Criticizing this site? Why? Because they can't assume multiple identities and repeatedly spam their opinions all over? Because they can't impersonate others to impugn their perceived "enemy's" nom de plume? Perhaps because they can't randomly flame others for no reason?
I had some time today and logged in to Abuzz. The first post I checked made even me blush, I just couldn't believe it. The language was atrocious, and totally uncalled for. I logged off at once, muttering "who needs this?"
And to think there are people trying to save it! What for may I ask?
Misti, Their attempts at survival suggests to me they are enjoying themselves. My tolerance for that kind of filth is zero, and some people seem to thrive on it.

For what it's worth, I looked into a "Save Abuzz" discussion yesterday. Of about 8 people, all but 2, and possibly 3 were also members of a2k. Keep that in mind when they claim a2k is hastening the Abuzz demise by drawing off the best members. They have no other complaint.
Oh, Zinger once said it was boring.
c.i.- I think that for some people it's like "throwing good money after bad". Some people are so emotionally connected to the site, that it is difficult for them to let go.
Phoenix, I must admit to having an addiction to Abuzz once in my life, so I can emphathize with those still hooked. It just makes one wonder, why now? c.i.
I think they (administration) knows Abuzz is dead, they just haven't buried it yet!
Misti, It seems the pulse is still being measured.

I surf the other site and although it is put together quite well,
I find it is developing into a clique, just as Abuzz did before
we started getting new members.
To be quite honest, one of the things that bothers me about that
site is the choice of "signature picture/icon" that some folks
have chosen to use. At least one of those pictures is so
upsetting to me that I refuse to stay on any thread that they
appear on. The pictures are much worse than the words used here.
Here's a couple of comments. I'm not going to say who posted them.
Well, to the defense or explanation at least of why some members of a2k continue to be members of both abuzz and this site -
I find the abuzz site a bit easier to navigate from the first page that opens upon log-in. For one, if I have been "invited to" a new thread, I see it right there in the middle of the page. Since I've only done the read online version, I have never had issues with the times that the abuzz site did or didn't send out invites or posts. I got used to looking for new invites to me, specifically, and the next thing I did was to click on "Interactions Involved in". If I wanted to peruse new questions or top interactions, from the My Abuzz page I could click once and get there, seeing the titles clearly and a little bit about the 'question' or topic.
Here in a2k, when I log-in, I click on the "View topics with posts since your last visit" and find the number staggering at times - 3,000 or so in 24 hours even! Then, the page that comes up may have some topics I am interested in, but most are not. So then, I click on the "View topics you have posted in" and finally get where I am most interested. This whole route takes longer for me to get around than when I get around in abuzz.
I like some aspects of the a2k layout and some of the abuzz layout. In abuzz, I still apprecitate the element of "surprise" when I find a newbie there or a topic that is unexpected, whether full of crappola or TinFoil Hat fodder, or sincere. I think that the abuzz site continues to still attract a wider range of folks globally than many posting forums. There was a comment earlier that a poster made here in this thread about "Clicque" - I do feel there is a greater clicque / click emphasis here in a2k, partly because there are proportionately more members that already "know" each other from abuzz.
To a newbie in a2k, I wonder if they don't feel a bit intimidated at times by the obvious in group members? Not to say there is an "in group", but I am trying and failing possibly to point out that there is an unusual familiarity of posters and postings here in a2k.
On a2k, I don't even think twice that there will be filth, cussings, objectionable posts - on abuzz, it is always a 'given' since the departure of moderators and staff. Then again, there is a bit more freedom displayed on abuzz that still allows more "Play" there than first seems available in a2k. For instance, I get a chuckle outta Slappy doo hoo's posts there, and they most likely would not be understood over 'here'.
So, all in all, there's more that I like here in the a2k, but I shall not discontinue visiting and commenting over in abuzz until it really has a demise. Hopefully this long post will give some that question the duality of membership some pause?
I can about guess who, wilso. That anal retentive, rat hating, sorry sack of suffering snake snot.
You gotta' stop holding back Roger!
Yeah, tell us what you really think!!!
I'm still trying to figure out which avatar is so offensive. Wilso holding a baby? babsatamelia's tiger? ehBeth's dog with lilacs on its head?
Then again, logic isn't necessarily going to be present.
Instead of taking the pulse of Abuzz, one would think they'd hold the funeral and march off to the burial site.
It's the RAT. He doesn't like rats.