Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 05:08 pm
That is no answer of course, but expected.

That's another in a long line of blurts with no evidence to back it up. As usual.

It stands in default of you, and Herald, having no answer and my answer, which is the only sensible one possible, being inconsistent with some of your other strongly held opinions.

Hence your obvious frustrations and foot stampings.

But World Government will come out of necessity. It is well on its way already.

Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 05:21 pm
But, fm, a lot of people, including many scientists, say that your activities in oil exploration are dysfunctional. The more you find the more Obarmy will burn on behalf of electing the Democrats.

And as utility is now the only justification for modern science, as I have already shown, you are required to explain how finding more oil is not dysfunctional.

And it isn't just global warming that's the problem. In fact GW is the least of the problems. That's in the long grass like afterlife is.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 08:33 pm
my argument isn't the repeatability of the technology and its justification. My point is that its a profession built upon certain derived knowledge. Being able to function in the technology without that derived knowledge often shows up with "diviners" and what are called "powwow shamen" in our country. Such frauds are always asked for "their opinions" by rural newspaper publishers and , of course , the frauds are always glad to provide same , often with gentle reproof of "so called experts".
I find them and those that believe them as hilarious as the 5 to 4 vote of the Dover SChoolboard . AS I said before, anyone can function at their level. It takes no skill at all to be an IDer or a Creationist. They make claims that can easily be dismissed by evidence (Just because they deny the evidence does not mean it doesn't exist, it only means that they are either too dumb or too stubborn to
understand it)

I got quite a kick from Herald as he stipulates to the existence of extinctions of species. He then states that the arrival of new species in the place of those gone extinct seems , to him, a showing of ID. REALLY?
Then when I asked him three simple questions regarding that fact (I set him up first), he states that he will not for whatever reasons.

Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:11 pm
farmerman wrote:
I venture to say that, with my own scientific worldview directing my education and experience, Ive probably made waaay more return for my clients and my own interests than you are able.

Beyond any doubt ... starting with starch fried in GMO maize oil and tomatoes with plastics and ending up with the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) made by technology guarantying mercury residues in the foodstuffs, Cr (VI) and As in the drinking water, Pb and other heavy metals in tins ... and bisphenol A in food containers of any type. What about the E-series in the foodstuffs?
What can you say also about the polystyrene from plastic food containers dissolved in the fats of the foods contained therein? Or maybe about the vegetables watered with water that can be ignited directly from the well ... due to some cracking misunderstanding in the schists. We've watched all this on the T.V. What would we do without all these 'scientific' achievements.
O.K. my opinion about the tomatoes with plastics is just an opinion, and you are great scientist with great scientific worldview. Can you write down the set of equations of the body metabolism (enzymes, aminoacids, protein building - the whole chain, liver detoxication mechanics - everything) over fats with dissolved polystyrene for example ... or over high fructose corn syrup with Hg (used in the preparation of soft beverages, sweets & desserts, wafers, juices?!, cereals?!, yohurt?!, salad dressings?!, breads & backed goods, candy & candy bars, nutrition bars?! - to name just a few).
A tip: Hg is top catalyst for oxidation; Hg with methyl alcohol (from fake hard drinks) forms methane-mercury - supernurotoxin; and with water - mercury dehydroxide.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:45 pm
starting with starch fried in GMO maize oil and tomatoes with plastics and ending up with the high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) made by technology guarantying mercury residues in the foodstuffs, Cr (VI) and As in the drinking water, Pb and other heavy metals in tins ... and bisphenol A in food containers of any type. What about the E-series in the foodstuffs?
Does someone hold you down and shove foo into you? Why not just read the labels and react accordingly? that's what we do. (And we grow much of our own foods)

Then you start reciting again kvetching about food and wobbling off topic again and again. You still sound like youre 14 years old and mommy makes you eat all these highly processed foods. Grow up and take responsibility for your own food. Nobody's force feeding you are they?
Even with our fruit trees, we use only a dormant OIL spray in the pre bud stages in late winter and we then don't use any pesticides any longer. We have a few spots on our peaches and a very few peaches are sacrificed to bugs but overall we have healthy fruit like apples , berries, cherries and peaches.
We dont use any pesticides or herbicides on any food or forage plants. We do use generic ROUNDUP and CROSSBOW in woodlots nd fallow fields where we spot kill for thistles.
Any pasture that's use for feed isn't Rounduped or Crossbowed we will ony spot treat with an alcohol cinnamon oil mix with a 1.0 N acetic acid spray.

