Neologist wrote:
Quote:RF's apparent intention in the OP was to spark a discussion among believers...I am befuddled by the reluctance of folks like Arella and intrepid to hop in on this. 8 years ago, we would by now have attracted many a believer. Where are they now?
Yes I started this 'Was Jesus God?' in an attempt to draw in fundies who'd say "yes he was", so that I could have fun cracking their heads together and proving them wrong, but as the thread has run to 9 pages and they still haven't appeared, I'm very disappointed!
I see myself as a hunter, having fun by stalking the internet to prey on phoney christians, JW's, Mormons, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Spiritualists,Hindus, Fairy Worshippers and all other assorted dickhead cultists.
One of them once said about me-
"He's a tough nut to crack folks, don't mess with that one", so I can only assume word has got around and they run for cover when they see me coming..