morality, drugs, existence

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 5 Jan, 2014 08:08 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

More pontification.

more cuntification by you. meaning - making a **** of oneself.

I you want to think you are making a "****" of yourself...feel free to do so.

I do want you to know that it does not irritate me. At this point it provides me with a bit of entertainment.

anyone can pretend to not be irritated. if you honestly look at what irritation actually is, you would concede that all my words irritate you to the absolute highest degree, simply because of your need to prove them wrong.

You do not irritate me...I find you entertaining. I continue to interact with you because I enjoy being entertained. I am sorry it is so obvious that you are irritated by that. Wink

I have NEVER said that I do not care about what you are writing.

i never said you said that, i was simply affirming how much you care and actually need my words.

I do enjoy your words. They entertain me.

I read every word...and derive what entertainment I can from it.

yep, and the entertainment you derive from it is immense ego gratification from attempting to prove me wrong, followed by intense intellectual stimulation when i continue to prove myself right.

You are free to assume WHY I read every word...and you are free to suppose what I derive from it. I do read every word...and I do derive great enjoyment from it.l

I intend to continue to read every word you write...and to respond to almost all of it.

of course you do. its funny that you are creating a story for yourself to justify why you plan on continually responding to me. you are so blind to the actual lack of control you have over the matter.

If you think so...that is fine with me. I am delighted you find me interesting enough to continue down this path on which I am leading you. Wink

Jeez...where did you ever get the idea I do not care?

where did you ever get the idea to give words so much importance? now you are stuck on 'caring', because obviously 'not caring' is something you don't like. so you need to prove to me that you are very caring or something?

my point about you 'not caring' about me is that you pretend to have zero intellectual regard for what i am saying and your participation in this discussion. you pretend it is all amusement, you derive some entertainment and use me like a toy. the reason you pretend to take this stance is to subtly insult me, by saying that i am so ridiculous that i am just mere entertainment.

You are entertaining...to the max. Actually, I do not try to prove you wrong...and I doubt seriously that you ever "continue to prove yourself right"...because mostly you are just sharing guesses.



Indeed it is...and one of the reasons is because I enjoy watching you pontificate. There is no inconsistency there.

there is a lot of inconsistency. you talk about pontification as a bad thing, you say everything i say is 'just pontification', implying that it has no substance behind it. but you enjoy watching me do it. so the inconsistency is that you are admitting that you enjoy something which has no substance, no meaning, no relation to the ultimate reality that you speak of.

if you enjoy it, why do you enjoy it? 2 possibilities:
1. you are a bad person, and you simply like observing the bad things in life (a mentally ill person like myself spreading vicious lies) while pretending to be a good person yourself. but you live vicariously as a bad person, because you ENJOY watching those bad people do their thing.
2. you are enjoying the actual intellectual freedom coming from the dissolution of individual consciousness, augmented in you by this discussion.

I freely acknowledge that I continue to follow you and your pontifications for their entertainment value. If that irritates you...you have to deal with it. I'm having a ball. Wink

Beats me! I certainly am not "defining them as pontifications" in order to hold some higher ground. I am defining most of your assertions as pontification BECAUSE THEY ARE PONTIFICATIONS.

EXACTLY. you don't even KNOW why you keep having to point that out to me. you yourself admit you do not know. so what does this mean? obviously, to you, constantly pontificating is bad. otherwise you simply wouldn't keep telling me to stop.

Stop??? C'mon. That would be asking someone to stop entertaining.

I will never do that. This is way too much fun.

Not sure what "rebutted harder than a gay orgy" means...but I really enjoy when someone like you gets that desperate. Keep it coming.

well think about it. rebutted could also mean 'butted again'. i just thought a gay orgy is somewhere where that might happen. sorry if i was wrong.

Like I said...when someone like you gets that desperate, it provides even greater enjoyment. Do keep it coming! (Sorta like "butt again!)

Okay...calm down now. For the record...you have stopped pontificating...and have started rambling and raving.

and you, as you have done this entire thread, continue to invent as many derogatory definitions about me in order for your ego to hold high ground over my 'crazy' stance.

Nah...I was just trying to calm you down. Butt obviously you want to keep going...and that is just fine by me.

No problem, CM. We'll be here for each other.

individuals are only there for each other within duality. while you are limited to that, yes, we can be here for each other, to YOU. not to me.