Hint: all mercury complexes will filter at 0.4 microns.

water that can be ignited directly from the well ... due to some cracking misunderstanding in the schists.
Well, I can see your problem, some asshole has screened the gas production zone in a "Schist". Gas doesn't come from schists, it comes from sedimentary units. They've probably overshot the unit and have a "damage zone" connected to a used aquifer.
Its common when someone untrained is in charge of the drilling and they don't have real geologist on staff.

Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 09:47 pm
However, Julia Child always said"YOU SHOULDNT BE AFRAID OF YOUR FOOD"
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:19 pm
farmerman wrote:
However, Julia Child always said"YOU SHOULDNT BE AFRAID OF YOUR FOOD"

FM, can you write down the Hg detox equations or you will hide your scientific worldview behind general talk of any kind. How Hg is recycled throughout the body and how the vicious circle is to be broken ... with the greatest precautions, if possible.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:23 pm

That's another in a long line of blurts with no evidence to back it up. As usual.

just an opinion of yours, it realy says nothing at all

It stands in default of you, and Herald, having no answer and my answer, which is the only sensible one possible, being inconsistent with some of your other strongly held opinions.

Talking abiout arrogance, unbelievable.

Hence your obvious frustrations and foot stampings.

duh? looks like projectiosn to me, I am not frustrated nor am
I foot stamping, Very strange reactions indeed,

But World Government will come out of necessity. It is well on its way already.

this is teling me a lot! about you that is.
Reply Mon 23 Jun, 2014 10:28 pm
farmerman wrote:
Why not just read the labels and react accordingly?

Reading the labels - are you developing some special sense of humour and is that all that your world-scientific-view could think out - reading the labels? Do you think the producers are that stupid.
'The artificial sweetener, Aspartame, that has been linked to heart problems, obesity and cancer has changed its name. Now known as AminoSweet, the toxic sweetener has been used over 25 years.'
Read more at http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/aspartame-by-any-other-name-can-still-be-deadly/#uu18jix33W6fr2wt.99
BTW what labels you will read on the fried potatoes and on the sandwich made of GMO beef mince meet, deeply fried in GMO technologically unchangeable GMO maize oil (in which before that have been fried potatoes, fish, donuts, carrots, etc.)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 05:24 am
It takes no skill at all to be an IDer or a Creationist.

Agreed. But what sort of skill is it that goes into bat on behalf of truth, an equally soft option, when everybody knows that truth and social arrangements are mutually exclusive concepts.

Just as people say that the fact that there have been many gods proves that they are all false so also the fact that there are many social arrangements proves that none of them are valid objectively. They are valid for their circumstances in terms of utility. Victorian social arrangements have been more or less set aside in a mere 100 years.

At Dover the incongruence between truth and social arrangements was not mentioned. Indeed it was unmentionable because a particular style of social arrangement was the only one acceptable to both sides, the judge, the court staff and the interested onlookers. So truth was in play in a limited way and a way which would avoid the matrons having recourse to smelling salts.

There is a marked and obvious lacuna in terms of the truth which is the reason why I am often put on Ignore. And it is the reason why going into bat for truth is a cheat which relies on a conspiracy of silence.

"The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure/ To live it you have to explode." Bob Dylan. (Journey Through Dark Heat).

And calling Dylan a grumpy old croaker does not address that fact.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 05:28 am
Mailer was strong on plastic H. A plague. Something the medical profession loves.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 05:34 am
There is no escape fm. I hum Lilliburlero to myself when dining.

Ascetic frugality is best.
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 07:52 am
and Lilliburlro morphed into the IRA tune "sullivns March. If you ever see the two. play em together and you can see the small steps that evolution takes in its journey to adaptation via gene flow.

Im sure Herald will be by to assert that these tunes are an irrefutable proof of ID. You know what Id say to him?

"Go **** yourself and go find some food that youre not afraid of"
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 07:55 am

just an opinion of yours, it realy says nothing at all
Says the wizard of woo woo.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 09:02 am
It is not proof of ID but merely circumstantial evidence of it that the Designer delayed the discovery of tobacco until Paul was safely dead and could not add it to the inventory of pleasures he condemned. And the same might be said of tea and coffee.

