If you have any doubts that President Obama’s handling of Syria is an utter debacle, witness the embarrassing spectacle this morning as his top aides scramble to place blame for it at their boss’s feet.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, senior officials leak how they desperately tried to talk Obama out of his “head-spinning reversal” on airstrikes and his decision to go to Congress. “He received swift — and negative — responses from his staff,” the Journal reports. National security adviser Susan Rice, we learn, warned that “he risked undermining his powers as commander in chief.” Senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel “also raised concerns.” But Obama ignored their advice and “took the gamble anyway.”.....
Gunga has been spinning for days.
Wanna bet that Obama and Pooty Poot cooked this up during the G-20 meeting. If Putin wins a Nobel Peace Prize for this, Id cheer. Im sure Obama;s workin that under the table too.
I think it's a win-win for Obama and the democrats. A vote puts Republicans on the record as not supporting the US and its President. A rather healthy club to be used against them in the coming years.
Meanwhile Obama has worked out a deal to take Syria's chemical weapons away from them.
Russia offered to back an attack on Syria if it could actually be shown that Assad was involved in any way with gas attack and I don't see any such evidence forthcoming.
This whole thing is bullshit and the sarin use was almost certainly the work of the mobro "rebels".
No I don't support action in Syria. It has nothing to do with Obama wanting it. We have no reason or interests in Syria. Hell we don't even have any standing UN orders against Syria one way or the other.