parados wrote:If you want to completely misrepresent the observations then how can we be expected to take you seriously?
From where are you so sure that it is not you the one who is misinterpreting the observations ... and how can you be so sure that the light that is coming to you is the primary source, without any interference?
parados wrote: Red shift is based on how two objects are moving related to each other.
... and by the very same light (with the red shift in the spectrum) you are measuring the distances in the Universe.
parados wrote:It has nothing to do with where a center is.
If you claim that the Universe is expanding equally in all directions it must have a center of expansion, and this relative movement represented by the red shift should provide data to model the way the object is expanding (if at all).
Actually this relative movement is pure hypothesis and nothing else - you don't even have lab experiments and field studies conforming that the expansion really exists. If you succeed to measure for example some drop in the frequency of the beam in an optical cable without transmitter this will prove automatically that nothing in the Universe is expanding.
parados wrote:Why don't you get out a tape measure and tell us what the real distance is.
... and why don't you confess that your distance is hypothetical and you have no other verification and validation methods to check it except for RFs & light.
parados wrote: Your only argument seems to be you don't know what the distance is so therefor no one else can figure it out. Your argument is idiotic.
My argument is that when somebody claims that the Universe is expanding with acceleration and can tell neither how much that rate of expansion and acceleration actually are there must be something totally wrong with the whole construct.
parados wrote: Which law is it defying? Tell us in detail.
If you don't know the laws of thermodynamics, why should I fill the gaps in your knowledge.
Perhaps you may go through the material personally and apply the laws one-to-one towards the point of emergence of the Big Bang - the act of creation of the Universe, as your favorite theory claims.