On Alternative Cancer Programs

Wed 31 Mar, 2010 04:34 am
Thanks. Very interesting.
0 Replies
Sat 3 Apr, 2010 07:19 pm
The Wikipedia page on Greg Caton has some egregious errors and/or lies. It is a simple matter to register with the site and offer one's own corrections. I have corrected the page two times now. As soon as the author changes it again, I will be ready to make it more truthful.
0 Replies
Sat 10 Apr, 2010 05:50 pm
The page is in Hebrew. The man whos speaks uses English.
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Sun 11 Apr, 2010 10:24 am
0 Replies
Tue 13 Apr, 2010 05:25 pm
In my opinion, once they have used conventional treatment on someone that is listed as terminal, it is too late to try most or all alternative treatments, as Penny is doing now. When they have done with a patient there is generally nothing left to save. - edgarblythe

Penny Marshall is now exploring alternative medical treatments in a desperate attempt to beat her deadly cancer.

"At this point, Penny is open to anything," a family friend revealed. "She can feel herself getting worse and, according to her doctors, her condition is terminal, and she is not expected to live another year.

"Penny is still going for her radiation and chemo treatments, but now she is trying this new therapy."

Her treatment plan, which includes special dietary supplements, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and analysis of alkaline, oxygen and pHbalances, is being provided by the Qianli Wellness organization, part of the Therapeutic Body Center in Grover Beach, Calif.

The goal of the treatment is to work with a therapist and get the patient's body back to its "original state" so it can begin to heal, the friend said.

Penny's daughter Tracy, who is not ill, has also been undergoing the therapy at the center, as a show of support for the Laverne & Shirley star.

"Penny's cancer has now spread to other parts of her body, and while no one is promising this treatment can cure her cancer, the hope is that it might help her body cure itself," said the friend.

While Penny's rep continues to deny that she is seriously ill, a close family source told that the beloved producer/director believes she's losing her fight with cancer, which was discovered in her liver in the fall, and has continued to spread.

"She's lost some of her hair, and her stomach is protruding from the medications," the family insider divulged.

One immediate benefit of the new treatment is that Penny, 66 - who smoked up to four packs a day before her diagnosis - has finally quit smoking.
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Thu 15 Apr, 2010 12:40 pm
(NaturalNews) Walnuts are a rich plant source of omega-3s, the fatty acids also found in cold water fish like salmon. Omega-3s are known to lower the risk of a host of health problems from depression to heart disease. Walnuts are also loaded with gamma tocopherol (a form of vitamin E), phytochemicals known as polyphenols, and antioxidants. Now, for the first time, scientists have reported that these nutrient-rich nuts have the ability to reduce the size and growth of prostate cancer.

Scientists from the University of California-Davis just reported their discovery at the 239th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), being held in San Francisco this week. "Walnuts should be part of a prostate-healthy diet," Paul Davis, Ph.D., who headed the study, said in a statement to the media. "They should be part of a balanced diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables."

Approximately 190,000 men in the United States will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. According to the University of California-Davis scientists, research suggests that diet is among the most important factors in influencing a man's risk for developing prostate cancer. For example, there's evidence that eating tomatoes and drinking pomegranate juice may reduce the chance of ever having prostate cancer.

Recently, scientists have found that walnuts could fight cardiovascular disease by reducing levels of endothelin, a substance that increases inflammation in blood vessels. Because men with prostate cancer are known to have elevated levels of endothelin, the University of California-Davis scientists reasoned that eating walnuts could be beneficial in preventing and/or treating prostate cancer.

Davis and his research team conducted their study on laboratory mice that had been genetically programmed to develop prostate cancer. One group of the animals ate the equivalent of about 2.5 ounces of walnuts per day in a human diet (equal to approximately 14 shelled nuts) for two months. A control group of mice did not receive any walnuts in their diet.

When the genetically induced prostate cancers developed in the walnut-fed animals, their tumors were only about half as large as those of the control mice. What's more, the cancers in the walnut eating rodents also grew 30 percent slower.

So what was going on in the bodies of the mice who ate walnuts? The researchers found those mice had lower levels of insulin-like growth factor-1. That's a crucial finding because high levels of this protein are thought to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

To further investigate why walnuts had the ability to fight prostate cancer, the researchers used gene chip technology to track changes in gene levels in the animals' tumors as well as in the livers of the mice. The results showed eating walnuts had a significantly beneficial effect on both tumor and liver genes that have been shown to be involved in controlling the growth of malignant tumors.

