not exactly what i had in mind, but if it works for you.......
Well, I see Abuzz is maintaining it's position. I tried to get in a few times today, but no luck. I could access the Home page, but then when I tried to access My Abuzz I got the error message. I gave up!
Well, since the dress is feathers, I suppose I'm ready for the party.
As to Abuzz, I'm convinced a number of the more noticeable folks over there anymore could benefit from a feather costume as well, but with hot tar for underwear.
Pass that Scotch bottle over here, if ya would, please, wee bunny.
Well thanks Pueo, I didn't think you'd noticed.
I see said the blind man......Pueo is not only a boid, but a noble boid.
Yep, Abuzz is down again! < snort >
Misti26 wrote:Yep, Abuzz is down again! < snort >
That pretty much says it all, Misti.
Abuzz is way down .......
be like me, don't afuzz. it's like watching a train wreck.
I gave it up a while back. Ohhhhh, that makes me like pueo! Ohhhhhhhh.
And yet we keep going back. It's like trying to give up smoking-always looking for that one puff.
My account isn't working on Abuzz (I can't sign in) I will not bother anyone to fix it or create a new one right now so I won't be Abuzzing for some time.
I was able to sign in-but it meant clicking on the link and then walking away to have a cuppa!!!
I haven't posted much there in ages. Just the odd one here and there
I always seem to have had a charmed sort of life on Abuzz - must be because I avoided politics - despite my interest in it.
I had one person start a thread which I think was supposed to be nasty about me - but I thought it hilarious and joined in.
Must be cos I have a low profile cept amongst me fellow sillies - and we are harmless!
I will drop in as long as it is around - I still find fun threads... and still learn stuff from it.
i never had any problems on afuzz myself, just lost interest. for those of us who remembered afuuz in the older days it just wasn't the same.
I'm still enjoying my time there. Special people like Aa and HereComesEverybody/Squeedleboink who have chosen to stay there are worth any difficulty which might come up. There is a group of new members whose posts I'm enjoying. Since a few of the more active/reactive political posters have moved here, the tone there has changed as well. Not entirely, but noticeably.
For the most part, I think that it is the turn of a different 'generation' of members to be active at Abuzz. The large influx of members in mid-2000 'bothered' the original members (mostly educators from the Beehive group) of Abuzz. We changed the focus and tone of the site, causing them to leave. I believe this is a natural progression to the site.
The site is still less problematic and more civil than many other forums out there, including the NYT's own forums. It's a good option for some.