Intelligent Design vs. Casino Universe

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:09 am
@Frank Apisa,
But to claim that because religion sucks...it is impossible for gods to exist...is as absurd as the claim that religions explain REALITY.

Frank, where did I ever claim that religion "sucks" (Ibelieve that is your characterization not mine)
You are unsucessfylly combining two arguments. In this thread I refer to the story of Gilgamesh. I dont connect it to the scientific knowledge that god cannot exist.
Lets try to stay focused, and to use your term, not blather! Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:13 am

I believe religion originally developed from neolithic man's attempts to understand nature. They lived in a world without most of the knowledge that we today take for granted, and without that knowledge I think it was only natural for them to theorize anthropomorphic causes for the things they observed. Such a behavior is basically the Scientific Process but without the restriction to Naturalism as a baseline.

Over time, the simpler and naturalistic explanations began to prove more functional and accurate than the supernatural explanations until the process was codified into a Scientific Methodology which produced the highest level of functionality and accuracy. But by then the Supernatural structures had already codified into religions which were producing a cultural functionality of group cohesion and hierarchical control for the "priests" in various forms. After that, religion was self-perpetuating and self-refining toward those goals.

An erudite summary; thank you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:18 am
giujohn wrote:

But to claim that because religion sucks...it is impossible for gods to exist...is as absurd as the claim that religions explain REALITY.

Frank, where did I ever claim that religion "sucks" (Ibelieve that is your characterization not mine)
You are unsucessfylly combining two arguments. In this thread I refer to the story of Gilgamesh. I dont connect it to the scientific knowledge that god cannot exist.
Lets try to stay focused, and to use your term, not blather! Rolling Eyes

Yeah..."sucks" was my characterization.

So let's change my comment to your wording...and see if it impacts on the logic:

But to claim that because religion is “first to recocile mans fear and realization that he would eventually die and provide a comforting reason that life would continue after death and that it was in the hands of an all powerful being ,or it was out of our control, and later as a way for other men to control the masses”…it is impossible for gods to exist...is as absurd as the claim that religions explain REALITY.

Any better?

Try to stay focused yourself, John. Try not to blather.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:24 am

Can someone please translate this gobbledy gook??


I have to confess that I really can't. The only possible explanation for the creation of the construct of the Big Bang is for the Science to convince the population that it is the only omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent presence in the Universe that can possibly exist. Everything else is without any significance, for it doesn't matter that the fake construct of the Big Bang, based on even more fake assumptions, all of them presented as top design scientific theory, is in absolute contradiction with any and all the laws of physics, and mathematics, and math logic, etc.
This is nothing. This is not so important. It doesn't matter – for the only thing that matters is that 'the Big Bang' must go on.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 11:39 am
farmerman wrote:
you are being a real hard head. The theory of evolution is not about origin, its about changes. Try not to miss the entire point.

At some point of its conceit it starts explaining the origin of the species. Besides that one cannot state anything (let alone making theoretical super-constructs) without having valid assumptions. The assumptions for the theory are not the origin, notwithstanding that the theory of the evolution pretends to have covered the origin. If it does not cover the origin of the species what exactly it is explaining?
Evolution explains micro-changes that allow species to adapt to some extend to the changing environment (which is also diputable), and does not explain changes that generate new bio-code and create new species.

farmerman wrote:
Whatever point you try to make about cosmology does NOT affect anything re: evolution.

The theory of the Big Bang claims that it has discovered the evolution of the stars ... which on the Earth has continued somehow into the evolution of the species. I am not the one that made this point - I am only observing it ... and run on it some verification & validation tests to see whether to believe it or not.

farmerman wrote:
no, youre confusing "c) with the big bang.

No, I am not confusing anything. The theory claims that the Universe is expanding. Expansion implies for the 3D space to increase (just don't ask me to where) ... right now, at this very moment. The newly created space (as a result of the expansion) is 'just created' ... and it can't be at the age of 13.8 Bys in any case scenario of interpretation of the Big Bang.

farmerman wrote:
point to me such an "essential contradiction" in evolution.

The species cannot appear without the bio-code. The evolution cannot create brand new biocode for new species, hence evolution cannot create new species as it claims.

farmerman wrote:
ALL evidence in evolution is from several different disciplines coalescing on single points.

How did you come to know that the collected evidences from the history of life on the Earth belong to the evolution. They are evidences for existence at some point of time on some place, only this and nothing else ... let alone evidences for their appertaining to the evolution theory. The atheists are attaching them to evolution, without any reasonable justification for appurtenance.

farmerman wrote:
Ive not discussed cosmology because its not my field.
When you try to talk evolution, your in my court.

