anonymously99 wrote:
I love God and Jesus Christ very much. Will always. God, the Holy Spirit and his son are the reason I live today.
I know you like to think you are saying something meaningful but it means nothing to me. Like I mentioned already, it just makes you seem like a nutcase.
One time I was at a bar, back when I was younger. I was sitting at the bar and there was an older man sitting next to me. I wasn't really paying much attention to him but he turns to me and asks, "So are you ready?" He caught me off guard because I had no clue what he was talking about. Then I noticed he was playing with his hands.
On closer inspection I noticed he had wounds on the palms of both hands and the backs, that looked to be healing very poorly. So I asked, "Ready for what?" He stopped playing with his hands for a second and said, "For Jesus to return.." Then I realized what the wounds on his hands were. He was one of those people who drive nails through their hands as a way of relating to their theology. Me and my quick wit and obvious lack of respect for nutcases said, "Well I hope I get to finish my beer first."
The religion makes people mental. It truly is mind garbage. You might think it is useful and gives you hope and makes you all warm and fuzzy knowing you know what the future holds for you, but to be honest it is nothing more than a false hope. You are like a person who believes the mirage is real.