farmerman wrote: so by "Sterile" you mean "devoid of life at that time"? Again, you know this how?
Just a second, FM. You assume that there has been some form of life before the emergence of life on the Earth ... and what exactly you are explaining with that evolutionary theory then?
farmerman wrote: At 3.8 Billion years ago, in several places on the planet , we see the evidence of single cell life. Its within SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS. These deposits are laid down in water. Why is it so hard of ryou to understand this fact?
1. Because without reliably calibrated method that can measure the zero at the time when the lava has been molten, you have no idea of what you are measuring as age and time.
2. 'Sedimentary deposits paid down in water' may have more than one plausible explanation ... and the probability for the first one to be the right one is very low.
3. I can understand any facts (yet they have to be verified and validated), but I cannot understand how can you be so sure that this is the only explanation that may exist.
farmerman wrote: From other galaxies,We can see the spectra of amino acids, nucleotides, and some proteins and lots pf spectral information on
CO2,CH3,NH3,NH3,H2O wtc etc. WHile ths doesn't conclude that life is out there, it certainly does support the hypothesis.
So, by this you confirm that information about bio-code can be transferred from one place into another through common observations, hence the delivery of bio-code from one place of the universe into another is not entirely to be excluded ... and by doing this you actually confirm the possibility for quantum communication of the bio-code here down to the Earth.
farmerman wrote: Quote: And you don't even know whether they are existing there right now or not ...
and this is important to your thesis because?
... you are missing the information about that places at present, you have missed the information of the SS in the past, etc.
Suppose you have 100 frames in a video and take a strip (of 1/100) from each frame (it doesn't matter whether horizontally or vertically). The question is: can you recover the narration of the video on the grounds of that single frame that you have?
farmerman wrote: Don't yu think that, with the history of the EVIDENCE of the development of life on the planet that life's origins were simple, homely origins due to naturl processes without some big"Plan?".
1. First of all it is called 'master plan' (we are talking about the metaphor you are trying to use here).
2. You don't have such 'history of the EVIDENCE of the development of life'. You have facts and timing ... and nothing else ... as 'evidence'.
3. Why don't you tell us s.th. more about these 'naturl processes'. How can a natural process create a bio-code for example ... and how is this 'natural process' called?
farmerman wrote: Otherwise, the very appearance of life seems so haphazard from the fossil record, from a period of almost 2 Billion years
FM, have you ever seen a plot of a hazard function ... and its natural distribution 'bell' in particular. If the appearance of life on the Earth is a hazard function it should have normal distribution throughout the SS ... at least.
Well, you may not be able to find cats and dogs on the ice rocks of the Oort cloud, but you should observe there at least some 'spectra of amino acids, nucleotides, and some proteins and lots pf spectral information on CO2, CH3, NH3, NH3, H2O wtc etc.'
farmerman wrote: Then, when the "basic patterns" of life are worked out (by apparent trial and error) ...
O.K., enough is enough. Take a brand new virgin laptop (without any OS on it) and as you obviously have absolute zero knowledge in software engineering, try to make and install on it a brand new OS ... by trial and error.
Tip: You may use also the trial and error peaks of the electric grid, if you wish.
farmerman wrote: don't need to "construct" theories about the presence of water on earth.
You don't really know whether it was 'presence' or 'process of production of H2O' or 'process of accumulation' or s.th. else. You are just making science fiction for amusement of the population on the net.
farmerman wrote: The evidence is continuously supported of a planet wide mass of water that built sedimentary deposits through time. These deposits are quite easily found and studied from outcrops and can be dated by several standard methods. No mystery ...
There is 'mystery' however: how did all that huge amount of water 1,385,999,652,414.- cu.km (if we assume that by 'planet wide' you mean almost the same amount of water the Earth has today) appear out of nowhere and out of nothing within such a short period of time - several million years of s.th.
farmerman wrote: Quote: without even knowing where did the bio-code come from ... and how did that 'pond' look like by that time. Ah, there is something else. If the saline water is 97 % on the earth, and the fresh water is 3% (less that 1% of which potable) how can your casino theory of evolution explain why the life on earth is based on that less than 1% and not on the other part in abundance
Are you so obtuse as to think that cells can only develop in fresh water?
We have no proper qualification to discuss this issue on the net, but believe me the lack of evidence for man-amphibian is as I say it. You have no man-amphibian evolved throughout that 3.85 Bys, able to consume sea water ... without going into the dimension X.
No cats have become any dogs during that period of time - 3.85 Bys.
Species don't mismatch as your favourite theory of evolution claims ... and no transitional inter-species forms have ever been observed ... neither in the past, nor at present ... and the water paradox is one of the major contradictions of evolution.
Do you know what a contradiction is? It is like driving a sports car with pulled-up handbreak. Contradiction is not some nuts on the cherry tree that can be skipped and ignored ... to continue with the cherry-picking. A contradiction is s.th. that makes an operation, a theory or a process invalid. In software slang this is called 'game over'.
FM, your theory about the 'appearance' of the water on the Earth is 'game over', a man - of no actual value and not valid any more ... to me at least.