Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 08:01 am
@Frank Apisa,
no big deal. Even when you can read me, you usually don't get it...
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 08:08 am
Olivier5 wrote:

no big deal. Even when you can read me, you usually don't get it...

I get it...and realize you often make very little sense.

Now...if you could realize that you make very little sense...you might actually make some headway.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 08:08 am
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 08:39 am
On the one side of [H] the Universe 'is expanding' in one direction (according to the calculations), and on the opposite side of observation the Universe 'is expanding' in the opposite direction. How does that happen?

Simple physics.
I tell you what. To see this in real life you only need three things. A child's wagon, a car, and a large ball. Put the wagon at the back of the car with the ball on the other side of the wagon from the car. Put the car in neutral. Now sit in the wagon and push against both the car and the ball. If done properly, the car, the wagon and the ball will all move. Because of the differences in mass, they will move different distances. Why did the car move in the opposite direction from the ball and the wagon?

O.K., suppose the Universe is really expanding - how do the different types of matter (vacuum, rocks, gases, etc.) succeed to expand at one and the same rate and nothing is cracking and collapsing. Do you know what will happen when you replace the reinforcing iron of the concrete with a duraluminium alloy, for example - the bridge will collapse from the first rays of the sun.

OMG. That is too funny. You don't understand the first thing about physics. You forgot to tell us that something can't accelerate because electricity travels using electrons. You are mixing types of physics and the energies in those physics. The Universe is nothing like heated aluminum. The universe is not getting large amounts of energy from an outside source.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 08:44 am
Do you have the point - the place of birth of the Big Bang? What evidence do you have about that expansion? Do you have a direction of the telescope where:
If you don't have any such direction, this automatically will mean that Hubble is into the center of expansion and into the center of the Universe respectively, and you will not be able to explain for life how does that happen ... unless you confess that nothing is expanding and that the red shift might be everything else but Doppler effect and expansion of the Universe.

You insist on making this same stupid claim over and over. Red shift is not seen only in the center. The distance from X to Z is expanding so X would see redshift when viewing Z. Z would see the same redshift when viewing X. Neither are in the center.

This can be shown mathematically.
Distance from X to Z initially is 1.
Distance from X to Z after the move is 2.
If the distance gets larger over time then there is redshift.

Go do the car, wagon, ball experiment. Then come back and tell us if the wagon remained in the exact same spot? If it didn't and the car and the ball still moved away from the wagon then you are clearly wrong in claiming Hubble must be center to see red shift.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 11:17 am
@Frank Apisa,
I suppose it's proper I use little fonts then, if I make little sense...
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 12:58 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

I suppose it's proper I use little fonts then, if I make little sense...

Actually...that was one of the things that made sense.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 01:04 pm
parados wrote:
That doesn't even make any sense.
     Obviously, as you don't understand what the Time-Space Continuum actually is ... which does not deter you from using it frivolously.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 01:26 pm
FBM wrote:
Since it's the origin of space-time itself, this is a meaningless question.
     No, it is not. The inability to find the origin of Space & Time means that you have no theory. It may be presented as a theory, but it is not.
FBM wrote:
Why do you keep asking questions that have already been answered?
     No, you haven't answered to that: How much is the rate of expansion (in cu.m per sec) and the acceleration of the expansion is (in cu.m per sq. sec) - which are the numbers?
FBM wrote:
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.
     O.K. say it:
The rate of expansion of the Universe in all directions is equal to ***.** cubic meters per second, and the acceleration is ****.** cubic meters per square seconds (of course you can use cubic kilometers/megameters/gigameters/terameters, etc. ... so far you have any calculations at all, of which I sincerely doubt).
FBM wrote:
Any ol' direction will do.
     You cannot model the space with 'any direction that will do' - otherwise the Universe would not be expanding at all, but will rather shake in some waves. The balloon that you showed is not expanding in any direction - it is distending from the stereometric center to the periphery, where the points along the periphery are growing faster than the points near the center - which gives the rise to the following question: do you have any evidence that the hydrogen atoms, for example, from the periphery of the Universe are bigger than the hydrogen atoms measured near the telescope?
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 01:29 pm
Olivier5 wrote:
Why are you guys yelling so much all the time?
... It is obvious - because they have nothing to tell - neither to show any convincing evidence, nor to state any plausible and justified inference.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 01:45 pm
Herald wrote:

Olivier5 wrote:
Why are you guys yelling so much all the time?
... It is obvious - because they have nothing to tell - neither to show any convincing evidence, nor to state any plausible and justified inference.

I have something to tell, Herald...and it pretty convincing.

I do not know the answers to the questions being dealt with here...and I man enough to simply acknowledge that I do not know. I also am open-minded enough to acknowledge that "intelligent design" is neither certain...nor impossible.

