The singularity was a volume-less point of tremendous energy in an infinite force of zero vacuum expectation value.
Neither of them required space-time to exist.
A random quantum fluctuation, of the point of energy, broke the field of force producing a field of very high, non zero vacuum expectation value, "THE SUPER HIGGS FIELD".
The "Super Higgs Field" brought into existence, a false vacuum. This false vacuum was the "primordial space-time", in which the Super Higgs Field vibrated.
Now a bit weak, but still a combined super force, lay still in the space-less, true vacuum.
The primordial energy, which was taken away by the Super Higgs Field, was now permeating the primordial space-time, which the Super Higgs Field had created.
This interaction of the primordial energy with the primordial space-time, caused the EMERGENCE of, "Primordial particles".
The primordial particles, of the primordial universe, interacted with the 'combined super force', of the true, space-less vacuum, and, also with the 'false vacuum' created space-time containing the Super Higgs Field.
This interaction, led to the SEPARATION of electromagnetic, weak and strong forces out of the true space-less vacuum, leaving the gravitational force alone there.
The non-gravitational forces, interacted with the primordial particles in the primordial space-time, and, caused the EMERGENCE of a plasma of particles, of today's universe. Thus the seed of today's universe got created. But, the instant it got created, the primordial space-time in the seed, underwent an instantaneous and tremendous inflation, stretching space and contracting time, because, the gravitational force had excommunicated the primordial universe.
Inflation led to the EMERGENCE of today's space-time, recommunication between the universe and gravitation, and loss of energy by the Super Higgs Field.
Loss of energy by the Super Higgs Field led to the EMERGENCE of today's universe with the "NORMAL HIGGS FIELD".
The lost energy of the Super Higgs Field, interacted with the young universe, causing the EMERGENCE of still more entities.