Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 01:01 pm
my we are on fire today. Bad sherry?

Instruments are only developed as they are needed , thus giving us a bigger bag of tricks to subtend the problem. That's totally counter to Heralds approach. He is asking that ALL aspects of science be first understandable to him, without he putting in any effort.
Cheap tricks no?
Reply Thu 17 Apr, 2014 01:14 pm
Instruments are only developed as they are needed

Bollocks. Design at billion dollar instrument and you buggers will do what it tells you because it is a billion dollar instrument.

And you will break the Treasury long before you get anywhere near actuality.

I have seen them with the latest thing in new instrumentation. Many times. It is an aspect of the NSA's excursion into unconstitutional territory.
Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 04:34 am
farmerman wrote:
... yeh, proteins

Proteins are not chemistry.
1. Macromolecules made of amino acid residues - this is called biochemistry and is a sub-division of biology.
2. Proteins perform vast array of functions - like catalyzing metabolic reactions, replicating DNA, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another
Can you name any chemical element that has some of these functions?
3. The arrangement of the amino-acid residues is 'preset' in the nucleotide sequence of their genes.
I don't know how it sounds to you, but 'preset' sounds like programmed in advance (just don't ask me by whom, when, how and why).
Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 07:06 am
Proteins are not chemistry.

Check please.
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Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 07:07 am
Proteins are not chemistry.
1. Macromolecules made of amino acid residues - this is called biochemistry and is a sub-division of biology.

Hmm.. kind of makes you wonder why it has the entire word chemistry in it.
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Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 07:21 am
The arrangement of the amino-acid residues is 'preset' in the nucleotide sequence of their genes
You really don't get into books much do you?
I think you gather up little bit of stuff via web sites and then run back here and vomit them.
For your information, NEW GENES are being introduced into genomes all the time. These are multiple of sets of three amino acids (and the list int that extensive). These "new genes" , according to you, are being futzed with by some "intelligence" eh?

I think you are too commited to a really rigid thought process defind by computers to be aware of what happens in biochemistry

The arrangement of the amino-acid residues is 'preset' in the nucleotide sequence of their genes
This is only because you see a DNA strand IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR(ie it lready in existence so it appears designed to you. Why do genes turn off and on? Why are there so many segments of unused genetic material in a genome? what do "new genes" in same segments of the genome signify? Is that something preset or does it show ADAPTATION to a new environment or a development of a new form of organism?

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Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 07:29 am
The arrangement of the amino-acid residues is 'preset' in the nucleotide sequence of their genes
You really don't get into books much do you?
I think you gather up little bit of stuff via web sites and then run back here and vomit them.
For your information, NEW GENES are being introduced into genomes all the time. These are multiple of sets of three amino acids (and the list int that extensive). These "new genes" , according to you, are being futzed with by some "intelligence" eh?

Macromolecules made of amino acid residues - this is called biochemistry and is a sub-division of biology
gee, when I majored in chemistry, I tookquite a few units of biochemistry and organic chem and they were all under the department of chemistry (still is)

I think you are too commited to a really rigid thought process defined by computers to be aware of what happens in biochemistry

The arrangement of the amino-acid residues is 'preset' in the nucleotide sequence of their genes
This is only because you see a DNA strand IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR(ie it already is in existence so it appears "designed" to you guys).
Why do genes in an area of the genome turn off and on(with great consequence to the phenotype)? Why are there so many segments of unused genetic material in a genome? what do "new genes" in same segments of the genome signify to you? Is that something that's preset to be important or does it show mere ADAPTATION to a new environment or a development of a new form of organism?

Like I said previously. Humans still retain the genes for a "Yolk Sack" in the embryo. The human yolk sack is a mere vestigial thing like the appendix but the genes that control it ARE STILL IN THE HUMAN GENOME (just like those for a reptile , bird, or duckbill platypus). The only difference is that the hominid "Yolk sac" gene is "Turned off"

Reply Fri 18 Apr, 2014 07:32 am
Heres a little something about protein and peptide chemistry from Michigan STate U.

Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 12:08 am
farmerman wrote:
Heres a little something about protein and peptide chemistry from Michigan STate U.