I haven't known that evolution is part of the geology ... I have always thought that it belongs to the biological sciences.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 12:07 pm
theory of the evolution pretends to have covered the origin.
no it doesn't, in fact it specifically states that it does not.


The theory of the Big Bang claims that it has discovered the evolution of the stars
It a theiry that explains some facts . It has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIFE. Im talking about life , so don't try to conflate things . Your game is to deny evolution of life by mixing in cosmology. That's jut bogus and you know it.

The species cannot appear without the bio-code.
another Herald assertion. Early life could have been only a cell wall made of polymers. "Biocodes" are youre invention. When you write your convincing paper of "what is necessary for first life" I promise to read it. Till then, youre just spouting unconnected assertions

How did you come to know that the collected evidences from the history of life on the Earth belong to the evolution

I understand that English is NOT your home language so Im not criticizing your ESL skills. Its just that this statement makes little sense.
If I get you right, let me elucidate.
1.We have a stratigrphic record accurte to a few percent of "chrons" ( science time unit for deep time)

2We see that specific species occurred only in specific Chron segments

3These species show subsequent related but different phenotypic shapes and adaptations

4 we have geochemical data that shows the environment to which the specific life was adapted

5. we have genetic data of current day relted species nd their re;lated earlier species (like reptiles and birds can be shown to have related but different genomes)

6. We have evidence on their extinctions nd evironments of extinctions nd then subsequent derived species tht take over

I haven't known that evolution is part of the geology ... I have always thought that it belongs to the biological sciences.
youd be wrong. Evolution has many disciplines involved

The evolution cannot create brand new biocode for new species, hence evolution cannot create new species as it claims.
I have no idea who told you that but they are full of ****. New genes are formed all the time. SOme are lethal, most neutral, and several are beneficial. You have but to look at genomes of species like montreme and placental mammal. We (placentals) hve the gene for egg sac and yolk development (BUT THE GENE IS TURND OFF), In a montreme, these same gens are turned ON.
Using knock out genes we can turn ON a placentals genes for egg sac nd have a placental actually lay an egg. (It wont be viable because other SNP genes interact that make the egg viable).
Certain mammals are mesotherms (in between warm and cold blooded). The genes they have are "turned on genes" that mesothermic species like tuna and shark and sloths and echidnas carry. We have the same genes biut ours (and all other endotherms) have them "Turned off"

The actual genes for endothermy and mesothermy re NOT present in earlier reptilian specie. (These are then, examples of new genes).

Creationits want to argue that all animals were created at the same time but also they want to state tht these differing genic complement were alredy in plce(thus the Cretionists like to cop an "evolutionary argument" when its convenient to their needs.

Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 12:26 pm
you are being a real hard head. The theory of evolution is not about origin, its about changes. Try not to miss the entire point.

This one is soooooooooo cheap!

When they haven't evidenc, or it is very illogical, suddenly the 'scientist'
have an escape. They just say it is not about this or that!

If you talk about the Big Bang, it has nothing to do with it. If life can't have begonnen the way they claim, they have nothing to do with it.
Now we just have to wait till the scientific idiots start shouting "we have nothing to do with evolution" I really think that time will come.

It is soooooooooooooooooooooo stupid what the 'modern scintists' do , really!!!
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 12:27 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Oh comon now Frank...do you think it's fair to put my qoute into the center of yours?
Again, two seperate issues. The first is a commentary on the rip off of the story of Gilgamesh by those who wrote the tora and the other a scientific explanation as to the impossibility of gods existance.
Both are obvious to the informed open mind. Both seperately logical. And while I fail to see why you are bent on combining the two arguements, I find neither losing any logic by doing so, albeit a little disjointed in reference to this thread. But hey, whatever tickles your fancy...cheers!
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 12:36 pm
why don't you go bck ignoring me you idiot. If you cant follow along , try not to babble nonsense.
The theory of evolution by natural selection (That which you were earlier denouncing for being "racist"), HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BIG BANG. They are almost 100 years apart with evolution coming out waaay before father LeMatrie's hypothesis
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 02:05 pm
giujohn wrote:

Oh comon now Frank...do you think it's fair to put my qoute into the center of yours?
Again, two seperate issues. The first is a commentary on the rip off of the story of Gilgamesh by those who wrote the tora and the other a scientific explanation as to the impossibility of gods existance.
Both are obvious to the informed open mind. Both seperately logical. And while I fail to see why you are bent on combining the two arguements, I find neither losing any logic by doing so, albeit a little disjointed in reference to this thread. But hey, whatever tickles your fancy...cheers!

