I don't mean to be negative with your education but< I don't think that science is for you. I hve a feeling that Im arguing silliness with a 14 year old. Your inability to recognize the complement of amino acids c that code for lifes proteins is kind of revealing .
Your misquoting of websites in what would normally be considered "dishonest assertions" is also surprising.
you cannottrap people by stating that the Big Bang and organic evolution are linked by process. The Creation of a planet was a "pallette" on which life arose. If you wish to try to assert that one controls the other , well Ill leave that to your science fiction book.
The article in Britannica ays NOTHING o what you say it does. Why do you keep up ith trying to miscast and falsely attribute hat I say hen I didn't?? That's fraud and Im really tired of your being fraudulent in your attempts at debate.
I think you hould read some from Watsons book "DNQ" about howlife was composed in the Hadean (THATS IN THE BRITANNICA ARTICLE),
You seem really obsessed with your "biocode" and some sort of math "proofs" and yet you don't understand the first thing about what youre speaking in this matter. The archean life, Prokaryotic cells appeared without RN and DNA. They most likely used other polymers to transmit replicating information. This is the .
YOUVE failed to answer any of my questions so I can only assume that you've not given me the courtesy to continue a discussion when really all your trying to do is maintain the typical creationist approach of asking dumb questions or trying to sustain illogical points like'How can you mathematically prove that 20 amino acids are in DNA"?
EITHER ANSWER THESE few questions or just go away.
1How do you explain the appearance of new species through time?
2Why don't mammal or bird fossils appear in the Cambrian sediments and why don't dinosaurs and trilobites appear in Holocene sediments
4 why do island dwelling species of plants and animals have totally different families and genera than those of their near mainlands?
5 How does Creationism answer any of the questions bout appearances and disappearances of new genera.
6 In your view, Why doesn't macro evolution occur ?