Don't date people you work with. Seriously. It's a bad idea all around.
But as for telling him, only you can decide whether this revelation is going to be likely to go well.
Question. Is your sole motivation for telling him because you hope he'll turn out to be gay (or at least bi or bi-curious), you'll date and everything will be wonderful?
Because if it is, that's not the greatest reason for anything, let alone this sort of a revelation. After all, you have been there a week. So who knows what the deal is there? Maybe he figures he's being friendly to the new guy, or he touches lots of shoulders while communicating. As they say in the forum biz, lurk a bit.
And see how it goes. Maybe he's about to leave the company. Maybe he's the boss's son-in-law. You do not know. So cool it for a while, drop hints if you like and see what happens. I think subtlety will go a long way here, and it will save your bacon if it turns out he is uninterested, unavailable, etc.