Thu 19 Sep, 2013 03:01 pm
Do the number 51 roses have a symbolic meaning?
I sent an email and think I unintentionally insultet a girl I like. I did not write anything bad, but guess she is upset anyhow. I have read it, and cant find anything terrible bad. She have not replyed to email or sms.
I really like her alot, but I am afraid that sending so much flowers will make her run away from me and not to me.
Will sending 51 roses of different colors and a chokolate woo her or is that to excessive?
I will sent flowers on 8 mars anyhow, but how will a girl response when she receive that many flowers?
And be careful or she might go ballistic and yell at you- "I believe in conservation and I prefer flowers to stay where they belong in the ground, not ripped up! Anyway I'm not a silly little girly who can be won over with flowers!"
With roses, send either a dozen or a single red one.
Print the email here.
Do not send 51 roses.
What is 8 mars? Is that a holiday?
I worked with a woman whose husband sent her repeated elegant flower bouquets to work.
Quite dramatic.
Some time not long after, it became apparent that he had been having an affair with their dog show handler.
Wait until you grow up some more before you send girls or grown women giant bouquets.
None of us need your website, that is spam.
Did you read the terms here before posting?