Nope! I'll be here for you...and you will know it! I wonder what it is like for you to realize that? To you, this is just an argument with yourself...and that the argument is bordering on bat-**** crazy. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

For me...like I've mentioned...it is pure entertainment.

Be sure to respond, CM.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2014 09:41 pm
You're deeply deluded.

comes from your false idea of sanity vs delusion
If answering some dude's posts is a sign of deriving value from them, you evidently are deriving a lot of value from my posts...

yes, true for the individual aspect of my consciousness, but i don't identify with that. it derives value by believing it is winning the argument. i don't identify with that belief. but i will still declare that i am winning the argument.

You and I agree totally on the lack of worth of your thinking

wrong. the individual me believes my thinking is of the highest value. also as i have proven, the individual you also derives plenty of value from my thinking, and therefore continually responds.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2014 09:45 pm
@Frank Apisa,
No, CM...I am not dumb...and neither are you. One of your less endearing qualities is your habit of calling your opponents "dumb."

yes, dumbdumb, you are dumb. one of my best qualities is not caring whether you think i am endearing or not.
BOTTOM LINE: Anyone who debates or has extended conversations with someone who is "dumb"...probably is not as bright as he/she thinks.

top line: that is a belief you have, coming from mr i don't do beliefs. actually, when you have gone beyond dumb vs bright, you converse equally with anyone and call anyone dumb or bright. it is only you who lives bound by their conceptual meanings.
The fact that you pontificate...and simply assert stuff...is demonstrated in almost all of your posts.

the fact that you cannot understand subjective opinion, and take all of your own to be facts, is demonstrated in all of your posts.
If you want to consider recognition of that problem with your posts to be pontificating...you are free to do so

thanks. i will, considering it is the same thing. simply asserting stuff. you simply asserting that i am pontificating. is pontificating itself. you have no evidence other than your own opinion. learn the definition of pontification. and now you will probably try and prove that the exact wording i use conveys more pontification than you. i will have fun destroying those arguments too.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2014 10:00 pm
@Frank Apisa,
more cuntification by you. meaning - making a **** of oneself.

I you want to think you are making a "****" of yourself...feel free to do so.

i didn't say that? learn to read and comprehend english.
You do not irritate me...I find you entertaining. I continue to interact with you because I enjoy being entertained. I am sorry it is so obvious that you are irritated by that.

i do irritate you. the entertainment you perceive is a secondary, made-up entertainment, created as a defence mechanism set up by your mind to justify why it keeps talking to me.

as to me being irritated by you, yes my individual mind is very often so, but luckily i don't identify with it. but you can see the clear difference between us, i am not afraid like you to admit that you irritate me. you are actually afraid to admit it, you need to put on this show to the world that you are perfect and have no negative emotions. unfortunately, that idea is a defence mechanism from the most primitive negative emotion, fear.
I do enjoy your words. They entertain me.

You are free to assume WHY I read every word...and you are free to suppose what I derive from it. I do read every word...and I do derive great enjoyment from it.l

already explained your entertainment defence mechanism.
If you think so...that is fine with me. I am delighted you find me interesting enough to continue down this path on which I am leading you

again, i am not afraid like you to admit anything that my individual consciousness may perceive, be it embarrassing or shameful or whatever. so yes, i find you interesting. only because you are too dumb for words, in my individual opinion.
I freely acknowledge that I continue to follow you and your pontifications for their entertainment value. If that irritates you...you have to deal with it. I'm having a ball.

yes ok, and that clearly again points to my 2 possibilities:
1. you are a **** sadist who enjoys observing negativity (insanity).
2. you are drawn by intellectual interest in non duality, and all the negativity you make up about me is a defence mechanism for your individual ego to remain alive while you investigate nonduality. unfortunately, it cannot remain alive forever.

Nope! I'll be here for you...and you will know it!

ok? so i know that you think you are here for me. because you still believe in separate individuals. so what?
I wonder what it is like for you to realize that?

realize what? that you believe in individuality? not a very difficult realisation.
To you, this is just an argument with yourself...and that the argument is bordering on bat-**** crazy.

well no, that is your opinion about me. actually to me nothing is happening. period. within the nothing things appear, like you thinking i am bat **** crazy etc.
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

For me...like I've mentioned...it is pure entertainment.

the entire universe is pure entertainment, but you haven't realised that yet. so you still classify some things as entertainment, and other things as highly intellectual. again, it is only to preserve your own appearing individual intellect as superior.

