Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 04:33 am
I don't think I've EVER used the word ''Something" in a text message. It seems so uneconomical when Id be in a hurry.

I don't have "conversations" in text messages , just responses , facts, or calendar updates.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:53 am
BTW the genesis of life is the calibration of the theory of evolution. Without such calibration at 'point zero' your theory of evolution with no beginning starts outperforming your theories for measuring age without fixing and validating the initial points ... and the range.

Utter nonsense. That would be like arguing we can't write computer code without knowing where the elements that make up computer chips that run that code came from originally. We don't know for sure if the big bang happened or not but that doesn't prevent us from writing code or making chips.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 07:13 am
"Assumptions" and fixed scientific laws govern all of discovery based sciences.

I think you will find, fm, that science today is so complicated and demands such an enormous apparatus that only the State can pay for it which means that the disinterested search for knowledge is inhibited by the necessity of providing results which justify the investments.

It is also the case that a huge support staff is necessary who are conceited enough to style themselves "scientists" whereas, as Professor Lancelot Hogben FRS has pointed out, they are no more than fellow travellers, careerists, opportunists and civil-service minded authoritarians. He went so far as to assert that non-commercial benevolent institutions such as the Nuffield Foundation is as high-handed in its treatment of scientists as a Treasury-controlled Government department.

He styled himself a scientific humanist.

What actually governs the discovery based sciences is business and it is misleading of you to trick your fans into believing otherwise. You must think their brains are rusted fast which I see as your basic theme.

You admitted that you are only in it for the money. Which is fair enough but don't try to wrap the cloak of the idealistic, disinterested search for knowledge around yourself. Prof. Hogben said that pure mathematics is the only free field of science left which is going further than Spengler's short list which allowed physics and theology to be included.

The rest is technology. Not science. And politically motivated.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 07:32 am
I have seen "s,th" in 18th and 19th century letters and other similar abbreviations. Harriet Martineau used them regularly. I have seen many examples. Darwin used "w^d" with the d in a raised position like a number power.

Setanta is, once again, attempting to parlez gross ignorance into wisdom.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 07:47 am

The obsession with tying the origins of life to evolution that one sees in creationist is understandable. The concepts of a deistic creation and evolution through natural selection are not mutually exclusive. For creationists who want to appeal to the broadest base of theists out there, it's best to avoid theological dispute, and focus on the origin of self-replicating life forms rather than the evolutionary process. That's what they consider their silver bullet. I've seen it with every creationist bumpkin who has come along here ranting against evolution--that they bring up life origins, ignoring that evolution can't take place until life arises, and is therefore not concerned with origins--and that's been true from "real life" right through to Herald here. His claim about "calibration point" is hilarious--a feeble attempt to insist that the origin of self-replicating life is inextricably tied to a critique of evolution as a theory. It's the desperation of the creationist who is fighting in the last ditch.

That reads to me like the desperation of a numbskull flopping randomly from bog to marsh to ditch in an attempt to discredit those who consider certain types of sexual activity disreputable and dysfunctional. The disrepute being derived from the dysfunction and entirely pragmatic having no other explanation. As with the disrepute associated with price-gouging and public coition and taking the dog for a **** on public land.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 11:31 am
farmerman wrote:
I cannot assemble a new operating system for my new computer.

Why don't you leave it in a pond - it may 'catch' somehow some operation system there ... according to your theory.
FM, the fact that you don't know where does the bio-code come from is not so critically fatal, for much more fatal is that you don't understand what does that question actually mean.

farmerman wrote:
COuld there be some sort of vast neural web that is transmitting into my Linux and I am benefitting from this apparent growth mechanism?

1. It is not 'neural web' but 'neural network'
2. The linux development network is not 'neural network' but rather a network of IPv6 tunnels over UDP through NATs connecting the research and development nodes of the development centers.
3. The question was not this - whether you can assemble linux from scratch by compiling open source packages and integrate this into an OS.

