@Frank Apisa,
I don't have a clue why someone believes words in Philosophy are any more dependent on context then words being used in any context...
...in fact text and sentences are the substance of proper context for words when words are used with several potential meanings...
...moreover when using words out of their classical context, non obscure authors ought to clarify what they mean in a logical manner if they intend any reasonable communication with opposing opinions.
The fact of the matter is that some people confuse preaching with communicating but of course consulting any simple pocket dictionary will prove them wrong !
Finally this bit is for you Frank...again do yourself a favour n get out of this mess. Just let the God forsaken thread die. In the end of the day you are feeding trolls and to my view an uncompromising vicious kind...these guys are beyond words and frankly beyond any sort of reasoning. They very much admit it themselves when refuting logical debating from the very start, so why I wonder, should we insist in feeding their preaching paranoia ? On close inspection they are not one inch different from radical Christians and the likes...
their intention, ironically, is anything but social negotiation. These guys, bluntly speaking, are nothing but a tedious, monophonic, mindless, and profoundly selfish typology of people whose unique intention is to demolish and destroy all that they can't understand, while pating themselves in the back in the process for social reassurance. You deserve better.