Editor's note: NaturalNews is opposed to the use of animals in medical experiments that expose them to harm. We present these findings in protest of the way in which they were acquired.
0 Replies
Sun 18 Apr, 2010 10:31 am
Anti Cancer Nutrition

A large number of special diets ranging from fasting (water only) to juice fasts to low fat and sugar free diets are used. Every one of the special diets have proponents who think they are very helpful, and patients who have been helped by them but no one has ever conducted an experiment to compare all the diets to determine which is the best. Perhaps there will never be a "best". Because of the individuality of people it may turn out that each person will have to determine what is their own best diet. In my book Hoffer's Laws of Natural Nutrition Quarry Press, P.O.Box 1061, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4Y5. Almost all the diets used by complementary therapists are lower in animal proteins, much more vegetarian, with emphasis on vegetables rich in bioflavonoids and fruits. I advise my patients to obey three rules (1) To eliminate all junk food i.e,. food containing any added simple sugars like table sugar or glucose as in corn syrup. This simple rule, comprehensible even to children, will eliminate nearly 90% of the additives commonly added to processed foods. (2) To reduce fat levels, I think that dairy products are the chief villains. Nearly every study internationally has shown that countries with lower fat intake have fewer cases of cancer, particularly breast cancer. Milk is very rich in estrogens from the cow and in phytoestrogens from the grass that they eat.(3) To eliminate all foods they know they are allergic to. These rules allow the diet to be varied, palatable and interesting.

Vitamin Supplements

No one should take any supplements until they have become familiar with their properties and how to use them. It is advisable always to work with a knowledgeable physician. But if they can not find any physician or orthomolecular nutritionist they should go ahead on their own using the information now readily available on nutrition and vitamin supplements. They should advise their doctors what they are doing and which supplements they are using. By listing the vitamins and dose ranges I am not suggesting that every person need to take them all. This is an individual matter based on discussions with their doctor. The vitamin and mineral supplements are compatible with medication and with the diet.

Vitamin C. The dose range is anywhere from 3 to 40 grams daily in three divided doses. If the dose is too high it will not be absorbed by the intestines, will stay in the bowel and act like a laxative causing loose stools and gas. It is a good laxative. The best dose does not act like a laxative. Forms of vitamin C include the pure ascorbic acid (hydrogen ascorbate), and the mineral salts such as sodium ascorbate (slightly salty in taste), calcium ascorbate (slightly bitter), and other salts often found in combinations of the mineral ascorbates, In large doses it is best used as the powder dissolved in water or one of the juices. Do not use commercial grade vitamin C crystals of powders. Use CP grades as is found in drug stores or health food stores. Contrary to false rumors issued by some hostile critics of megadose vitamin use it does not cause kidney stones, does not cause pernicious anemia, does not cause sterility. A recent suggestion in a letter, to Nature, published in England concluded that more than 500 milligrams of vitamin C daily could cause DNA damage. This was based on one of a possible 20 markers that could have been used which showed no damage and a 21st marker which is seriously questioned. Some of the key scientists in this field criticized these conclusions. My only comment is that if they were correct why do my patients who take large doses of vitamin C live so much longer.

Vitamin B-3. There are two forms. Niacin lowers cholesterol, elevates high density lipoprotein cholesterol and reduces the ravages of heart disease, but causes flushing when it is first taken. The flushing reaction dissipates in time and in most cases is gone or very minor within a matter of weeks. Niacinamide, the other form, has no effect on blood fats (lipids) but is not a vasodilator. There have been 7 international conferences on the theme niacin and cancer. This vitamin is an essential component of the enzyme systems that repair broken DNA molecules. The dose ranges from 100 milligrams three times daily to 1000 milligrams three times daily. Several studies in Detroit have found that the response rate of cancer around the head and neck was 10% on radiation alone but increased to 80% when patients were given large doses of niacinamide. Very rarely niacin will cause obstructive jaundice which clears when the niacin is stopped. For details see my book Orthomolecular Medicine for Physicians.