John, you are making the claim that because religion has many defects (and religion does have MANY defects)...it is impossible for a god to exist.

There is no logical basis for that conclusion there.

Now you have apparently seen the error of doing that...and you are trying to make it seem you were working from a different direction.

In any case, there is no scientific proof that gods cannot exist. Frankly, there is no scientific proof that the idiot god of the Bible does not exist.

Try to keep up.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 02:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
John, you are making the claim that because religion has many defects (and religion does have MANY defects)...it is impossible for a god to exist.

Frank, incorrectly posting what I have said and then arguing the point as if it were true is beneath you.
Put the joint down and back away from the baggie.
I said god is an impossibility because of the emperical evidence which I have seen. NOWHERE did I say it was because the religion has many defects.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 02:26 pm
giujohn wrote:

John, you are making the claim that because religion has many defects (and religion does have MANY defects)...it is impossible for a god to exist.

Frank, incorrectly posting what I have said and then arguing the point as if it were true is beneath you.
Put the joint down and back away from the baggie.
I said god is an impossibility because of the emperical evidence which I have seen. NOWHERE did I say it was because the religion has many defects.

I'll post it again:

The purpose of religion is 2 fold: first to recocile mans fear and realization that he would eventually die and provide a comforting reason that life would continue after death and that it was in the hands of an all powerful being ,or it was out of our control, and later as a way for other men to control the masses.

Since religion holds itself out as being a means to worship a god (or gods)...the things you mentioned are defects in it...and you pointed them out.

In any case, any supposed "empirical evidence" which you have seen CANNOT logically lead to a conclusion that gods are impossible.

Stop with the nonsense, it is not going to work.

If you want to blindly guess there are no gods...and that gods are impossible...do so. There is no problem with that at all. Hell, the theists blindly guess in the other direction. But if you are going to pretend that you can prove that gods are impossible, you are either delusional or flat out lying. (I'd much prefer to think you are delusional.)

If you want to keep at this just for the hell of it, though...do so.

I will accommodate you.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:21 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank...you didnt come up with a quote from me that says I believe that god is an impossibility because religion has defects.
The quote you did post does not answer my request...not even a little.
I leave it to others to decide...
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:41 pm
giujohn wrote:

Frank...you didnt come up with a quote from me that says I believe that god is an impossibility because religion has defects.
The quote you did post does not answer my request...not even a little.
I leave it to others to decide...

I vote that he did.
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 03:54 pm
@Frank Apisa,
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jun, 2014 10:49 pm
farmerman wrote:
no it doesn't, in fact it specifically states that it does not.

Have you read at all the theory of evolution?
1. A series of chemical reactions occurred in the sky and in the sea.

Well, it is not impossible for lightnings to occur in the sky, but there are no evidences that lightnings can create biocode ... or any information code, like software for example.
2. They met and formed amino acids.

... met with what? FM, can you re-create this event in a laboratory. If a scientific discovery cannot be replicated and re-created in a laboratory most probably it is neither scientific nor discovery ... and usually turns out to be something else.

3. The amino acids developed ways to propagate themselves.

This is the most interesting part. Not only the biocode appeared out of nowhere, but it also has started to reproduce on auto pilot by seeds, cutting, grafting, etc. in plants and advanced mobile reproduction techniques in animals.
The motion of a wave throughout a medium (which also BTW is not explained as a process at nano-level - what drives the propagation) to transfer energy (and information, if encoded) from one place to another is very much different from the motion of the biocode in the biosphere.

4. They became proteins - and then the first cells.

So it was, they (the aminoacids) became proteins - I have always missing this.
How, when, why (by what reason and for what purpose), what is the mechanics driving the process ... these are 'insignificant' details.

5. The cells eventually united with each other forming an organism.

Aha, that was how it had happened - you mix up in some glass gelatin and water and the cells unite, by reason unknown become living and start performing various measures ... like sowing wheat, for example .

6. The organism, a water dweller, eventually adapts to land because of a change in the atmosphere and in the salt content of the seawater.

This salt content cannot be an assumption for any claim for science does not know how old is the salinity ... and how it has developed with the time.

7. The land dweller eventually through millions of eons, became the primitive ancestor of the majority of present-day oxygen breathing animals.

If this theory is true (that the 'land dwellers' can adapt to different environment) very soon we will have super land dwellers, having adapted to breathe SO2, NOx, PM2,5 and PM100 ... on the background of continuously increasing on exponent CO2.

