Define Satan

Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:53 am
anonymously99 wrote:

I 100% believe in God and Jesus Christ both. I am not saying this to make you angry, upset in any way. All of the things you say. I have every right to believe you're truly jealous of God and Jesus Christ both. It's not nice of you. You only prove yourself as the opposite of a good soul.

I couldn't care any less what you think of me or about me. I think you are delusional. It is obvious from your other post that you are or have some kind of medical condition that needs attention. I mean who talks about knowing the future murder of their husband who isn't slightly off normal?

What exactly is there to be jealous of anyways? I don't pollute the mind stream with nonsense. I am a supporter of human advancement. I am anti-war. I surely don't promote the bashing of babies against rocks. Or think disobedient children should be stoned to death. I don't see anything wrong with eating pork, even though I don't (vegetarian). I surely would never kill every first born in Egypt no matter how angry I got. I definitely wouldn't incarnate myself and expect to die as the only way for me to forgive the sins of the creatures I created that way in the first place. I sure as hell wouldn't drown the entire world all because my creation wasn't living up to my expectations.

So tell me, what exactly am I jealous of? That is like saying I am jealous of a serial killer. No.. I pity them. But since a god and jesus don't exist, I don't pity them, I just pity the people who believe in that nonsense.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:04 am
Krumple wrote:
I just pity the people who believe in that nonsense.

You're in no position to criticise people for believing in nonsense. I for one, have not forgotten your Holocaust denial.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:14 am
izzythepush wrote:
You're in no position to criticise people for believing in nonsense. I for one, have not forgotten your Holocaust denial.

You are a moron. I never denied the holocaust you idiot.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:54 am
K is losing it. His mind. And ITP is a supporter. Make this a love situation between the two of you men.

Love. Avoid negative.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:57 am
anonymously99 wrote:

K is losing it. His mind. And ITP is a supporter.

Yep bury your head in the sand like you always do when faced with the truth.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:58 am
Oh? Please inform me of what you speak.

I'm not understanding apparently.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:01 am
anonymously99 wrote:

Oh? Please inform me of what you speak.

I'm not understanding apparently.

That is a characteristic that I can't help you with. You don't seem to understand much no matter how well it is explained. Not that I am the best at explaining things but surely I don't use any difficult words or concepts. Why you don't understand is because you lack the ability to reason or think. You are completely on auto pilot which is why you insist on regurgitating cut and pasted nonsense over and over in a thread that no one cares about but you.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:13 am
I feel right now as if no one does. I have felt this way for the longest now. I don't care if anyone does or not. I just don't. I love God. I love Jesus Christ. If that's all the love I will have until the day I die, leave this life then that is fine with me. Because my love is for eternity. I have no reason to stop loving. Negative is done to me I will forgive. And love more in return.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:27 am
anonymously99 wrote:

I feel right now as if no one does. I have felt this way for the longest now. I don't care if anyone does or not. I just don't. I love God. I love Jesus Christ. If that's all the love I will have until the day I die, leave this life then that is fine with me. Because my love is for eternity. I have no reason to stop loving. Negative is done to me I will forgive. And love more in return.

Yep and I have a diamond buried in my back yard the size of a car. Just because you tell yourself something, doesn't mean it's real or true. I know you desperately want or need it to be true. But if a god actually loved you it wouldn't drag you through the mud and expect you to believe a certain way or else be tormented for the rest of eternity. You are fine with that but I am not sure why.

I mean imagine, you have a son or daughter. You end up in heaven and they end up in hell? How could heaven be blissful and pleasant to you, knowing your loved ones are suffering? It wouldn't be, well for any rational person it couldn't be. But then again Jesus said to put god before your family members so maybe you wouldn't care. An all loving god wouldn't have created this universe the way it is. I can think of a far better universe yet I'm not even a god so this god of yours must be dumb.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:59 am
You're the moron, you deliberately belittled what actually happened, disputed the figures so much it was akin to Holocaust denial. The fact is you're prepared to believe all manner of ridiculous nonsense, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, as long as it fits in with your prejudices.