While the application of those chemicals to the bloodstreams of the body politic would have little effect on a static system it might be the case that their effect on a dynamic system already in being could be dramatic. As is the case with yeast when introduced to certain specific items.

Classical mathematics was static but once an infinite Designer is in play (see the Bishop of Brixen) the condition for the gearing effect of narcotics exist and modern science arrives and the Christian conquest of the world.

Remember the "smoke filled rooms" of US political mythology.

The negative health consequences don't apply from an evolutionary point of view because the time taken for them to appear is quite sufficient to allow reproduction to have taken place and to facilitate the removal from the population of elderly shagged-out has-beens who cannot help being a drag on progress.

Thus the medical lobby's love of evolution is another devious trick of evasion similar to the evasion of the truth being anathema to social arrangements.

Both rely on rhetoric and don't stand up to honest scientific scrutiny by peer-reviewers not on the make: however well it plays with saps.

Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 10:16 am
ahem, I think we'd gone over the Bishop of Brixen numerous times so , prhaps you are thinking of some other conversation .

That's a lot to think about , and Im tired.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 01:34 pm
farmerman wrote:
Then you start reciting again kvetching about food and wobbling off topic again and again.

Since when you have become defender of the main topics.
I have reasonable ground to believe that you are the main suspect on the get off the rails circumstances ... and get off topics apologist.
Now, back on track.
If your favourite evolution is true (with double capital IF) it should be able 'to invent' a way to cope with the challenges and with 'the ongoing changes' imposed by the pollution of the environment.
Now, can you follow this:
1. You have Hg appearing on the scene of evolution.
2. The Hg is reabsorbed by the SIs within the body and the body cannot get rid of it.
3. The plugging with Hg plugs the body with heavy metals as well, and the things get out of control.
Evolution enters ... and breaks the vicious circle of the inability of the body to detoxicate from the Hg and from the collateral effects of the heavy metals.
The evolution introduces somehow some new genetic code that gives the body competitive advantage to the continuously and getting with every day and in any way more and more out of control pollution ... of everything.
Evolution creates new species ... that can breathe sulfuric acid and that can eat chips fried in whatever ... the dream of the 'clean coal' apologists and of the top scientists with personal world view of the things ... and about the foodstuffs industry.
Where is that species, FM, where is that species?!
It is not here, it is not there, it is not anywhere - where is it, where are you ... and where are we?
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 01:51 pm
What bothers me H is why the Designer didn't arrange, and I can see a reason for pestilence and war and general mayhem, we couldn't be
buried as eggs in neat little cells with ten or twenty million
pounds each wrapped round us in mint Bank of England notes, and wake up,
as the sphex wasp does, to find that its papa and mamma have not
only left ample provision at its elbow, but have been eaten by
sparrows some weeks before it began to live consciously on its own

It does seem a curious omission in One looking out for our welfare don't you think.
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 02:22 pm
it should be able 'to invent' a way to cope with the challenges and with 'the ongoing changes' imposed by the pollution of the environment.
That is something that can only be measured in retrospect, never in prospective circumstances. In the major extinctions of this planet, mny organism went extinct, true, but a few survived and repopulated the now empty niches. The fossil record shows many separate events of convergence of body styles. "Saber toothness" was tried again an again, usually shortly after extinction event and by new organism clades. That is demonstrated in the fossil record quite nicely.

It is not here, it is not there, it is not anywhere
do you function in the real world? or do you continually bark like this?

ps, whats an SI?, Sports Illustrated? Sulfur Iodide?
Reply Tue 24 Jun, 2014 08:20 pm
spendius wrote:
What bothers me H is why the Designer didn't arrange ... It does seem a curious omission

If you have in mind the detoxication - He has arranged that and even how ... by giving us 'local intelligence' to do some 'repairs' on the spot.
The very fact that some people are using their 'local intelligence' to design GMOs of the unexpected (cherry blossoms avoided by the bees) and to make fast and easy money by frying starch of any kind (and producing acrylamide and other nanoplastics and nonotoxins in industrial quantities) is another story.
There is no fatal system error in our ID - the fatal system error is sooner in the emergence of the big bang and the evolutionary interpretation of the things intended to shower up the conscience of the GMO and nonoplstics apologetics.

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