Vitamin E (d alpha tocopherol succinate). This water soluble form has the greatest efficacy in controlling cancer cell growth in the test tube and is the one I recommend should be used. The dose ranges from 400 to 1200 International Units daily. Vitamin E is the major fat soluble anti- oxidant in the body and plays a role by decreasing the concentration of free radicals which are thought to be involved in the creation of the cancer. It also decreases the risk of heart disease, thus confirming what was found over fifty years in Ontario by Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute.

The Carotenoids. Most people have heard of beta carotene but this is only one of a large number of carotenoids which are present in colored vegetables and fruits such as carrots, beets, tomatoes and greens. The evidence is very powerful that these mixed carotenoids as found in these foods will decrease the incidence of cancer but there is a question about the efficacy of the pure beta carotene. There is still a vigorous debate about this. I prefer carrot juice to the beta carotene. Generally it is better to have a large variety of these natural anti cancer factors. Beta carotene is very safe. The only question is whether it is the best form. Only a small portion is converted into vitamin A.

Folic acid. Several studies have found this important vitamin has anti cancer properties, for cancer of the cervix and of the lung in lung smokers. This does not mean it is safe to smoke. It does mean that smokers should take it and immediately start their campaign to stop smoking. Women should take ample amounts to prevent neural tube disorders such as spina bifida. The US government plans to add it to flour. Canada is still thinking about it. The dose range is from 1 to 30 milligrams daily. It can be taken only on prescription.

Coenzyme Q 10. Dr. Karl Folkers discovered this substance, also called ubiquinone; toward the end of his long and distinguished career he regretted that he had not called it a vitamin. It is an odd vitamin since young people are able to make enough from the lower numbered ubiquinones such as Q 6 or Q 8 whereas older people and anyone ill is not able to make enough. It thus becomes a vitamin later in life and when one becomes ill. A few clinical studies have shown that in large doses it has anticancer properties especially for breast cancer. These range from 300 milligrams to 600 milligrams daily.

Mineral supplements

Selenium. The presence or absence of this trace element has the clearest relationship to the presence of cancer. People living on soils that are rich in selenium have a lower incidence. I recommend between 200 to 1000 micrograms daily. One of my patients took 2000 with no side effects.

Calcium and magnesium. These are generally very useful to take to maintain calcium levels in bones and blood. They have been found helpful in cases of bowel cancer. Women should receive 1500 milligrams of calcium daily from their food and supplements and half as much magnesium. There are several forms of these minerals available. Usually a person will absorb into their body anywhere between 25 and 50% of the calcium.

Zinc and copper. There is a reciprocal connection between these two. If blood zinc levels are too high the copper levels will be too low. Because zinc can shrink enlarged prostate glands and may be helpful in the treatment of this cancer. I have been using it routinely. Also, people in Victoria tend to be low in zinc levels because our water is soft, and dissolves copper more easily from copper plumbing.

Other Substances Found in Plants.

A large number of these preparations are being used for the treatment of cancer. They include bioflavonoids, preparations from soy bean, and from mushrooms. Vaccines are also being used. Coley's vaccine originated over 100 years ago. I will not discuss these, nor other treatments such as 714-X, Ukrain, Iscador, Cartilage, Carnivora, Amygdalin (Laetril), Essiac, and many herbs. These are described in the book by Diamond, Cowden and Goldberg.

Most of the speakers at the 26th Annual International Conference on Nutritional Medicine Today, Toronto, April 1997, discussed various topics dealing with the principle and practice of orthomolecular medicine. Dr. C. Simone spoke on "Breast Cancer: Nutritional and Lifestyle Modification to Augment Oncology Care". Dr. Simone is well known for his work in researching complementary treatment of cancer.. He is an Internist, Medical Oncologist, Immunologist and Radiation Oncologist and has published several valuable books including Cancer and Nutrition and A Ten Point Plan to Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer. Optimum nutrition, avoiding toxic substances in food and water, and other lifestyle changes will materially reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Here is his ten point plan (1) Nutrition: calories slightly below average to maintain a weight just below the average weight. Should be high in fiber, rich in fish, fruits, and vegetables and with vitamin and mineral supplements. Eliminate additives and salt. (2) Avoid tobacco. (3) Avoid alcohol (one drink per week allowed). (4) Avoid radiation. Take X-ray only when necessary and avoid excessive exposure to sun. (5) Keep environment, air, water, and work place clean. (6) Avoid promiscuity, hormones and any unnecessary drugs.(7). Learn early warning signs like a lump in the breast. (8) Exercise and relax regularly. (9) Take a yearly physical. (10) Read his book for a self test of risk factors and symptoms that may indicate cancer or heart disease. See the report by Esteve,J. et all. Diet and cancers of the larynx and hypopharynx: the IARC multi-center study in southwestern Europe. In Cancer Causes and Control 7:240-252,1996.

