Quehoniaomath wrote: for starters, the evoultion THEORY is one big hoax!
1. By definition 'Theory is a group of ideas ...'
What are the fundamental ideas standing behind the Big Bang - that an explosion can create 3D space out of 0D 'gravitational continuum'; that the gravitation not only can exist in the 0D space, but it can appear before the elementary particles come into existence; that the elementary particles ... and the chemical elements can 'auto-create' themselves from each other by stochastic processes without any information code and any control processes and mechanics; that stochastics can exist in violation to the math laws of probabilistic distribution, for example; that a theory can exist and be above the laws - in absolute contradiction with the laws of physics, laws of math and the principles of math logic, etc.
2. '... meant to explain a certain topic, ... '
... such as the 'observation' that science is smarter than religion in any case scenario.
3. '... or collection of fact(s), event(s), or phenomen(a).'
... like for example how can our Universe be created on the assumption of no collection of facts, events or phenomena.
4. 'Typically, a theory is developed through the use of contemplative and rational forms of abstract and generalized thinking.'
The abstract and generalised thinking standing behind the Big Bang is that any contemplation can be used for pseudo-scientific explanations no matter that it might be a collection of pieces of contemplation in space and time ... with finally lost information (in the black holes) and with information appearing out of nothing and out of nowhere (like for example the appearance of the biocode,)
5. 'a theory is often based on general principles that are independent of the thing being explained.'
... and the general principles of the Big Bang 'theory' are:
- Notwithstanding that the Big Bang is currently 'creating' the edge of the Universe and the center of the Universe has been created 13.8 Bya (as the theory claims) all the parts of the Universe are at one and the same age.
- By reason unknown the Earth is into the center of the universe or the center of the Universe can be everywhere ... including along the edges (for the red shift is equal in all directions seen from Earth, but it can be equal in all direction seen from the edge).
- The red shift in the light spectrum cannot be some property of light (and of the particles) not studied yet, but it is exactly the creation of space by an explosion, only creation and nothing else.
- The explosive-creation abilities of the Big Bang can be used not only to create 3D space out of 0D, but also 9D out of 3D ... up to 11D space, where (by reason unknown) the thus created spaces in the math equations start collapsing ... like a tower of cards.
6. 'Depending on the context, the results might for example include generalized explanations of how nature works.'
The Big Bang cannot explain how Nature works, but this does not impede it from self-proclaiming as the father of all mothers of the things ... without any problems.