And I do not think you can offer anything with greater substance to this discussion than that.

So take that "they have nothing to tell"...and shove it.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:03 pm
parados wrote:
You insist on making this same stupid claim over and over.
     ... perhaps until you start understanding it: do you have any direction from Hubble, in which you can arrange the red shifts along a line and to tell which point to which is going ... and how fast? If [H] is not into the center of expansion there must be places in the Universe where the expansion should look like slowing down (rather than accelerating) when the [H] is accelerating from the points nearby at a greater speed.
parados wrote:
Red shift is not seen only in the center.
     You cannot compare the red shifts with the results from the calculations on the basis of the red shifts - you have to get some non-correlated data for the verification.
parados wrote:
The distance from X to Z is expanding so X would see redshift when viewing Z.
     X to Z should be expanding much slower than A to C - actually pro rate the distance, but you have no other means to measure that distances, except by RFs and light.
parados wrote:
Z would see the same redshift when viewing X. Neither are in the center.
     In this example exactly X is the center of the expansion, but just don't ask me how will you establish it from the empirical data.
parados wrote:
If the distance gets larger over time
... and in case there is no missing light effect that is not modeled in the math equation
parados wrote:
... then there is redshift.

parados wrote:
Go do the car, wagon, ball experiment.
     It is very interesting to quote the Newton's laws, especially in connection with a theory that is denying the laws of thermodynamics.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:08 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
I do not know the answers to the questions being dealt with here
     This is obvious from the boldface.
Frank Apisa wrote:
And I do not think you can offer anything with greater substance to this discussion than that.
     Why are you taking place in the discussion if you 'don't think'. The people that are not thinking are watching TV ... with subtitles ... in boldface.
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:29 pm
Herald wrote:

FBM wrote:
Since it's the origin of space-time itself, this is a meaningless question.
     No, it is not. The inability to find the origin of Space & Time means that you have no theory. It may be presented as a theory, but it is not.

Just show some evidence for your claim, then. If it's remotely as robust as that for the standard model, it will be treated as such. Where's your evidence?

FBM wrote:
Why do you keep asking questions that have already been answered?
     No, you haven't answered to that: How much is the rate of expansion (in cu.m per sec) and the acceleration of the expansion is (in cu.m per sq. sec) - which are the numbers?

Who cares? You haven't shown a single shred of evidence for your god, and I've shown buttloads to support the scientific theory. It's your turn. How does anything you've written prove your god?

FBM wrote:
Just because you refuse to acknowledge the evidence doesn't mean it's not there.
     O.K. say it:
The rate of expansion of the Universe in all directions is equal to ***.** cubic meters per second, and the acceleration is ****.** cubic meters per square seconds (of course you can use cubic kilometers/megameters/gigameters/terameters, etc. ... so far you have any calculations at all, of which I sincerely doubt).

If I could be bothered to do it, I'm 100% sure they would make more sense that the jibberish you've been spouting. When's the last time you tangled with a partial differential?

FBM wrote:
Any ol' direction will do.
     You cannot model the space with 'any direction that will do' - otherwise the Universe would not be expanding at all, but will rather shake in some waves. The balloon that you showed is not expanding in any direction - it is distending from the stereometric center to the periphery, where the points along the periphery are growing faster than the points near the center - which gives the rise to the following question: do you have any evidence that the hydrogen atoms, for example, from the periphery of the Universe are bigger than the hydrogen atoms measured near the telescope?

You point a telescope in any direction that's not into an object and if it's a powerful enough telescope you'll see the first light. The HST wasn't pointing in any special direction when it got the HDF. If you were remotely science-literate, I wouldn't have to tell you that. Similarly, if you think some hydrogen atoms are bigger than others, you need to go back to kindergarten and start over.

Still waiting for you to present a more comprehensive, coherent and plausible explanation for the universe than the scientific one. Why are you refusing to posit your hypothesis? Help us out. Enlighten us. Show us The Way.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:46 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Anyone who claims to be bothered or annoyed by the use of "bold"...or who claims its use is "yelling" (despite being assured it is not intended that way)...probably should not indulge in Internet debate. That kind of person almost certainly is not up to the job.

Anyone who ignores a dozen people telling him the same thing, viz, that bolding everything is the internet equivalent to yelling, is certainly too self-absorbed to be allowed to use a keyboard.

Since "all caps" seem to be the conventional mode of "yelling" on the Internet (and "caps" are a needed type face function)...why do you suppose there is a "bold type face" function available?

It's for emphasis, and if you emphasize everything, it's the equivalent of yelling everything.

I doubt it. No one but someone being petty like you are being would consider that yelling...which I suspect is the reason you went to caps and color.

