pueo wrote:welcome to my world
But how do I get there? It's way, way out in the middle of a bunch of water and other related stuff. I don't fly, I don't swim, I get seasick. Are there any trains running out that way?
Let the midnight special shine a light on me - let the midnight shine its ever-loving light on me!
Stay off those tracks, wabbit!
...Everybody knows I don't like to start trouble, but

You don't have to take that kind of talk from Chatoyant!
Okay, these birdies are really causing trouble here. I'm now going to remove my feather boa ... so there!!!!!
<ruffle, ruffle, flutter>
Ah-Hmmmmm ... I think it politically incorrect to stereotype those of the feathered persuasion as malcontents, rabblerousers, and ne'er-do-wells. That way lies bigotry, you know.
fishin, "Demise" has different connotations. It doesn't necessarily mean the "death" of something. We are talking about "quality." The demise of quality. For all we know, those still active on Abuzz may be enjoying themselves, and see none of the vulgarness and invectives, and participate with abandon. c.i.
c.i. "Quailty" was never mentioned at the time I commented on the use of the word "demise".
Why did you wait until 9 days and 160 posts later to decide what "we" are talking about is now something different than what was being discussed in the beginning of this thread?
I notice you totally ignored everything else from that post of mine where I alluded to the aspects of "quality" however, just to pick out that one line.
Demise does so too mean death!
Has Abuzz woken up again?
That was rather insensitive of her, wasn't it Booman . . . but shouldn't you be saying something like: "Oh the avianity" . . .
...not neccessarily.In Webster's collegiate, it's only the 3rd definition. Primarily, it's to senddown, or loss of position. [this has been a public service announcement.]
dlowan, That's called "resurrection." c.i.
fishin, Didn't mean to flush your feathers. My responses are hardly ever in response to something posted back to the beginning of any forum. My memory nor patience ain't that good. On some forums, where the activity is high, and there are more than a half dozen pages of post since my last visit, I usually don't go back to read all of what I missed. Too lazy, too! Sorry for that misunderstanding.... c.i.
Not sure we're still talking about Abuzz here, but I've tried a few times today--just of curiosity, mind you--to see what's going on there, and it was no dice. Perhaps Abuzz has finally given up the ghost. It would almost be sad...
D'art, It would only be sad, because some good members of Abuzz never got the invite or the inclination to make their membership here on A2K. c.i.
True, c.i. I was being flippant, and not for the first time on a sad occasion!
Okay....a toast to abuzz, for paving the way for A2k. We all once enjoyed it.
Cheers, Booman! Bartender, I'll have a pint, please...
Well! One thing we didn't have on Abuzz was furry and feathered smart-mouth types who picked on little bluish, artfully tasteful thingamabobalinks.