Quote: FM, why don't you simply confess that you cannot assemble a brand new OS on a brand new laptop
Father, forgive me for I have sinned. Its been a coupla decades since my last confession and with the following sins I have offended Herald
1I cannot assemble a new operating system for my new computer. However, since I down- load a version of a Linux system it seems to grow by outside attachment of information almost unbeknownst to me as to how it gets its information. COuld there be some sort of vast neural web that is transmitting into my Linux and I am benefitting from this apparent growth mechanism? A I the benefactor of a supreme intelligence?
We have no idea WHEN the whole family of Ribonucleic acids first appeared on te planet. There is no fossil record of that. Avery and Chase experimentally determined that DNA was the genetic material that was shared between bacteria and that Viruses can transmit new DNA to be "Captured" by higher micro organisms. Fairbanks helped discover that new genetic material I created by several fairly mundane processes in the mitochondria and somatic cells of organisms (these"mutations" occur within individuals and either, cause the host to croak, or to benefit in some manner initially unrecognized)
When did it all develop and did life , as it progressed, gradually develop all its "life defining" properties including transmission of genetic material . From the fossil record, it appears that way since life didn't suddenly appear already fully formed at the base of the Proterozoic. We don't see fossils of lephants that are in the Isua Formation.
There are several lines of ribonucleic acids,(e call these XNA's) and DNA seems to be the pinnacle unit right now.
As scientists search for the keys and unravel the bases of how life began and whether it can be duplicated, we may never fully be able to do anything but provide a reasonable alternative to the CReationist mindset. As evidence piles up, the argument has gotten stronger and tronger these last 200 years.
To that Istipulate.
However, since the pattern of the developmet of life through the ages , clearly (at least to me) shows a steady, but often erratic pattern of ascendency, with no direction in mind , save that which we are able to place on it vua hindsite, Creationism has no valid place in a scientific mindset about how all the species got here.
Of that weve got several track records of information that don't jibe with a simple Biblical or any mythological based story. To try to parse scientific discovery nd force fit it into a religious myth is bad science and silly religion.
The basic building blocks of life and the key ingredient, water, seem to be in at last two planets and several satellites of this solar system. As we move forward in exploration Id like to be back to the "inevitability" of life on any planet with free water. As we explore Mars, and use its evidence of past water to guide our search for life, thatll help us define how ubiquitous life is (or at least is expected to be).
Quote: You cannot explain even whether your own intelligence is your own or some quantum Wi-Fi from somewhere on the other side of the universe ...
Sometimes cigar is just a cigar.
The problem with the computer analogy is that computers are not clever, "theyre too stupid to take over" as was said in an oped by a Stanford guy. Life, on the other hand, once it appeared, seemed to "work it out" and magae to grow its own pathway of ascendancy over almost 2 billion years BEFORE the CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION. Imagine 2 BILLION years when life was there. but in such a primitive form that it took such a long time to develop such things as symmetry,, apoptosis, the means of transmitting information of its own form to an offspring. From what we can see, it took that two billion years to accomplish ll this. No "let there be"... , no sudden appearance of species all formed and ready to go. Life had a very tenuous grip on its own future for about 2 Billion years before anything of a species radiation occurred and all these occurences seem to parallel some really well studied environmental happening or catastrophy. (eg, theCambrian explosion occurred about 400 million years AFTER the availability of enough free oxygen so as to allow the deposition of stuff like Calcium or magnesium carbonate to be incorporated into organismal structures (chlorophyll or clamshells). ALL this happened at a time that we can dig up evidence that supports the REASON of the occurrence.
Science could never be satisfied with "Let there be Calcium Carbonate in specific molar structure so as to allow adsorption desorption to occur"...