8. This primitive ancestor had lots of offsprings - some eventually became a dog, some a cat, others a rat, and a few, an ape.

... and some dinosaurs, but unfortunately we are not genetic cousins to the dinosaurs so this whole theory falls apart like a tower of cards.

9. This ape, according to scientists, eventually became them (and they say, us).

This item I am not even going to comment.

In short, the Theory of Evolution explains that a series of changes or mutations occurred from one generation.

To claim that the mutations are developing new biocode is the very same as to claim that viruses and botnet and Trojans are developing new operation systems (without the interference of the software developers)

that are transmitted on toward the next generation, such that these changes accumulate over time and the successive waves of generations differ considerably from their ancestors (origins).

Differ considerably does not necessarily mean more healthier, faster, smarter, etc.

They say that both man and gorilla evolved from an ape-like creature just 150,000 years ago and that we are in the process of further "evolving".

How have we 'evolved' from one creature, as we will need at least two specimen to appear on the Earth in the first place?

farmerman wrote:
It a theiry that explains some facts . It has NOTHING TO DO WITH LIFE.

If the Big Bang has no correlation to life, the space and the environment should also have no correlation to life ... and the next question is: who is the Big Bang and why should I have to study it?

farmerman wrote:
"Biocodes" are youre invention.

The biocode in not my invention. The quantum encoding in the genetics is determining your development throughout your lifetime.

farmerman wrote:
Evolution has many disciplines involved.

We are talking about the evolution of life. Geology is responsible exclusively to describe the fossil and to date it properly ... and to nothing else, let alone disseminating stories about bio-polymers and lightnings.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 05:54 am
have read Darwins editions as well as several other neo Darwinian authors and Gould's works on evolution. Ive read a few of DAwkins early stuff and "MT Improbable" and "The Greatest Show". Hes a popular writer like David Quammen who,(by the way) had written a really good review of evolution on isolated areas of the earth (like islands where Creationists just seem to SHUT UP since they have no answers of the development of life on islands). The classical texts like Knoll, Lewontin, Fairbanks,Mayr, Watson and Crick,Wendt are great biological efforts while Santosh , Rodgers,Brooks, Edgerton, Raup, and others(I cant drag out of my head at the keyboard) provide good summaries of the paleo and various geological disciplines involved (WHY DO YOU ASK?)

That other crap, taken out of context I gibberish because you seem to not understand how such systems arise.

You should try to read some real science about origins and the "genesis experiments".

The geologists have been the ones whove first discovered the actual places on the planet and the associated geochemistry with foundations of life.
Geos chem and Biogeochemistry are closely associated with the molwcular biologists. AS I said, its an interdisciplinary ubject. If you deny that, just put it on your list an maybe we can dicuss it at some later time. Id like to kep you focused since some of the reasons you have in being unable to understand(besides the fact that youre a confessed Creationit who needs to establish a theistic control over everything humans do), you seem to try to jump all over the place with no basic focus in mind.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:25 am
farmerman wrote:
Ive read a few of DAwkins early stuff and "MT Improbable" and "The Greatest Show". Hes a popular writer like David Quammen

Prof. Dawkins is not simply 'popular writer', but a Professor for Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford.

farmerman wrote:
You should try to read some real science about origins and the "genesis experiments".

... and you should try to write some Ph.D. thesis in real philosophy.
I don't know what you mean under 'real science' and what is unreal about the things I am writing here, but may I tell you s.th.
Evolution is the change in the inherited characteristics of biological populations over successive generations.

Evolution cannot change the inherited characteristics even over billions of generations for it has to change the genetic code ... and it has no mechanics to do this (to create brand new genetic code).

Evolutionary processes give rise to diversity at every level of biological organization, including species, individual organisms and molecules such as DNA and proteins.

1. RE: including species
The constrained number of combinations for one trait within one and the same species (like for example black, brown, blond or red hair) are not brand new genetic code. Brand new genetic code it to have hair that will grow up anew (after becoming boldface).

2. RE: individual organisms
Evolution cannot create super-tissues (withstanding heat and frost or acids, for example); evolution cannot create super-metabolism that will digest everything ... like for example bacteria that will eat the 8 types of plastics in the waste; evolution cannot create super-breathing processes - to allow us to breathe under water, for example ... or to photosynthesize on the CO2 and to breathe out oxygen; etc.