Be sure to respond, CM.

i am not afraid to admit i have no control in the matter. universal intelligence wants to display itself in the form of this conversation. you keep assuming individual credit for holding my attention, but anybody who responds to me gets it.

anyway one final thought: you are dumb.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 07:21 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

No, CM...I am not dumb...and neither are you. One of your less endearing qualities is your habit of calling your opponents "dumb."

yes, dumbdumb, you are dumb. one of my best qualities is not caring whether you think i am endearing or not.

No, I am not dumb. And while you may think that one of your best qualities is not caring whether I think you are "endearing or not"...the fact is that one of your best qualities is that you are not concerned that you are out of control...and are willing to let it show as much as you do.

That is such an adorable quality. Laughing

BOTTOM LINE: Anyone who debates or has extended conversations with someone who is "dumb"...probably is not as bright as he/she thinks.

top line: that is a belief you have, coming from mr i don't do beliefs. actually, when you have gone beyond dumb vs bright, you converse equally with anyone and call anyone dumb or bright. it is only you who lives bound by their conceptual meanings.

That was actually so convoluted...it was funny on its face. You are a card. Wink Wink

The fact that you pontificate...and simply assert stuff...is demonstrated in almost all of your posts.

the fact that you cannot understand subjective opinion, and take all of your own to be facts, is demonstrated in all of your posts.[/quote]

I understand, CM. Try to get back under control.


If you want to consider recognition of that problem with your posts to be pontificating...you are free to do so

thanks. i will, considering it is the same thing. simply asserting stuff. you simply asserting that i am pontificating. is pontificating itself. you have no evidence other than your own opinion. learn the definition of pontification. and now you will probably try and prove that the exact wording i use conveys more pontification than you. i will have fun destroying those arguments too.

Wow...I've really gotten under your skin.

Usually people are careful not to let that show quite so much as you.

Continue to pontificate! It is a delight to watch you flounder. Wink
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 07:30 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

more cuntification by you. meaning - making a **** of oneself.

I you want to think you are making a "****" of yourself...feel free to do so.

i didn't say that? learn to read and comprehend english.

Learn to write it!

You do not irritate me...I find you entertaining. I continue to interact with you because I enjoy being entertained. I am sorry it is so obvious that you are irritated by that.

i do irritate you. the entertainment you perceive is a secondary, made-up entertainment, created as a defence mechanism set up by your mind to justify why it keeps talking to me.

One of the things that entertains me most about you...is that you do not even realize you are entertaining me.

You are a rare find! Wink

as to me being irritated by you, yes my individual mind is very often so, but luckily i don't identify with it. but you can see the clear difference between us, i am not afraid like you to admit that you irritate me. you are actually afraid to admit it, you need to put on this show to the world that you are perfect and have no negative emotions. unfortunately, that idea is a defence mechanism from the most primitive negative emotion, fear.

I do enjoy your words. They entertain me.

A rare find, indeed. Boy...I needed a good belly laugh to start the day off right. It is cold in New Jersey...and a good laugh warms everything.

You are free to assume WHY I read every word...and you are free to suppose what I derive from it. I do read every word...and I do derive great enjoyment from it.l

already explained your entertainment defence mechanism.

Okay. You ought to consider the word "transference." You dabble in it a lot.

If you think so...that is fine with me. I am delighted you find me interesting enough to continue down this path on which I am leading you

again, i am not afraid like you to admit anything that my individual consciousness may perceive, be it embarrassing or shameful or whatever. so yes, i find you interesting. only because you are too dumb for words, in my individual opinion.

Oh, I am sure anyone reading this exchange from outside the forum would be certain that I am "dumb" and you are a genius! Drunk

I freely acknowledge that I continue to follow you and your pontifications for their entertainment value. If that irritates you...you have to deal with it. I'm having a ball.

yes ok, and that clearly again points to my 2 possibilities:
1. you are a **** sadist who enjoys observing negativity (insanity).
2. you are drawn by intellectual interest in non duality, and all the negativity you make up about me is a defence mechanism for your individual ego to remain alive while you investigate nonduality. unfortunately, it cannot remain alive forever.

