farmerman wrote:Your intentional word usage is really funny sometimes
This means nothing as logical argument. Funny really may mean some said nonsense, but can also mean inability to understand what you have been said. Saying that s.th. is funny or serious could not be an argument of any kind ... even irrational.
farmerman wrote: It is meaningless.
... or perhaps you don't have enough IQ to understand it – it is one of the two.
farmerman wrote: SO, why not just tell me what SII is and stop being so damned childish with your implied nyah nyahs.
Definitely no.
1. It has beautiful context, so if you follow at all what it is saying and you understand it, the abbreviation is pretty obvious: 'The Hg is reabsorbed by the SIs within the body and the body cannot get rid of it.'
2. If you don't understand this the other part of the text is absolute noise to you – you don't need it, FM. Besides that it has no evidences in the rocks rocks of the right type.
3. This thread is not about mercury detox, which is high flight in medical science and with which usually deal the MDs, rather than an IT explaining it to a geologist, whose hobby is medical science.
If you are interested in Hg detox read the classics.
Write in Google: mercuty detoxification protocol ... and trust the professionals there.
4. This was just a super marginal example to show you how much you don't understand what you are talking about when presenting lectures on the evolution and its fossil record super-evidences.
5. You don't quote it properly. Instead of SIs you quote SII, which in the event of abbreviations is inevitable critically fatal error of the interpretation. The mocking there, thanslucent through the intentional inaccuracy of the quoting, reveals that you don't need that meaning at all, and that the only intention of this 'request' is to get some competitive advantage in the discussion and to demonstrate the dominance and supremacy of your (pseudo)scientific worldview.