You're in no position to ridicule what anyone else believes.
Romeo Fabulini
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 04:26 am
Krumple said: An all loving god wouldn't have created this universe the way it is. I can think of a far better universe yet I'm not even a god so this god of yours must be dumb.

It's an assault course mate to weed out the wimps..Smile

"All creation groans in pain from the beginning til now" (Rom 8:22)

And it sorts the men from the boys:-
"We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22)

Jesus welcomes anybody into his squad:-
"Whoever comes to me I'll never turn away" (John 6:37)

And he'll lead by example:-
"To follow me you must carry your own cross daily" (Luke 9:23)

The C.O. shows no favouritism:-
"God didn't spare his own son" (Rom 8:32)

So if he can hack it so can we:-
"We share in Jesus's sufferings in order to share in his glory" (Rom 8:17)

And others have stayed the course too:-
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Tim 4:7)

Then if we qualify we win the Gold Beret:-
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life.." (James 1:12)

But for those who want a soft, easy religion, Christianity's not for them -
"They prefer teachers who only tell them what they want to hear" (2 Tim 4:3)

Waddya say Bob?

"Take the pain! TAKE THE PAIN!"

Sat 5 Apr, 2014 07:26 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
If you want a Christianity that is not for softies my friend, you would need to recognise that god has more standards than to "kind of like his son."
But hey that's only my perception of scripture I wouldn't expect you to agree with me on my say so alone.
1 corinthians 6:9,10
0 Replies
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 08:34 am
You're the moron, you deliberately belittled what actually happened, disputed the figures so much it was akin to Holocaust denial. The fact is you're prepared to believe all manner of ridiculous nonsense, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, as long as it fits in with your prejudices.

A brilliant self description, Izzy.

You're in no position to ridicule what anyone else believes.

No, you most certainly are not, Iz.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 10:35 am
neologist wrote:
You fault God for allowing his intelligent creation the faculty of free will?

You would prefer he made puppets. Who pulls your strings?
Krumple wrote:
My point as you have missed might be better illustrated with an analogy.

I am building a house, but I am also an all knowing being. I know when the house is finished one second after the last nail is pounded in that the entire house is going to collapse making all my work for not. What would the point be in building the house knowing what the result would be? But let's up the stakes. Before that last nail is pounded in, I have a family move into the house while I continue to work on it. This doesn't change the out come at all. The last nail goes in, the house falls and the family dies in the collapse. I knew all along what would happen yet I did nothing to change or alter it even though I have the power to do so.

It is silly. Cruel, and well to be honest. The reason why odd and strange things happen is because there is no god. This is why some times there is evil in the world that seems to go unpunished. Why good things go unrewarded. Why the universe is so hostile. Not to mention why there are over four thousand religions and over fourteen thousand denominations of christianity alone. They all want to shape and mold their versions to suit how they want it to be to suit them.
So you also believe God's foreknowledge is necessary. But God has no more compulsion to read our individual outcomes than you or I have to read the last page of the whodunnit.

Indeed, this restraint on Jehovah's part is the key to our free will.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 10:49 am
Krumple's analogy is simplistic, and insulting to all Atheists, most of whom are way smarter than her. It assumes to know the mind of God, and not only that, reduces that mind to a housebuilder, as opposed to say a particle physicist. It's easily countered by saying that maybe God knew the family would produce a despotic leader ten times more bloody than Hitler.

I've not chosen sides in this debate, I'm honestly not at all bothered in what anyone chooses to believe or disbelieve, and I'm not interested in trying to change anyone's opinion. The only exception are those who preach hate, and a hate preaching Atheist like Krumple is no different from a hate preaching Christian like Romeo.