Go with whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Wink


Nope! I'll be here for you...and you will know it!

ok? so i know that you think you are here for me. because you still believe in separate individuals. so what?
I wonder what it is like for you to realize that?

realize what? that you believe in individuality? not a very difficult realisation.
To you, this is just an argument with yourself...and that the argument is bordering on bat-**** crazy.

well no, that is your opinion about me. actually to me nothing is happening. period. within the nothing things appear, like you thinking i am bat **** crazy etc.
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

For me...like I've mentioned...it is pure entertainment.

the entire universe is pure entertainment, but you haven't realised that yet. so you still classify some things as entertainment, and other things as highly intellectual. again, it is only to preserve your own appearing individual intellect as superior.

Be sure to respond, CM.

i am not afraid to admit i have no control in the matter. universal intelligence wants to display itself in the form of this conversation. you keep assuming individual credit for holding my attention, but anybody who responds to me gets it.

anyway one final thought: you are dumb.

Nah...I'm not really dumb at all. Actually, I'm quite clever at times...as you are discovering to your considerable discomfort. One last wink! Wink
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 07:43 am
@Frank Apisa,
And while you may think that one of your best qualities is not caring whether I think you are "endearing or not"...the fact is that one of your best qualities is that you are not concerned that you are out of control...and are willing to let it show as much as you do.

That is such an adorable quality.

A louch father, left to deal with a 5 month old lad gurgling in his cot, might say such words on realising that the nappy has just been filled again.

You've been chucked under the chin carnie. It's Apisa's last ditch. It's a reflex I think. Like knocking a funnybone. Although that's too organic an image really. A cuckoo-clock is better. As long as it's wound up.
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 07:47 am
On reflection Dawn French in Vicar of Dibley might be better.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2014 08:33 am
carnaticmystery wrote:
the individual me believes my thinking is of the highest value.

Yeah but that guy does not exist, or you don't identify with him, or he is dead wrong, or whatever your latest delirium is about... :-)

In any case, I agree with whoever said your thoughts are of no value whatsoever.
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 12:23 am
@Frank Apisa,
No, I am not dumb.

yes, you are dumb.
And while you may think that one of your best qualities is not caring whether I think you are "endearing or not"...the fact is that one of your best qualities is that you are not concerned that you are out of control...and are willing to let it show as much as you do.

ok? i also like that quality about myself.

That is such an adorable quality.

i agree.
I understand, CM. Try to get back under control.

more dumbness. already explained there is no control, you have already stated you think my best quality is being out of control, then you directly contradict yourself now. again, too dumb for words.
Wow...I've really gotten under your skin.

dumbness does that.

Usually people are careful not to let that show quite so much as you.

umm..if the usual people you refer to are all dumb like you, then yes, they all try to hide their emotions and stay 'under control'. the unfortunate bottom end of the intellectual scale.

Continue to pontificate! It is a delight to watch you flounder.

continue to be dumb! it is a delight to watch the new, higher levels of idiocy reached by you with each post.
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 12:29 am
@Frank Apisa,
One of the things that entertains me most about you...is that you do not even realize you are entertaining me.

of course i realise that i entertain the defence mechanism in you, set up to say it is being entertained instead of admitting it is being intellectually stimulated.

You are a rare find!

Okay. You ought to consider the word "transference." You dabble in it a lot.

you ought to consider the word dumb. you are it a lot.
Oh, I am sure anyone reading this exchange from outside the forum would be certain that I am "dumb" and you are a genius!

well compared to you, probably yes many think that.
Nah...I'm not really dumb at all.

yes you are dumby dumbo.

Actually, I'm quite clever at times...as you are discovering to your considerable discomfort. One last wink!

i disagree that you are ever clever. what you perceive as cleverness in yourself is simple, blind stubbornness. you think it is clever to hold on to your pathetic argument of 'i don't know', when it is just blind stubbornness to go further. when you sit in blind stubbornness and never budge from your flawed argument, you appear clever to yourself, obviously.

Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 12:32 am
A louch father, left to deal with a 5 month old lad gurgling in his cot, might say such words on realising that the nappy has just been filled again.


You've been chucked under the chin carnie. It's Apisa's last ditch. It's a reflex I think. Like knocking a funnybone. Although that's too organic an image really. A cuckoo-clock is better. As long as it's wound up.

yeah thats a good analogy. frank seems to have gone cuckoo at this point.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 12:36 am
the individual me believes my thinking is of the highest value.

