Neologist the JW wrote:
Quote:]JWs understand there will be some who go to heaven. What will they do there? There may be other things but the scriptures assure us that God ". . . made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth." (Revelation 5:10)
So, for newcomers to this thread, Romeo is sure he is headed for heaven. Now that you've met him, would you really want him as king over you?
1- Firstly to amazed newcomers to this thread, let me present some of Neologists quotes in various threads-
"When I'm wrong, I fess up to it" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
"I'm no genius..One of my main reasons for posting here is to sharpen my understanding" (Neologist 21 Sep 013)
So Neo admits to sometimes being wrong, and admits that he's here to sharpen his understanding. In other words, despite his age (over 65) and despite all his years in the JW's, he's still admitting he knows jack ****..
By contrast, I'm never wrong, i'm confident and superkool..

" a Christian,thank God you bear that name....that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured" (1 Peter 4:16, Col 4:12)
Check out my sensational swagger and body language in this vid under my wargaming name of 'Poor Old Spike' and ask yourselves who you'd rather string with, me or Neo?
2- Neo said-
"Romeo is sure he is headed for heaven"
which proves Neo's sometimes wrong because I never said any such thing!
In fact in another thread i said-
"None of us know whether we make the grade as a Christian, not even me ha ha, and even the great Paul said- "I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time" (1 Cor 4:3)
3- Neo's JW cult believes some patched-together junk about 144,000 of them who are going to rule the earth like control-freaks after judgment day, even though Jesus was quite clear that hes's going to beam us OFF the earth to a great paradise in the sky-
Jesus said:-
"In my fathers house are many mansions, I'm going on ahead to get them ready for you, then come back to take you there with me" (John 14:2-6)
If JW's want to stay on the earth as rulers they're welcome to it, but there'll be nobody there because everybody else will be gone..

Me, I prefer to ride with Jesus on that great Route 66 in the sky..