These ten points should be part of every treatment program as well. The main difference is that in treatment the first point becomes even more important and the doses of supplements are much greater. The sicker a person is the more nutrients are needed in optimum doses to help the bodies reparative mechanisms. Treatment must be started as soon as the diagnosis is suspected and made, and should be concurrent with any other treatment recommended by oncologists and cancer specialists. Eventually all cancer specialists will be using these orthomolecular techniques. Supplements must be maintained while chemotherapy or radiation are being used. Studies have shown that these supplements enhance the toxic effect of the treatment on the lesion and decrease the toxic effects on the body. Patients do not suffer as much from the side effects and recover much more quickly when the treatment series is completed. They enhance the quality of life during and after treatment.

Treatment with high doses ascorbic acid either by mouth or intravenously or both carries no risk and does provide substantial advantages over chemotherapy and surgery used as the sole treatment. Between 1980 and 1995 four patients with sarcoma followed my treatment protocol (a combination of orthodox and orthomolecular treatment). The first seen in Victoria, had a prostate sarcoma invading his pelvic bones. The cancer clinic could not treat him and he was declared untreatable. He responded to the regimen and died 9 years later at age 80 clear of cancer. One is alive after ten years. One is still alive after five years. The last one, an abdominal liposarcoma died in his sixth year. Counting the first young patient I saw in 1962 who was still well several years ago, five of six responded either to the vitamin regimen alone or to the combination treatment.

There is no reason in the world why any oncologist should not allow vitamin treatment in combination with chemotherapy. This would enhance the therapeutic effect of the chemotherapy and decrease its toxicity.

(December 26, 1999 )

Copyright C 2000 and prior years Abram Hoffer, M.D.
0 Replies
Sun 25 Apr, 2010 02:16 pm
From a site I visit:
travelindave said:

hello ther eyes
greg has been locked up in lousiana since december. His trial date is may 6th. There are many of us realy trying hard to help him and i am one of the main sourses pushing to get his release with his dads help also here in los angeles. His wife katherine is doing a live phone conferance in the court to reveal the truth. sick huhh all of this
0 Replies
Fri 30 Apr, 2010 04:15 am
NaturalNews) Of all the sneaky tactics practiced in Washington D.C., this recent action by Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA) is one of the most insidious: While no one was looking, he injected amendment language into the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (H.R. 4173) that would expand the powers of the FTC (not the FDA, but the FTC) to terrorize nutritional supplement companies by greatly expanding the power of the FTC to make its own laws that target dietary supplement companies.

This is a little-known secret about the FTC and the nutritional supplements business: The FTC routinely targets nutritional supplement companies that are merely telling the truth about their products. Some companies are threatened by merely linking to published scientific studies about their products.

For example, here's an important article that describes how to FDA criminally extorts money out of supplement companies: http://www.naturalnews.com/024567_h...

The FTC does much the same thing. They target a particular company that's having success in the natural products marketplace, then they accuse that company of "inferring" that their products have some health benefit. From there, the FTC demands that the company engage in paying a massive fine to the FTC, which the FTC calls "consumer redress" even though none of the money actually goes to the consumers.

If you try to fight the FTC, they haul you into their own special "FTC courts" which are not public courts where you have the benefit of a jury, but rather they are courts where the judges are actually FTC employees and you have no rights. You are essentially guilty until proven innocent, and virtually no one has been found innocent by the FTC.

If the King says you're guilty, then you're guilty
The FTC also forces you to sign a "consent decree" which involves you admitting to committing crimes that you have actually never committed. These crimes include the "criminal misrepresentation of a product" by, for example, explaining that walnuts help support healthy cholesterol levels or that cherries ease symptoms of inflammation.

Using these methods, the FTC has extorted tens of millions of dollars out of nutritional supplement companies. More importantly, it has terrorized the industry and put several companies out of business, denying the American public access to products that could improve their health and prevent disease.

