parados wrote:How does it reverse anything? This is simply a 2 dimensional example to show your thinking is wrong.
On the one side of [H] the Universe 'is expanding' in one direction (according to the calculations), and on the opposite side of observation the Universe 'is expanding' in the opposite direction. How does that happen?
parados wrote:Do you also agree that every object on would see red shift compared to every other object?
In order to claim that, you will have to exclude any other options ... for shifting of the frequency of light towards the red part of the spectrum.
There are two other explanations of frequency shifting (besides the Doppler effect).
1. The master oscilator of the transmitter (the emitted light of the sky object) may be modulated by another oscillator that is frequency shift keyed (the space of the Universe might have some vibrations, or something may penetrate into the Universe from the Hyperspace, etc.)
2. The master oscilator of the transmitter is itself shifted in ferquency (as a result of shrinking of the particles with the time, for example).
In order to claim that the Universe is expanding you have to exclude all the other possibilities for the red shift, and you are not even considering them.
parados wrote: Your inability to understand simple concepts is what seems rather strange.
O.K., suppose the Universe is really expanding - how do the different types of matter (vacuum, rocks, gases, etc.) succeed to expand at one and the same rate and nothing is cracking and collapsing. Do you know what will happen when you replace the reinforcing iron of the concrete with a duraluminium alloy, for example - the bridge will collapse from the first rays of the sun.
Further, what will happen with the galaxies - should they expand in compliance with the expansion of the Universe or not ... and why are they actually shrinking?
What about the orbits of the planets - what should happen to them if the space is expanding ... with acceleration.
What about your house and your room - how far will they go?
... and BTW how much is that rate of expansion ... and how much is its acceleration?