The question was: without having any (open source) code, without having a priori any knowledge and know how about the hardware or physical platform ... and without having any intelligence (any knowledge in software engineering in this case) can you design, by sitting in the pond, a brand new OS for a brand new machine - quantum software solution for using some quantum system for computational purposes, for example?
For your theory claims that exactly this has happened ... gradually with the time some green algae and cyanobacteria appeared in the pond (out of nowehere, by no reason and out of nothing) ... not to say that you don't even know how has the pond looked like by that time - Ph of the medium, temperature, depth, salinity, radiation background, composition of the atmosphere above the water, speed of the winds, etc.

farmerman wrote:
We have no idea WHEN the whole family of Ribonucleic acids first appeared on te planet.

... neither when, nor why (as reason), nor why (as purpose) ... not even how
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 11:35 am
LOL... When you start arguing against sarcastic comments, you've lost Herald.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 02:53 pm
neither when , nor why, nor how

I think your ignorance of chemical reactions (without God directing them, ) shows that you are a real dyed in the wool Creationist. Its usual for you to settle upon a argument and then blather on with irrelevancies. As parados correctly stated, you are getting pathetic now.
The chemistry of the "quiet little pond" incolves so many things that apparently you are unaware . Polymerization, REDOX, surface reaction, covalent bonding, neutralization, Peptide linkage etc etc. These are reactions and phenom that occur daily ALL OVER THE PLANET is streams, volcanic vents, boiling springs, caves, etc etc.
Also, science has discovered , on its way to synthesizing DNA (which has been done HERALD), we have the little informational reactions of stuff like Hexitol, threose, or arabinose. Heres an article from a 2 year old Popular Mechanics. (Ida thought your church attack groups could have heard about it and Dr "Dino" is preparing aresponse at the "Creation Museum Research Center" (Im kidding)
(Id put the article from NATURE but I think youd be flummoxed and would draw ESL conclusions from stuff that was written.

scientists have shown that at least six other types of sugars can form nucleic acid backbones—and they can be used to store and retrieve genetic information. The researchers built DNA molecules from scratch, but replaced the deoxyribose with six other kinds of sugar, including hexitol, threose, and arabinose. The six types of synthetic genetic chains are called XNAs, or xeno-nucleic acids ("xeno" is Greek for "foreign"). And because XNA shows the possibility of heredity—passing down their genetic information—the researchers say these molecules not only could address fascinating questions about the origin of life, but also could open up the possibility of another kind of life based not originally on DNA and RNA.

Jack Szostak, a geneticist and Nobel laureate at Harvard University, tells PM in an email that the work "is very interesting with respect to the origin of life—in principle, many different polymers could serve the roles of RNA and DNA in living organisms. Why then does modern biology use only RNA and DNA?"

How to Make Synthetic DNA

This isn’t the first time that geneticists have cooked up synthetic nucleic acids in a lab. Some scientists had previously created DNA with new kinds of base pairs beyond the A-T and C-G connections in DNA, and others had already created XNAs that incorporate foreign sugars. John Chaput, a molecular biologist at Arizona State University and an author on the new study in Science, says this work asks a new question: "How can you perform Darwinian evolution on something other than DNA or RNA? Lots of DNA and RNA molecules have been evolved in the laboratory, but going the next step and doing it on other molecules has been very challenging. This is one of the first examples of that."

To prove that XNAs could evolve, the researchers first had to create a new kind of enzyme to build the XNAs. Although it’s possible to manufacture XNAs by machine, the resulting nucleic acids are short chains that have limited functionality and evolvability. So instead of using the machinated approach, the researchers took thousands of DNA-building enzymes and evolved them into XNA-building enzymes.

That required taking thousands of enzymes and mixing them together with XNA building blocks, as well as DNA strands that served as templates for the scaffolding on which to build XNA molecules. If an enzyme turned out to be good at building XNA strands, it was captured using a filtering process and amplified it for the next round of testing; enzymes that were bad at making XNA were washed away. Over many rounds of filtering, the enzyme population evolved to become more adroit at building XNAs—in fact, they could produce polymers XNA chains that lasted were five times longer than machine-made XNAs.

"They took enzymes that already existed, and evolved mutants of them that are better at making XNAs," says Floyd Romesberg, a chemist at the Scripps Research Institute, who called the technique "impressive."

Next, the researchers tried to evolve the XNAs themselves. To do so, they used a similar filtering technique. In this case, the scientists selected for XNAs that could bind to a specific protein; XNAs that did not bind to the proteins were washed away. Those that did bind were transcribed back into DNA so that they could be replicated. After replication, the team transcribed the copies back into XNA. In this way, the XNAs that had evolved to bind the protein were able to pass on that talent to a new generation of XNAs.

