters, with colorful commas or what?).
If you claim that something is inept and absurd (the interpretation of funny I do not engage here to comment) you should present some compelling evidences in support of this.
How many amino acids have you seen self-emerging from inorganic substances ... by accidental events?
Showing at least one would be a mind-blowing discovery in a dozen of sciences?
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 04:30 am

You don't have, for example a single piece of valid and non-valid evidence that the mutations in the inorganic chemical compounds can cause amino acids. We are not talking about DNA yet.
Your bases of knowledge seem to be without any technical information. I suggest you look up and read about




formation of these basic chemicals goes on all over the galxy. It actually is part of the exhaust gases of a diesel truck.IS MY DIESEL TRUCK A GOD?
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 04:32 am
It may siund to you 'far more', but the calculations of the probability show that it is less more ridiculous. Anyway.

So this is where your stochastic processes infatuation comes from, this is uncomfortable sounding like the bullshit from the Discovery Institute
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 04:37 am
formation of these basic chemicals goes on all over the galxy. It actually is part of the exhaust gases of a diesel truck.IS MY DIESEL TRUCK A GOD?

No. It burns organic substances.
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 04:40 am
SO what? the partitioning of carbon into organixc compounds is a natural earth reaction. Carbon isn't exactly a "rare" element in the universe you know.

Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 04:55 am

I thought you lived in missionary territory fm.

It's a bit early in the day isn't it. Can't you doze in bed?
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 05:13 am

I thought you lived in missionary territory fm.

yeh but you dont
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 07:01 am
Never mind all this **** fm. What's your opinion on my definition of ID which I am slightly disappointed, though not surprised, that you have allowed to pass you by?

I don't offer anything that I am unwilling to be corrected on.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 07:21 am
Herald wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
The sentence is ridiculous on its face.

F, what does 'ridiculous sentence' mean. The claim may be ridiculous, the statement there may be ridiculous, but the sentence cannot be ridiculous, for such claim remains undefined as semantics, for we don't know what does ridiculous sentence mean (is it with distorted letters, with colorful commas or what?).
If you claim that something is inept and absurd (the interpretation of funny I do not engage here to comment) you should present some compelling evidences in support of this.
How many amino acids have you seen self-emerging from inorganic substances ... by accidental events?
Showing at least one would be a mind-blowing discovery in a dozen of sciences?

That paragraph is ridiculous.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 07:22 am
farmerman wrote:

Why don't you guys go over and bug the Atheists thread. Im getting really annoyed with feeding Apisa like he's making any sense, because he isn't.

I make sense, Farmerman...and THAT is what is annoying you about my postings.
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 07:48 am
Do you know what the phrase "inorganic chemical compounds" means? Your use of the phrase in this post doesn't make sense.


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