Waxman wants the FTC to have even more power over your vitamins
Now Congressman Henry Waxman wants to give the FTC even more powers by allowing the FTC to write its own laws without Congressional approval. This would allow a rogue agency to simply invent any new law it wants, such as requiring nutritional supplement companies to spend hundreds of millions of dollars "proving" the efficacy of a vitamin before they can sell it.

This will allow the FTC to utterly circumvent DSHEA -- the law passed in 1994 that provides basic protections to vitamin and supplement manufacturers. This will result in an FTC war on vitamins and supplements that would no doubt see this rogue agency attempting to destroy the entire industry and imprison the founders and executives of all the top supplement manufacturers.

This is how bad things have become in America today: The criminal CEOs of drug companies are allowed to commit felony crimes, engage in routine price fixing fraud and fix their research with fraudulent clinical trials, yet the FTC and FDA do nothing. But when an honest nutritional supplement company says something like, "Walnuts are good for your heart," they get threatened with imprisonment or have their entire life savings stolen away from them by the FTC through a series of "fines."

Your help is urgently needed to halt this madness
Join NaturalNews.com and the Alliance for Natural Health to protest this deceptive action by Henry Waxman -- a lifelong opponent of natural medicine who is trying to covertly inject this expansion of FTC powers into the Finance Reform Bill.

0 Replies
Thu 6 May, 2010 12:14 pm
An expert panel that advises the president on cancer said Thursday that Americans are facing "grievous harm" from chemicals in the air, food and water that have largely gone unregulated and ignored.

The President's Cancer Panel called for a new national strategy that focuses on such threats in the environment and workplace. It called those dangers "underestimated."

"With the growing body of evidence linking environmental exposures to cancer, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the unacceptable burden of cancer resulting from environmental and occupational exposures that could have been prevented through appropriate national action," the panel wrote in a report released Thursday.

Currently, federal chemical laws are weak, funding is inadequate and regulatory responsibilities are spilt among too many agencies, the panel found.

Children are particularly vulnerable because of their smaller bodies and fast physical development, the panel found. The report noted rising rates of cancer in children, and it referred to recent studies that have found industrial chemicals in umbilical-cord blood, which supplies nutrients to developing fetuses. "To a disturbing extent, babies are born 'pre-polluted,' " the panel wrote.

Health officials lack critical knowledge about the health impact of chemicals on fetuses and children, the report said.

In addition, the government's standards for safe chemical exposure in the workplace are outdated, it said.

In 2009, about 1.5 million American men, women and children had cancer diagnosed, and 562,000 people died from the disease.

The panel found that the country needs to overhaul existing chemical laws, a conclusion that has been supported by public health groups, environmental advocates, the chemical industry and the Obama administration.

The current system places the burden on the government to prove beyond a doubt that a chemical is unsafe before it can removed from the market. The standards are so high, the government has been unable to ban chemicals such as asbestos, a widely recognized carcinogen that is prohibited in dozens of countries.

About 80,000 chemicals are in commercial use in the United States, but federal regulators have assessed only about 200 for safety.

A bill filed last month by Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) , the Safe Chemicals Act of 2010, would shift the burden to manufacturers to prove the safety of new chemicals before they can be used. It would also require companies to give federal regulators safety data for chemicals already on the market. The cancer panel called that bill a good starting point.

Still, the panel said, when the government evaluates the safety of a chemical, it needs to look beyond individual chemicals to consider the cumulative effect on humans from exposure to multiple chemicals, and it must consider how small amounts of a chemical can cause subtle changes in the human body that can result in cancer years later.

0 Replies
Thu 6 May, 2010 05:34 pm
Greg Caton's wife: Just heard from Greg...he was sentenced to the 2 year max...Don't know any more yet.
0 Replies
Fri 7 May, 2010 04:48 am

According to a 2009 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, widespread exposure to nitrosamines, nitrates and nitrites in processed food and the environment are all linked to degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. These chemicals are commonly used in food factories and large-scale farming operations.

The aluminum added to most conventional antiperspirant deodorants, baking sodas, toothpastes and other personal care products crosses the blood-brain barrier and lodges itself in the brain where it can lead to dementia. Many Alzheimer's patients have a measurable buildup of aluminum in their brain tissue.

(Oh, but does aluminum buildup in the brain actually cause Alzheimer's, or does already having Alzheimer's cause aluminum buildup? That's the question you might be asking if you rely on the backwards logic of mainstream scientists...)