Yeah but that guy does not exist, or you don't identify with him, or he is dead wrong, or whatever your latest delirium is about... :-)

so what? you are the one caught up in 'existence' vs 'nonexistence', i am simply saying nothing ABSOLUTELY exists, but it does not deny the APPEARANCE of my individual self.

you say 'ahh but your individual self isn't real to you', but that isn't entirely true. i have no concept of real or fake, only you do. my individual self appears to me. i don't define it as real, only as an appearance.

In any case, I agree with whoever said your thoughts are of no value whatsoever.

what said that was the 'absolute' perspective, where nothing exists or matters or has value. you can only 'agree' with that once you don't identify with your own individual self.

that is why you are wrong, and i have already explained how my words certainly have value to you.

or are you going to use frank's idiotic excuse - entertainment only. nobody would have posted this many responses with in depth, philosophical, complex positions, for mere entertainment only.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 08:09 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

No, I am not dumb.

yes, you are dumb.

No I am not. Not at all.

And while you may think that one of your best qualities is not caring whether I think you are "endearing or not"...the fact is that one of your best qualities is that you are not concerned that you are out of control...and are willing to let it show as much as you do.

ok? i also like that quality about myself.

Figures you would! Wink You are making this much too easy, CM.

That is such an adorable quality.

i agree.

Good...we are in agreement on that.

I understand, CM. Try to get back under control.

more dumbness. already explained there is no control, you have already stated you think my best quality is being out of control, then you directly contradict yourself now. again, too dumb for words.

No contradiction at all. And simply because you say there is no control...does not mean there is no control.

You really ought to get back under control, CM...even if the fact that you being out of control does not bother you.

Wow...I've really gotten under your skin.

dumbness does that.

I did not accuse you of being dumb, but if you are saying that I've gotten under your skin because you are dumb...I will accept it. Wink You are REALLY making this too easy, CM.

Usually people are careful not to let that show quite so much as you.

umm..if the usual people you refer to are all dumb like you, then yes, they all try to hide their emotions and stay 'under control'. the unfortunate bottom end of the intellectual scale.

Now that was not a bad try, CM. But if you continually rely on calling people dumb...others are going to suspect you may not be all that bright yourself.

Continue to pontificate! It is a delight to watch you flounder.

continue to be dumb! it is a delight to watch the new, higher levels of idiocy reached by you with each post.

I doubt I've achieved idiocy or dumbness, CM...but a truly intelligent person would probably have been using forms of the word "stupid" in those remarks. "Dumb" and "idiot" really are inappropriate. Wink

You are a prize find of mine, CM. Keep at it. Wink
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 08:18 am
carnaticmystery wrote:

One of the things that entertains me most about you...is that you do not even realize you are entertaining me.

of course i realise that i entertain the defence mechanism in you, set up to say it is being entertained instead of admitting it is being intellectually stimulated.

Well...I AM trying to be accurate...so "amused" or "entertained" would be worlds more accurate than "intellectually stimulated!"

But I don't mind you patting yourself on your back.

You are a rare find!


We agree there. Every so true! I am delighted I found you.

Okay. You ought to consider the word "transference." You dabble in it a lot.

you ought to consider the word dumb. you are it a lot.

Nope...I am not dumb at all. But once again...it is an inappropriate word.

Oh, I am sure anyone reading this exchange from outside the forum would be certain that I am "dumb" and you are a genius!

well compared to you, probably yes many think that.
Nah...I'm not really dumb at all.

yes you are dumby dumbo.

Oh, stop throwing sand. You are going to get all the other kids sandy!


Actually, I'm quite clever at times...as you are discovering to your considerable discomfort. One last wink!

i disagree that you are ever clever. what you perceive as cleverness in yourself is simple, blind stubbornness. you think it is clever to hold on to your pathetic argument of 'i don't know', when it is just blind stubbornness to go further. when you sit in blind stubbornness and never budge from your flawed argument, you appear clever to yourself, obviously.

Yeah...I am truly getting under your skin! That bit made no sense at all.

Get under control and try to make this more interesting, CM. Right now you are making it much too easy for me. Wink Wink Wink

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 11:01 am
I've tried reading this thread. As usual, in the beginning there were interesting discussions and thoughts about some significant ideas. In the end there was only incessant bickering. If one thing can be said about the human condition, and this forum, it is the consistency of that result.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 11:11 am
IRFRANK wrote:

I've tried reading this thread. As usual, in the beginning there were interesting discussions and thoughts about some significant ideas. In the end there was only incessant bickering. If one thing can be said about the human condition, and this forum, it is the consistency of that result.

