Who Gave Feminism A Bad Name?

Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 09:03 am
There are plenty of women who are against feminism.


Actually it seems to me that these women are against the ideological excesses of modern feminism. There are also women who are trying to bridge the gap-- pushing back on the ridiculous parts of modern feminism while advocating for equality for both men and women.

You can support both men's rights and women's rights. I respect people who do that whether they call themselves feminists or not.

Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 10:39 am
feminism. seeks equal opportunities and rights to all of us (both men and women) is that better for you?

misandri has nothing to do with feminism as misogynist has nothing to do with machism
but it seems its difficult for men to accept we have the right to be tired and fed up of the extra amount of obstacles thrown across our road and the cruel stereotypes we have to bear on daily basis.
The rage and beligerant attitude is originated when instead of recognizing the unfair conditions we´ve been dealing with, men claim to be victims too and how radical and extremist attitude of us to focus on getting to feel as a 1st class citizen at last instead of pitying them and leave everything to take care of them
Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 10:55 am
feminism. seeks equal opportunities and rights to all of us (both men and women) is that better for you?

This clearly is not true, at least not with the feminists who are controlling the discussion in the US right now.

Show me a prominent feminist who is calling for more rights for men to have custody of their children (given to mothers in 80% of the cases). Show me a prominent feminist who is calling for sentencing fairness (men are given significantly longer prison sentences than women for the same crimes).

Feminism has become a very narrow ideology. Most modern feminists attack even the idea that fathers have rights. They won't even consider what fathers are saying.

There are women who are questioning feminism... Christina Hoff Sommers for example. Mainstream American feminists don't treat her very kindly.

You can stand for equality. You can promote the rights of both men and women.

That isn't what the most prominent feminist voices are doing. That's why feminism has such a bad name.
Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 10:58 am
we raised man to act like spoilt children... our fault
Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 10:59 am
You are comparing men to "spoiled children".

Do you see why that is funny?

If someone compared women to "spoiled children" that would be an example of misogyny, right? Why can you make this generalization about men?
Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 01:39 pm
by generalizationyou mean, for example, judging a whole fighting cause force or activist organitation based on radical behaviours of a small number of its members?
you have been the one doing it all the time.... why do you think i don´t fight for boys sexual victims too? Tell me, why do you think i dont care nor help any way to that cause? 1 of the outstanding differences between men and women is multitasking, i´ve worked in the past with some local orgs that try to assist children beaten or abused to heal. I am the godmother of a boy in India with vicente ferrer proyecto and i donate montly 20 euros to refugees (cant give more, but i will one day)
but what i dont do and never will is when talking about other causes, and i would die before indulging in that attitude, never compare the discrimination i´ve suffer in this first world as relevant as the one a 7 year old girl suffers in India or arab communities
thats what i mean with spoilt child: you know we´ve suffer long and hard but cant help considering 1 abused boy as significant as abused girls
Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 07:40 pm
You are missing what I am saying. The title of this thread is "Who Gave Feminism a Bad Name". My posts on that thread are a direct answer to this question. Feminism clearly has a bad name, both men and women reject feminism, in the US only 20% of women call themselves feminists). Some women actively oppose feminism as they see feminism being expressed in the US.

Men and women who reject feminist aren't rejecting equality. They are rejecting one or more of what they see as ideological excesses of modern feminism.

And it isn't "radical behaviors of a small number of its members", the public is the public impression of feminism based on the messages and behavior of its prominant members. I don't know if you are following the US election... you have Gloria Steinem (as prominent a feminist voice as ever there was) claiming that women who vote against Hillary Clinton (the woman candidate) are only doing it to impress men.

Feminism should be about equality. But people look at what is being said by prominent feminists and the actions being taken by feminist groups, it is about something quite different than equality.

That is what is giving feminism a bad name, and the reason that it is being rejected by the majority of women.

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Reply Sun 29 May, 2016 07:43 pm
I believe that a rape victim should be supported, helped... and that rape should be prosecuted.

I feel very strongly that this should have nothing to do with the gender of the victim or of the perpetrator. Even if you are correct in your claim about percentages... it doesn't change this belief. A rape victim is a rape victim. I do know that RAINN (the organization you linked to) does a good job at reaching out to, and supporting male victims of rape.

I don't know if you feel this is a part of feminism or not.
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 01:43 pm

Mr. Clinton was the first black president of the US
now Mr. Obama has come out as the first feminist president of the US

it's an entertaining world
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 01:46 pm
are you saying the united states of america presidents prior to obama were not feminist?

anyway what´s the funny thing about it?
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 01:52 pm
as i told you: feminist fights for equal opportunities and rights for men and women....
if you need to ask if i feel that as a part of feminism..somebody is not paying attention to their conversation partners
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 02:04 pm
No previous president has said they were a feminist.

It's not a positive term in the mind of some Americans so it would have been seen as a risk to publicly use that term if he was up for elected office.


I think it's ironic (not funny) that a white president was the first black president and that a male president has come out as the first feminist president.
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Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 02:42 pm
as i told you: feminist fights for equal opportunities and rights for men and women....

I have given you a few examples where prominent feminists don't fight for equal opportunities for men and women, and in some cases where prominent feminists have fought against equal opportunity and rights (most famously in the area of child custody).

Of course, this depends on who is considered a "feminist". There are a few examples of feminists who have fought for men's rights...

Karen DeCrow is a woman for whom I have a great deal of respect. She was president of NOW who ran into a great deal of opposition from feminists when she suggested that men should be treated equally when it came to custody and parenting issues.
Reply Thu 16 Jun, 2016 03:33 pm
i can give you a few of men not taking their kids to the doctor in their entire life, men who consider women to be the one in charge of their offspring and don´t bother of their well being on daily basis..... but i won´t tell you men should´t ever be given custody of their children... in fact in spain the standard custody (as long as no extraordinary situation takes place) sentence is shared custody.
I have to tell you though that on daily basis i´m the one in need of some support to have my rights respected
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