IIS-compatible mod_rewrite software (URL rewriting; ISAPI)

Reply Wed 8 Nov, 2006 01:55 am
Of course, Apache's mod_rewrite module pwns. However, I'm interested in comparable solutions which work with IIS on Windows Server.

ISAPI_Rewrite from Helicon Tech is probably the most popular and best supported option. However, though it seems to be an excellent product with many powerful features (including some not supported by mod_rewrite, such as rewriting request methods and HTTP headers [forgive me if mod_rewrite can in fact do these things]) and a good regular expression engine (Boost.Regex), it lacks some of mod_rewrite's less-used but cool features, such as some of the RewriteCond special flags (-d and -f are must-have features for me). Also, it implements some things (such as chained RewriteCond's) in a rather quirky manner.

There are various other solutions which work with IIS, but most of them are pretty basic, or sometimes downright terrible.

However, a cool product which just came to my attention about a week ago is IIRF (Ionic's ISAPI Rewrite Filter), which is free and open source. While it currently lacks some of the whiz-bang features of mod_rewrite and ISAPI_Rewrite, it seems to be in pretty active development (the changes since July have been very significant), it uses a good regex engine (PCRE), and as of the latest version it supports my must-have -d and -f RewriteCond flags. Woohoo!

Does anybody know about other potential solutions which, like IIRF and mod_rewrite, can base conditional URL rewrites on whether or not files and/or folders exist on the server? Any other tidbits, suggestions, comparisons, or complaints to share about URL rewriting software?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 10,350 • Replies: 5
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Craven de Kere
Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 10:22 am
I've never found a satisfactory one.

But here is another lead: IISRewrite

I also vaguely remember hearing something about Microsoft tackling this itself in a future release.
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 06:55 pm
Craven de Kere wrote:
I also vaguely remember hearing something about Microsoft tackling this itself in a future release.

I've only heard rumors of such. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't in some future release, but I don't believe URL rewriting will be included in IIS7 (it's not in any IIS7 feature list I've seen).
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2007 07:58 pm
IISRewrite looks kind of weak. However, I just did a couple searches and this time I found something which, much to my surprise, looks really solid (I've only spent about 5 minutes looking at their docs so far, so my opinion could change)... IIS Mod-Rewrite Pro.

Like IIRF, they support the "-f" and "-d" RewriteCond options I mentioned, and they support a lot of other fancy stuff as well. Here's their Compatibility with Apache mod_rewrite comparison.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2007 06:11 pm
It's really amazing how those guys at Micronovae made IIS Mod-Rewrite Pro truly compatible with mod_rewrite. Not only they tailored it to be compatible with mod_rewrite commands to the finest detail, but also they achieved true compatibility regarding its behavior. I was really surprised when I used a fairly complicated script mix with per-virtual host, per-directory, and override rewrite commands, including "RewriteOptions inherit", and got the exact same result with mod_rewrite!

But I think its killing feature is the .htaccess support, which really works Very Happy

Also, looking at the compatibility docs, they only left aside features that are anyway meaningless for IIS, such as handlers, mime-types, DOCUMENT_ROOT, and subrequests. IMO, they've done a very good work.
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2007 08:44 am
gepap, your sales pitch is quite transparent. However, if your company's product lives up to its claims (and I have no reason to believe that it wouldn't), it is indeed fine work. I plan to have the agency I work for adopt it as part of its CMS solution once development on the project starts.
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