parados wrote:Quote:No, it can't. It can't be in the same place 1 Bya, for example.
Are you really arguing that a moving object can't see red shift? Do some reading on the doppler effect.
You said that it [H] can be anywhere into the time space continuum, and I said to you that it can't be anywhere, for there are some positions in time at which it is impossible to have been, like for example the same position in the past (when several decades ago it haven't even existed). Anyway.
RE: the Doppler effect
The Doppler effect is observed with sound - can you name some examples of observing Doppler effect with light here, down on the Earth. It might be Doppler effect as a result of some relative movement (not necessary expansion of the space), but it might be some other physical effect of light as well.
Besides that [H] can neither drive in all directions simultaneously, nor it can change the direction of expansion (if exists) of the space.
Further, it is not strange and unusual for the photon to lose energy when travelling long enough through space and time. Much more strange would be if it has gained energy. Can't you simply accept a hypothesis that the photon might be losing energy when travelling at sufficiently long distance for sufficiently long time, and that nothing in the space could be expanding.
parados wrote:Red shift occurs because the objects are moving away form each other. Without that movement there is no red shift.
... that you cannot verify by any other means, except for the measurements themselves ... which is an absurd as a verification test.