FM, forget about the proteins. We will never start understanding them.
As a top geologist you claim that you know more about chemistry than the chemistry has ever known about itself ... and that all the other sciences are insignificant in comparison to physics and chemistry ... and geology.
Myabe you have heard about Kepler 186f - Earth like planet, orbiting around white dwarf star, 500 lys away from us. Our sun is Fe-Si-O-Ne-C--He-H (from inside to outside), 6000 deg C on the surface.
The white dwarf of Kepler 186f is supercompressed superhot C-O structure, without electrons, 90 000 deg C on the surface ... and will remain so for at least 5 Bys. Just do not panic yet.
The most important is that the surface temperature and the duration of delivery are O.K. (heat & light in this case). So you may not touch the design of the sun by now ... for you may screw up everything.
In the worst case scenario you will have enough energy for enough period of time and enough liquid water on Kepler 186f do design & develop life there.
The assignment for today will be:
1. To find a quantum communication system that will deliver (in 500 years) and print out on the spot cyanobacteria and green algae that will prepare the planet for support and development of life there.
2. Read that something material 'about protein and peptide chemistry from Michigan STate U' and define the complexity of the bio-structures (on our planet) ... and all preconditions for a bio-system to be in equilibrium and to maintain sustainable eco-system ... and life.
3. After reading that something material you will be able to design any biosphere, anywhere in the universe ... for any case scenario.
4. Then you may solve the equations of our biosphere (chemical, biological, bio-equilibrium, systems for encoding and delivering information, etc.) and by inference on analogy you may design a brand new bioshere for Kepler 186f.
5. ... and to encode it eventually for quantum communication and devivery on the spot.
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 05:31 am
NOW youre just acting insane.
Why not just do some actual reading, (rather than randomly doing Google hunts).

The Flying Spaghetti Monster wishes you a wonderful Easter, PAscha, or PAstafarian vernal feast", you decide.

See ya when you want to discuss something straight up.

I can see that Creationists have no real need for any kind of interdisciplinary knowledge because somewhere , in their worldview, a Patriarch has written some vague reference to almost everything and that's "Good enuff for General Bullmoose".

There are even phrases in the Bible that are interpreted to be a divine reference to "extinction' and "DNA". I don't know why we waste all this time in finding out anything about the basis of science
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 06:56 am
Based on your logic, it can't be done since you don't know how the universe was created or how life started on earth. Do you always ask questions that you think are incapable of being answered? Or are you admitting that your earlier logic was faulty?
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Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 08:01 am
farmerman wrote:
See ya when you want to discuss something straight up.

The only way to see what has happened here (on the Earth 3.8 Bya) is to take the role of the other side (the ILF or God who has made this paradise).
FM, the star system of Kepler 186f is at least 10 Bya old (the proof of which is its star that has turned already into white dwarf) and that beautiful planet Kepler 186f has been there for 10 Bys - with beautiful liquid water, and with beautiful atmosphere (water vapour, hydrogen, oxygen, carbon) ... and without any life, where the key word is any.
Do you know what does that mean? It means that your theory about the green algae and the cyanobacteria appearing in the pond at the right time (when the chemical and physical conditions allow this) is a mumbo jumbo ... from the very beginning to the very end. Life does not appear because of the right conditions, but because of the presence of the right code ... that you cannot tell anything sinsible about for now.
Happy Easter!
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 08:15 am
Heres a little something about protein and peptide chemistry from Michigan STate U.


I don't care about protein and peptide chemistry fm. It's beside the point. The Chemistry Department gets paid to care about such things and good luck to them.

I can't believe you didn't know you lost the argument years ago. Hence all your name calling, insults, distractions, fantasies, mis-readings of the canon, evasions and other folderol which are just you wriggling on the hook of recantation and repentance.
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Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 08:23 am
Please provide evidence that there is no life on Kepler 186f. You haven't been there so you have no way of knowing if there is life or not. We don't know for sure whether Mars ever had life but somehow you think you know about a planet that is 492 light years away. You don't know a thing about what is currently happening on Kepler 186f.