3. RE: DNA & proteins
Evolution cannot create brand new types of aminoacids (besides the 20 already in use).

Is this the real science you are talking about?

farmerman wrote:
The geologists have been the ones whove first discovered the actual places on the planet and the associated geochemistry with foundations of life. Geos chem and Biogeochemistry are closely associated ...

I hope you make distinction between geochemistry and biochemistry.

farmerman wrote:
AS I said, its an interdisciplinary ubject.

Nobody is denying that, but interdisciplinary subject does not necessarily mean leading subject in a set of disciplines. Geology is not decisive in the interpretation of the appearance of life on the Earth. The dating it makes may not be associated with any evolution ... for now this is history record of evidences for specimens of life, eventually with some possible taxonomy for classification of the species ... only this and nothing else. Nowhere in the fossil records there are traces of evolutionary processes ... not to say that you even don't know how they should look like.

farmerman wrote:
... besides the fact that youre a confessed Creationit who needs to establish a theistic control over everything humans do

I am not confessed, but this does not impede me from assuming creation as one of the possible explanations (unlike some other people who claim 'the best' on the grounds of one instance only).

farmerman wrote:
you seem to try to jump all over the place with no basic focus in mind.

Can you give an example of this? If some people are missing the thread this does not necessarily mean that some other are jumping over. If you watch a movie in a cinema and sleep over half of the movies this does not necessarily mean that the film director has jumped over to the end of the movie.
Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 09:44 am
wow! very well put.
btw do you know the book "Icons of evolution "?

Reply Sun 15 Jun, 2014 10:09 am

3. RE: DNA & proteins
Evolution cannot create brand new types of aminoacids (besides the 20 already in use).

That's because all life only needs those 20. Why screw with adequacy? re you trying to write science foction?

"Real SCience" is NOT a view wherein all results must comport to a given worldview as you Creationists do (but deny doing so )
Youre part of a small and dwindling clot of believers in "inerrancy first".
You've got probably a generation or two left (except for the Sharia govts wherein Fundamentalist Orthodoxy IS their science)

Prof. Dawkins is not simply 'popular writer', but a Professor for Public Understanding of Science at the University of Oxford.
I know what he is, Ive interviewed him for a University press. Hes a relevant biological scientist whose merely gone a bit too far (IMHO) in his viewpoints re: atheism and has stirred up the sleeping UK wackadoos . His research on isolate speciation and genetic drift are quite relevant
The constrained number of combinations for one trait within one and the same species (like for example black, brown, blond or red hair) are not brand new genetic code. Brand new genetic code it to have hair that will grow up anew (after becoming boldface). {I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS EJACULATION ABOUT BOLDFACE IS EVEN ABOUT}
You need to read about genetics a lot more than just flapping around the Creationist sited from Google. new genes are always being formed and they don't necessarily constrain anything.
(As Gould said, "genes are merely bookkeeping of the species"). MAny phenotypic traits are coded by ONE allele (a Single Nucleotide Polymorph) or by many. Many color traita go hand and hand with entire sets of governing traits (like a polar bears fur is also associated with its nostril migration and ear shapes)


Nobody is denying that, but(an) interdisciplinary subject does not necessarily mean (a)leading subject in a set of disciplines
I hope youre taking notes because this is another area where youre dead wrong. Niles Eldredge, Neil Shubin, the late Stephen Gould etc re all "geological scientists" who chaired the departments of evolutionary sciences or departments of medical anatomy for medical colleges and SChools of biology. "Interdisciplinary is a true collabortive effort, its not a "Give me first authorship " bullshit. So, today we have economists in charge of physics departments and research teams, as well as paleontologists leading med school departments.
but this does not impede me from assuming creation as one of the possible explanations (unlike some other people who claim 'the best' on the grounds of one instance only).
You can believe what you wish. That just doesn't make it science. The Creationist viewpoints have been debunked by evidence for at least 100 years. I can understand why you WANT to discredit evolutionary theory. It stands in the way with these debunkings.

HERES SOME QUESTIONS iVE ASKED YOU Quahog, and others like you:

!. Why are there no fossil elephants in the Cambrian Formation and no trilobites in the Holocene?

2.Why does every island chain and deep cave deposit (Carlsbad, Mammoth , Lechaguilla , Krst Valley) have species that are unique to those locales and nowhere else? How does Creationism cause that

3.Why do genes turned off and on often define entire speciation characteristics between , say reptiles, birds, and mammals(especially when you've insisted that there are NO TRANSITIONAL FOSSILS OR ANIMALS)?

There are many more but you've all just been ignoring these few for almost 8 years, so Im not really expecting any answers without being honest


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