Basically (if you need to understand it more clearly) The OS is the "reaction cores" of specific compounds and elements. Jut s evolution is adaptation, time , and a little LUCK. These reactions (in various natural environments) occur rather frequently. The sugar bases are nt unique but give us clues to "chain" of reactions over time when our present RNA/DNA was only a thing of the dim future.
Noone knows when RNA/ or DNA ultimately complexed itself. I imagine that it was crafted within an already living CELL WALL, that had evolved a mitochondrial node.

Your computer argument is bogus. Life came along more as a developmet of HOW values are tabulated in living structures (This involves molecular structures, crystallography, and REDOX reaction and polymer chains, among other things)
Nature doesn't know its doing the math, it just uses the basic tools that atoms give it (Like the valence state and the covalent state of elements like CARBON).
Aliphatic compounds can be turned into waxes and esters and so many things just by having them in the presence of reducing or oxidizing environments.

Not knowing WHEN something occurred isn't giving up to a bogus claim that we don't have any ideas WHY or HOW. Your full of it.

Maybe it took 2 + Billion years to derive a really expansive genetic transferal mechanism like RNA , but that doesn't mean that life wasn't present.
Evidence of life abounds in the fossil record (YOU cannot deny that).WHat science is doing is trying to understand now is its possible genetic transfer and how many false starts may have occurred . (SO far the fossil record identified at least two possible false starts of prokaryotes in certain portions of the Australian SHield and Greenland Shield). Such discoveries cry loudly about the ultimate inevitability of life. NOT, as you want us to believe, that its a miraculous occurrence of the handiwork of a Deity on the "Goldilocks Planet".

Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:07 pm
The chemistry of the "quiet little pond" incolves so many things that apparently you are unaware . Polymerization, REDOX, surface reaction, covalent bonding, neutralization, Peptide linkage etc etc.

Hey fm--it is irreducibly complex what goes on. The caricature labels you use are for processes that are also irreducibly complex. A version of the flagella/ foot pump science.

I suppose you knowing these labels will impress your fan base but most of it, perhaps all of it, think that a chemical bond is a short line on a blackboard connecting two chalk circles. Which are not proper circles.

These are reactions and phenom that occur daily ALL OVER THE PLANET is streams, volcanic vents, boiling springs, caves, etc etc.

Hence you feeling the need to communicate that banality to them. As if it might not be happening. Although that is possible, maybe, in a sealed flask of distilled water in sterile conditions in a lab. It is happening in every raindrop as it falls from the heavens.

Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:11 pm
not much of a scientist if you think REDOX is "irreducibly complex". Its as irreducibly complex as is combustion, or rust. REMEMBER, yo the Creationists and IDiots, Irreducibly Complex means that you cant understand it from its hazy getgo. It disappears into incomprehensible complexity. Now what kind of chemist were you? a sorcerer?

Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:15 pm
They are too I'm afraid. You brought up the last ditch.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:19 pm
Irreducibly Complex means that you cant understand it from its hazy getgo.

That's about right. The old Greeks knew that much.
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 05:22 pm
now what part of REDOX or hlf-cell kinetics do you claim to be Irreducibly complex? How about Henry's LAw or zeta potential?, how about adsorption /retardation kinetics, polymerization, esterification?
All these beyond you?
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 09:20 pm
farmerman wrote:
I think your ignorance of chemical reactions (without God directing them) ...

You are 'thinking'. How does that happen as pure chemistry without intelligence? ... and besides that the biocode specifying the development of any bio-creature is so much chemistry as you are a set of cells.

farmerman wrote:
... shows that you are a real dyed in the wool Creationist.