Just about everything that had to be said in this thread was said in the first few pages. Of late, CM has decided that I deserve scorn...and I am giving him the opportunity to vent. I acknowledge that I am having some fun playing with him...but the nonsense is not truly interfering with anything worthwhile.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 11:36 am
you say 'ahh but your individual self isn't real to you', but that isn't entirely true.

Nothing is true or false, from your perspective, so it can't be entirely false either... :-) Do you see? You can't stop using in one sentence the very same 'realist' concepts which you deride as empty in another sentence.

I proved you wrong from the get go, or rather you proved yourself wrong since your theory is self-contradictory. But you keep going, like coyote keeps running into thin air waaaay past the cliff edge. You keep yourself unaware of how deeply flawed your conceptions are, saying 'oh well, contradictions happen'... It IS funny, like coyote is funny.

what said that was the 'absolute' perspective, where nothing exists or matters or has value. you can only 'agree' with that once you don't identify with your own individual self.

From your own perspective, what you say is worthless, and from my perspective, what you say is also worthless (for different reasons). Therefore, we agree that what you say is worthless, though we disagree about why it is worthless.
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 09:17 pm
I've tried reading this thread. As usual, in the beginning there were interesting discussions and thoughts about some significant ideas. In the end there was only incessant bickering. If one thing can be said about the human condition, and this forum, it is the consistency of that result.

agreed 100%. while frank immaturely tries to blame me for our pointless argument, i would agree with you and point out that is the human condition to continuously argue their own point of view.

how to eliminate idiots like frank is by people actually interested in the CONTENT of this discussion to contribute. frank doesn't contribute, he just finds fault with anything i say for a specific purpose of ridiculing me and showing his own philosophy of agnosticism to be the ultimate path.
Reply Sat 11 Jan, 2014 09:25 pm
Nothing is true or false, from your perspective, so it can't be entirely false either... :-) Do you see?

yes i do see. that is correct. my individual self is not entirely true or false to me, because neither of those concepts have the capacity to be absolute.
You can't stop using in one sentence the very same 'realist' concepts which you deride as empty in another sentence.

OF COURSE NOT YOU DUMB ****. because every single sentence is comprised of words and every single word is ultimately an empty concept. it is you who simply does not perceive the actual conceptual meanings of words like true, false, ultimate, absolute, reality etc.

of course i will deride those same concepts, because on proper, honest investigation, they are all empty. every single concept. or, you can say, they all unify into one single concept - non duality.

I proved you wrong from the get go, or rather you proved yourself wrong since your theory is self-contradictory.

never. only to a limited, individual mind does nonduality contradict itself. i have proven non duality to the maximum extent possible within appearing duality. to actually perceive (or apperceive, more accurately) nonduality, it has to happen by itself, like all 'phenomena'.

But you keep going, like coyote keeps running into thin air waaaay past the cliff edge. You keep yourself unaware of how deeply flawed your conceptions are, saying 'oh well, contradictions happen'... It IS funny, like coyote is funny.

i don't simply say 'contradictions happen', never said that. it is much more complex, and it is you that is too simple and blind to look into the contradictions more deeply. and find out that life itself, every moment of consciousness, is an infinite contradiction, because there is infinite distance and time between observer and observed, infinite nothingness eternally.

none of my conceptions are flawed. everything i say makes perfect logical sense and holds true within duality, as well as simulatenously providing a gateway into nonduality.
From your own perspective, what you say is worthless, and from my perspective, what you say is also worthless (for different reasons). Therefore, we agree that what you say is worthless, though we disagree about why it is worthless.

completely wrong.
from my perspective (ultimate), there is both no worth and infinite worth simulatenously in everything. this is what you don't understand.

nothingness = infinite from the absolute, universal perspective, which itself is both nothingness and infinity.

therefore the truth about our individuals:
i don't exist other than an appearance within universal consciousness, and therefore i perceive both no value and infinite value in everything always.

you exist identifying with an individual mind only, and therefore pretend that my words have no value to you because they conflict with your opinion. your opinion is designed by you to keep your individuality alive, because it is your most treasured possession.

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