The scientific story on Kepler 186f states they don't even know if there is an atmosphere but you claim there is. What evidence do you have to support your claim?
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Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 08:52 am
Try thinking on the difference between Giotto and Rembrandt fm. The one is in nature and the other comments on nature which is what a Christian artist should do. There is no message in Giotto.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 09:04 am
I can see that Creationists have no real need for any kind of interdisciplinary knowledge because somewhere , in their worldview, a Patriarch has written some vague reference to almost everything and that's "Good enuff for General Bullmoose".

Somebody had to try to hold the line fm. Kings were the Queen's consort with a 1 year tenure and ritually murdered and eaten and a new consort taken. The later development of his having to kill a challenger was considered as a more humane institution.

It was only a question of time before an intelligent king appeared and outwitted the buggers.

Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 09:05 am
Is this nother of your irrelevant Google searches? I have no knowledge of Kepler 186f , Im too busy with this planet. When I read some of your posts Im not sure weve seen any evidence of intelligent life here
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 09:22 am
Seems that Heralds information about Kepler 186f is a bot different from what was reported just yesterday (Herald must get all his news from CNN where accuracy takes a backseat to being first)
Apparently its star is a RED DWARF not white. Its temp zone , therefore is a bot more hospitable since 186f's orbit is about that of our own Mercury.

I was recalling the older finds of "Goldilock planets" like Kepler 62e and 62F. ND, who can fprget Gliese 581g?
Kepler 62e was that one in the Goldilocks zone of about 1.6 earth diameters and 1.3 times the gravity (Airy calculation). iTS also a WATER covered planet so, the ideas for advanced civilizations would be straining our imagination (Especially if the aliens would be interstellar travelers whod be flying around in what would essentially be big aquarium tanks
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 09:29 am
Kings were the Queen's consort with a 1 year tenure and ritually murdered and eaten and a new consort taken.
are you referring to the preying mantis or the English?
(hard to tell with you sometime).

PS, what have you got against Giotto? I suppose you don't think of any worth from Caravaggio either?
Rembrandt was a court twit compared to Giotto and Caravaggio. Yeh he culd paint a room in 2 hours with 2 coats, but isn't he a bit overhyped?
Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 12:52 pm
farmerman wrote:
Is this nother of your irrelevant Google searches?

Not all of us have access like you to the database server of the Kepler telescope. We, the simple mortal use Google.

farmerman wrote:
I have no knowledge of Kepler 186f

This is obvious, but the knowledge about a planet 500 lys away, on the other side of the Galaxy, is your least problem.
Your theory of evolution claims that liquid water is considered to be critically vital for the appearance of life, for most probably one needs a moving medium before the basic building blocks of life can come together.
1. The building blocks of life do not come together just so, because they are floating in the water.
2. The 'coming together' follows a pattern, and this is not called coming together, but rather execution of a code.
3. The execution of a code is called pre-design and determinism ... and is not a stochastic process ... and needs intelligence, or at least some information control structure at a higher level.
4. The biocode sequences are very different from, and have nothing to do with, the inorganic and organic chemical compounds. The chemical compounds cannot replicate in the first place ... along with the other things that they cannot do in comparison to the bio-agents.
5. You may print a virus with a stochastic sequence, but the biocode does not work in this way.
The ILF that has designed and set in operation the cyanobacteria & the green algae must have known exactly what it is doing.
Can you make 'on first reading' a stochastic sequence (significantly different from the known ones) that can process CO2 ... or bio-toxins ... or polyethylene, for example?

farmerman wrote:
I'm too busy with this planet.

If you think that you understand this planet ... by starting with the non-calibrated measuring of the age of past events and coming to the conclusion that it was the liquid water that has made the life on the planet. The circumstance that water may have 10 000 micro-organisms and that the micro-organisms need water to function properly does not mean at all that they have always been there ... or that they have appeared there out of nowhere.
Yes, water is especially interesting, because we have observed that it has achieved life at least once, but it is not so much different from ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), or ethane (C2H6).

farmerman wrote:
When I read some of your posts Im not sure weve seen any evidence of intelligent life here

Yes, you are not sure ... whether the dinosaurs have had intelligence or not. They have survived here, on this very same planet, for over 160 Mys ... and we will hardly make any more than 250 000.
One may start asking the question who is the more intelligent one – in terms of the efficient use of the resources on the planet, for example.

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