You are missing what I am saying. The title of this thread is "Who Gave Feminism a Bad Name". My posts on that thread are a direct answer to this question. Feminism clearly has a bad name, both men and women reject feminism, in the US only 20% of women call themselves feminists). Some women actively oppose feminism as they see feminism being expressed in the US.
Men and women who reject feminist aren't rejecting equality. They are rejecting one or more of what they see as ideological excesses of modern feminism.
And it isn't "radical behaviors of a small number of its members", the public is the public impression of feminism based on the messages and behavior of its prominant members. I don't know if you are following the US election... you have Gloria Steinem (as prominent a feminist voice as ever there was) claiming that women who vote against Hillary Clinton (the woman candidate) are only doing it to impress men.
Feminism should be about equality. But people look at what is being said by prominent feminists and the actions being taken by feminist groups, it is about something quite different than equality.
That is what is giving feminism a bad name, and the reason that it is being rejected by the majority of women.