You've been told over and over again by more people than me that bolding is equivalent to yelling; no one but someone being self-absorbed and stubborn like you would consider it otherwise. I recommend you adapt to the environment you've chosen.

Anyway...yes, the word "obnoxious" does have certain behavior associated with it, FBM. I would respectfully suggest that "pretending great indignation with the use of bold type face" is one of those behaviors.[/b]

Well, then, practically everyone on the internet except you is obnoxious, seems.

That said, congratulations. You've made it to the short list of yellers who are on my Ignore list. I held out as long as I could, seeing as how I generally agree with and respect your position on non-belief, but as I've pointed out before, I don't put up with being yelled at in person, I don't see any reason to do so online. Adios.[/size]
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:50 pm
Herald wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I do not know the answers to the questions being dealt with here
     This is obvious from the boldface.

That is an absurdity, Herald. The use of bold face does not tell you anything...let alone make something obvious.

You must be new to this. You'll get better at it with practice.


Frank Apisa wrote:
And I do not think you can offer anything with greater substance to this discussion than that.
     Why are you taking place in the discussion if you 'don't think'. The people that are not thinking are watching TV ... with subtitles ... in boldface.

Wow...that was especially lame. I must be really getting under your skin.
Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 02:59 pm
FBM wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Anyone who claims to be bothered or annoyed by the use of "bold"...or who claims its use is "yelling" (despite being assured it is not intended that way)...probably should not indulge in Internet debate. That kind of person almost certainly is not up to the job.

Anyone who ignores a dozen people telling him the same thing, viz, that bolding everything is the internet equivalent to yelling, is certainly too self-absorbed to be allowed to use a keyboard.

I use bold. Anyone who claims to be bothered or annoyed by the use of "bold"...or who claims its use is "yelling" (despite being assured it is not intended that way)...probably should not indulge in Internet debate. That kind of person almost certainly is not up to the job.

Since "all caps" seem to be the conventional mode of "yelling" on the Internet (and "caps" are a needed type face function)...why do you suppose there is a "bold type face" function available?

It's for emphasis, and if you emphasize everything, it's the equivalent of yelling everything.

No...it is not. That was purely gratuitous...and almost silly.

In any case, I am not emphasizing everything by using bold. I am simply using it for the reasons that I have previously stated.

I doubt it. No one but someone being petty like you are being would consider that yelling...which I suspect is the reason you went to caps and color.

You've been told over and over again by more people than me that bolding is equivalent to yelling; no one but someone being self-absorbed and stubborn like you would consider it otherwise. I recommend you adapt to the environment you've chosen.

Anyway...yes, the word "obnoxious" does have certain behavior associated with it, FBM. I would respectfully suggest that "pretending great indignation with the use of bold type face" is one of those behaviors.[/b]

In return, I recommend you do what you loudly and frequently proclaim you are doing...which is to ignore me if you do not want to discuss matters with me.

By the way...your professed indignation at the supposed yelling is hysterical. I love you for providing those kinds of laughs for me.


That said, congratulations. You've made it to the short list of yellers who are on my Ignore list. I held out as long as I could, seeing as how I generally agree with and respect your position on non-belief, but as I've pointed out before, I don't put up with being yelled at in person, I don't see any reason to do so online. Adios.[/size]

Oh, not again. Whatever will I do to live through this?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 03:08 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 03:24 pm
Obviously red shift has nothing to do with your statement which is why it doesn't make sense.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Dec, 2014 03:39 pm
If [H] is not into the center of expansion there must be places in the Universe where the expansion should look like slowing down (rather than accelerating) when the [H] is accelerating from the points nearby at a greater speed.

ROFLMAO. What pray tell, makes you think that? If you want to completely misrepresent the observations then how can we be expected to take you seriously?

You cannot compare the red shifts with the results from the calculations on the basis of the red shifts - you have to get some non-correlated data for the verification.
Red shift is based on how two objects are moving related to each other. It has nothing to do with where a center is.

X to Z should be expanding much slower than A to C - actually pro rate the distance, but you have no other means to measure that distances, except by RFs and light.
Why don't you get out a tape measure and tell us what the real distance is. Your only argument seems to be you don't know what the distance is so therefor no one else can figure it out. Your argument is idiotic.

In this example exactly X is the center of the expansion, but just don't ask me how will you establish it from the empirical data.
How is that possible unless you are arguing all points are the center. I am using the example where you argued [H] was the center. If [H] and X are not in the same position then which one is center? It's clear you don't understand the doppler effect.

It is very interesting to quote the Newton's laws, especially in connection with a theory that is denying the laws of thermodynamics.
Which law is it defying? Tell us in detail.

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