Hate preachers tend to be quite dim witted, as Krumple's kindergarten level analogy demonstrates.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 10:53 am
Krumple's analogy is simplistic, and insulting to all Atheists, most of whom are way smarter than her. It assumes to know the mind of God, and not only that, reduces that mind to a housebuilder, as opposed to say a particle physicist. It's easily countered by saying that maybe God knew the family would produce a despotic leader ten times more bloody than Hitler.

Another lame, not to mention fatuous, izzy attempt to pass himself off as some kind of intellectual.

I had to keep checking to make sure it was Izzy and not Romeo.
0 Replies
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:17 pm
neologist wrote:
So you also believe God's foreknowledge is necessary. But God has no more compulsion to read our individual outcomes than you or I have to read the last page of the whodunnit.

Indeed, this restraint on Jehovah's part is the key to our free will.

I am not sure if you don't understand my point or are attempting to dodge it completely and then try to slip in more nonsense so you don't have to face the logic.

Anyways it is not free will to demand or make a commandment and then on top of that suggest a result for failing to adhere to that commandment. That would impact free will more than anything else. "I don't want to be tortured for eternity, I guess I won't do that." So if god really cared about free will there wouldn't be any commandments at all period. He would just see who naturally figures it out. But I don't expect you to accept this because you want to be dodgy like typical theists who hate logic or reasoning.

You see some theists, christians mostly only don't do things because they fear the punishment for them. This doesn't make them good people, it makes them mind slaves to the fear of eternal torment.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 01:30 pm
Krumple wrote:
Anyways it is not free will to demand or make a commandment and then on top of that suggest a result for failing to adhere to that commandment. That would impact free will more than anything else. "I don't want to be tortured for eternity, I guess I won't do that." So if god really cared about free will there wouldn't be any commandments at all period. He would just see who naturally figures it out. But I don't expect you to accept this because you want to be dodgy like typical theists who hate logic or reasoning.

You see some theists, christians mostly only don't do things because they fear the punishment for them. This doesn't make them good people, it makes them mind slaves to the fear of eternal torment.
Once again, you have shown a lack of understanding of the issues. You speak of eternal torture. Why? If you had actually read the Bible, instead of just relying on the word of others, you would know differently.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 02:08 pm
neologist wrote:
Once again, you have shown a lack of understanding of the issues. You speak of eternal torture. Why? If you had actually read the Bible, instead of just relying on the word of others, you would know differently.

you should change your name to dodgyologist. Because that is all you do. Someone makes a point and instead of addressing it you just blindly pretend as if nothing was said and continue on with your nonsense.

I understand you completely. You refuse to actually analyze your beliefs and instead just want to dictate them to others. But as soon as they are challenged you pretend as if nothing was said and continue with the dictating.

So we go from free will now to eternal torture. You totally skipped everything before mentioning free will as well. As soon as I address eternal torture you'll find some other bullshit as an excuse.

I left eternal torture vague. I didn't mention fiery pits like some might suggest. Where I live the hippy christians talk about being in or not in gods presence. Oh how horrible it would be to NOT be in god's presence. God is every where but there is a special place where he is not so you can be without his presence.

It doesn't matter what eternal torment I am referring to. Take your pick, mild or extreme. It is irrelevant of what the actual punishment is, even if it's just lacking god's presence. I wouldn't personally think that is any torment but christians like to think that it would be a torment. This is why I refer to it as that. But you want to be dodgy and attack with semantics. *mocking tone* "Oh the bible doesn't say that.."

I'm surprised you haven't gone back to your strawman nonsense. I guess you realized I wouldn't fall for your bullshit.
Sat 5 Apr, 2014 03:05 pm
You need only read the first 3 chapters of the Bible to understand that the consequence of disobedience is death. No baking boiling frying or broiling. The first lie, BTW, was in chapter 3, when the rebel asserted
You certainly will not die
That would be the origin of belief in some sort of life after death.

So stop challenging me with straw men

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