Your personal emotions and personal mis-judgements do not add any logic, or any serious justification to the statement (if your pleading in benefit of the casino operation of the things could be called statements at all).
You are great in chemistry, aren't you. Why don't you explain us with some details, how exactly the nature has arranged the chemical elements - out of the zero-D space of the big bang- by completing them.
Neither your theory of evolution just happening is complete, nor the logic standing behind it.
A theory is complete if it is a maximal consistent set of statements. If you have unexplained things - it is not maximal. If you have contradictions (like for example how can you 'obtain' bio-code without having the information source) - it is not consistent. In other words it is simply inconsistent.
The bio-code may be everything else but chemistry ... not to mention that you are not even aware of how the chemistry works. Why some water is better than another water ... for the purposes of life, for example?
Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 10:37 pm

You are 'thinking'. How does that happen as pure chemistry without intelligence? ... and besides that the biocode specifying the development of any bio-creature is so much chemistry as you are a set of cells.
Explain what Chemistry WITH intelligence is all about? As far as your use of "biocode" is a neologism, for what are cells but chemicals in action?

the zero-D space of the big bang-
you must specify what youre talking about. Im familiar with"d" spacing of crystallography. What are you talking about?

you are not even aware of how the chemistry works. Why some water is better than another water ...
As Mr Hammer once said"Im all ears", please enlighten me.

I hope that anyone , even Herald, has spent time watching the PBS series "Your Inner Fish". I suppose those in other countries will have to wait a few weeks till its picked up. Its an excellent 3 part series on the dynamics of evolution seen from a paleoanatomists point of view. Neil SHubin visits famous fossil locales and places of great relevant discoveries and then goes to the genetics lab and we see some of the experiments that prove out these discoveries.
For example. The genes that control the size and use of an embryo egg sac for several classes of animals are reviewed, It appears that, human embryos have a vestigial egg sac that is there as a "reminder" (not really its just my term) of its original use by egg laying vertebrates. The genes of a humans egg sac are there, just like those of a chicken or fish, or reptile, Its just that our genes are "Turned off" . Yet they remain in the genome like a fossil egg sac reminder.
Also discussed were EDAr genes (the Ectodysplasin receptor) genes that control ALL skin features including ears and hair/scales/feathers. Same gene in many classes of animals but with many different expressions.

VERY COOL show that doesn't talk down to anyone , nor does it get pompous sounding like SImon Shama talking about "Pre Raphealite" artists. Shubin is a breath of fresh air s a pALEONTOLOGIST. He doesnt come off as a total conehead academic but neither does he come off like a mad idiot like Bob Bakker.
Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 07:35 am
You are great in chemistry, aren't you. Why don't you explain us with some details, how exactly the nature has arranged the chemical elements - out of the zero-D space of the big bang- by completing them.

So your argument is what? That since you can't explain it then you feel you can explain it?

Neither your theory of evolution just happening is complete, nor the logic standing behind it.
It may not be complete but it is more complete than any other explanation. It is certainly more complete then your attempts.

A theory is complete if it is a maximal consistent set of statements. If you have unexplained things - it is not maximal. If you have contradictions (like for example how can you 'obtain' bio-code without having the information source) - it is not consistent. In other words it is simply inconsistent.
This is where you get into complete nonsense. We don't know for sure if the big bang happened so using your argument we can't theorize anything about the universe. You have proposed a standard where your own arguments are contradictory to themselves.
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Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 11:00 am
now what part of REDOX or hlf-cell kinetics do you claim to be Irreducibly complex? How about Henry's LAw or zeta potential?, how about adsorption /retardation kinetics, polymerization, esterification?
All these beyond you?

In the last analysis yes. They are beyond you as well.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 11:23 am
farmerman wrote:
As far as your use of "biocode" is a neologism, for what are cells but chemicals in action?

Can you name a chemical element or a chemical compount with the properties of building or developing s.th.
This 'chemicals in action' - the biocode - determines what to dovelop from it, how and when ... and how it will reproduce to replicate the biocode for the next generations. If you cannot understand this and what the question is, what am I supposed to do?
Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 12:30 pm
yeh, proteins, loooong chain aliphatics, and hugely complex organo metallic and organic polymers.

"When the only tool you possess is a hammer, you see all the worlds problems as a nail"
(That fist you like a glove).

Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 12:57 pm
And when your tools cost a fortune you see all the world's problems as status symbols which are invidious in the nature of things.

And when such things are felt necessary the motivation of application is increased proportionally and can be paraded as innate superiority despite such psychologically derived application being contrary to evolution's law of conservation of energy.

Darwin denigrated the "idle Earl" with some fervour.

The swot becomes leader.


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