Tue 20 Aug, 2013 05:20 pm
I didn't do anything, but this guy seems to me.I am in school I was nice to him as I am to everyone but he is being a huge jerk and makes fun of me constantly, so I just avoid him, but sometimes he will look for me just to make fun of me.I ended up getting into I with him, he hit me in the back of my head and I don't know what happend but I just turned around grabed his shirt pulled him to me and head butted him while slowly blacking out and the next thing I know his friends are pulling us away.I read up on why I would black out and found out that this sometimes happens when someone is over welmed with anger, but I am not an angry person infact I can't remember the last time I was angry before that.I don't understand why this dude hates me and I don't want him to do anything to make me mad enough to fight him but first I need to understand why he hates me anyone have any ideas why
- Some guys are just jerks
- some don't know how to relate to women
- some think that if you treat a woman mean, it will make them like you
- some just take an instant dislike to a particular person
- some have mental disorders
- some are on drugs
He is a BULLY and you are the one he choose to victimize. You are probably not the only one he has done this to. It's just your time.
You must talk to a trusted adult about this.
One of you is going to get hurt.
Okay that makes since, but if I say anything to a teacher the guy will know I said something and he will call me a snitch and so will everyone else
It's your choice, then: Get the crap beat out of you for no reason, or give the information to an adult.
This is not "snitching" - it is simply revealing the behavior of this guy. You are probably not his only victim.
If you remain silent, then you give him permission to move on to another victim. He may kill someone someday.