For me, the last straw was the imposter(s) constantly following me around from thread to thread, posting as me with their words, which weren't very kind. Or, they would post as someone else and bad mouth me all the time.
It just got to the point where it wasn't fun anymore, and it just wasn't worth it.
The worst part was feeling like by leaving abuzz, I would never have anymore contact with those I enjoyed sharing posts with. That was until now.
Other issues were the down time, no responses from abuzz when I emailed them with my concerns, too many people posting to jerk someones chain, or for affect.
I haven't disabled by account as of yet, but plan to on Dec. 31st.
I have high hopes for A2K.
I doubt I'll be disabling anything, DLK. I mean, it's not like anyone is paying attention to the membership. I only had one imposter (too dumb for words), but could see what was happening with you and others. Still, I spend less time there every week that passes.
I feel somehow neglected in that I never, to my knowledge, acquired an imposter. Perhaps I will go storming over there and demand one!
Get one for me while you are there timber! I never managed to pick one up either which, to some extent, kind of surprises me.
Good luck impersonating me.
timberlandko and fishin',
I'll be happy to offer you my imposter(s)
Be forewarned, after it happens you will feel like this
Any second thoughts?
Abuzz wasn't designed for what it became used for.
Abuzz had little turnover.
Abuzz has no index meta tags so that search engines would not index all the threads.
Abuzz never fixed their database (it has been corrupted for months).
Abuzz has technically shoddy design that gives CSS problems and is heavy on the server.
Abuzz doesn't want to pay the few hundred dollars it would cost to use a top level host and a system administrator so there is too much downtime.
Abuzz didn't bring in enough volunteers when the paid staff left and there were many who would have helped.
Those are the main ones, there are a few hundred little things they could have done to improve things but the bottom line is that Abuzz is doing fine. It's not as fun as it used to be but that's just because it's untended.
Why this site will never be like Abuzz:
I won't give up on it. It's not a business to me, it's my favorite hobby and I have big plans for it.
Abuzz could have ALL it's problems fixed in one weekend. One day this might happen. The only problem is that there isn't any interest in fixing the technical problems.
dlk, I can't be sure, but I suspect there are just a few who engage in all the "Imposturing" and who consistently try to skew ratings and smilies over there. There are striking similarities of style, down to consistent misspellings or punctuation peculiarities. Whatever, it is a source of irritation and bother to those seeking to interact with a genuine screen persona subject to such attack.
I'm shocked!
Shocked I say!
To hear that abuzz had no index meta tags....
Whatever those are.
Glad to be a part of your own private petrie dish here oh Great and Powerful Webmaster!
Basically those tags mean that search engines aren't supposed to index their pages. Abuzz kept all it's content out of the reach of search engines and cheated itself out of a lot of new visitors.
To give an example (these are pages from the respective sites listed in Google, not pages that mention the respective sites):
Able2Know currently has 14,800 pages in Google (and growing). pages in Google
Abuzz has 323 results. pages in Google
I'm not the greatest webmaster but I really like doing this so I'll keep at it. I don't mind spending pocket money on it either because when I get a dedicated server it will be my favorite toy.
I continue to Abuzz, not as happily as before, but, there are still some fine people over there. Another reason I hang in is a faith that somebody will eventually discover that the site is worth saving and make the necessary changes. If I'm wrong, I haven't really lost anything.
I must admit, I never experienced anything but technical problems. over there, with occasional vulgarity. I'm no prude, but when you try to replace dialogue, or humor with vulgarity, it's distracting. Those other things you guys mention are news to me.
Heck, I used the same moniker, cicerone imposter, on Abuzz, and somebody had the gall to create an 'imposter' for me too! And more than once! c.i.
Thanks for dropping by Craven, I figured you would have the details.
darn, after reading these posts I will have to re-evaluate my opinion that afuuz went downhill after I stopped afuzzin'
never had a imposter either. I think it would cause irreparable damage to an otherwise normal person to try to think and post like me
...or, finish off an already warped personality.
Don't need abuzz any more.
Me neither, I go back to check certain open Q's to update myself.
Wish Aa would be here more though.