A 1998 study found that sodium fluoride, a toxic byproduct of the aluminum manufacturing and fertilizer industries that's commonly added to drinking water, also has a synergistic effect with aluminum that makes it even more dangerous. Drink out of aluminum cans and swallow some tap water, and you've got a recipe for accelerated Alzheimer's.

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences actually commissioned a review on aluminum back in December of 2000 in response to the issue. The review was published in the Federal Register that year.

Nitrates, aluminum and fluoride are just a few of the many chemical contaminants that contribute to Alzheimer's, and most American consumers are exposed to them all on a daily basis.

Five ways to protect yourself from Alzheimer's
#1) Avoid processed foods
This may seem obvious, but besides nitrates, many processed foods are loaded with neurotoxins like MSG and aspartame that may be linked to Alzheimer's. Processed foods also contain toxins like trans-fats and refined sugar that compromise your health. Stick with whole, organic foods and your Alzheimer's risk will be significantly reduced.

#2) Install a home water filter
Most municipal tap water systems are treated with chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals that harm your health. These chemicals are easily absorbed by your skin when you take a shower or drink unfiltered tap water. (Does anybody really do that anymore?) A whole-house activated carbon filtration system will remove most or all of these toxins from tap water.

#3) Detoxify on a regular basis
I can't stress enough how important it is to eat foods and supplements that help your body remove chemicals and heavy metals. Cilantro, chlorella and spirulina are a few top choices that can help your body eliminate heavy metals like aluminum and mercury -- both of which are strongly associated with Alzheimer's.

#4) Exercise regularly
By exercise, I'm talking about both physical and mental exercise. Physical exercise directly contributes to increased brain function because it reinforces neural connections in your brain, which in turn improves memory and learning capability. Mental exercises such as working on crossword puzzles will also help to keep your cognitive function in top shape. (Use it or lose it, folks!)

#5) Eat plenty of superfoods and nutritional supplements
There's a lot that belongs in this category, so I'll highlight some of the primary superfoods that recent studies have found play a role in preventing Alzheimer's.

Researchers last year found that the amino acid Acetyl-L-Carnitineprevents brain tau protein strands from tangling. Stress and excitotoxins like MSG can cause brain tangles that are believed to cause cognitive decline, but Acetyl-L-Carnitine effectively stops the process. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is found naturally in grass-fed meats, nuts, beans, legumes, vegetables and fruits. It can also be purchased as a nutritional supplement.

Curcumin, a natural phytochemical found in the turmeric spice, has also been shown to prevent and even treat Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's is preventable
To sum it all up, you don't have to give in to the fatalistic views of the mainstream sick-care industry which believes there is no way to prevent disease (other than drugs, of course). To arrive at such a conclusion, you'd have to nearly lose your mind and forget about all the supporting evidence showing how superfoods and lifestyle changes can not merely prevent Alzheimer's Disease but actually help reverse it!

0 Replies
Fri 14 May, 2010 10:57 am
Something to try?

Fri 14 May, 2010 11:50 am
That's interesting and worth following up. Thanks, william.
0 Replies
Fri 14 May, 2010 05:03 pm
Got this from an online acquaintance:

These are the few things that have high success rates, some of which I use myself.

1. Number one is the Dr Robert C Beck blood electrification unit in conjunction with ionized colloidal silver & the Beck protocol. 100% success rate.



2. The Hoxsey clinic 85% success rate. And this includes internal or external cancer. One of our members on CC actually went to Mexico to his clinic. My discussion here:

3. MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) My discussion group here: http://community.naturalcures.com/forum/topics/mms-discussion-group-miracle

4.Hydrogen peroxide therapy (One minute Cure). Discussion here: http://community.naturalcures.com/forum/topics/one-minute-cure-for-all

Below are educational video resource links:











0 Replies
Sat 15 May, 2010 08:10 am
CNN) -- When I won the reality show competition "Survivor: Africa" in 2001, I never dreamed that an obscure African flower would provide the drug that later helped me survive cancer. But that's the way my life has unfolded.

One day I was battling opponents for a million dollars, the next I was battling lymphoma for my life.

I couldn't have won either fight without having nature on my side. Now I'm working hard to protect natural areas that will provide the source of future drugs that could save millions of lives.

On the show we were expected to live off the land. I learned very early that survival would mean figuring out how to work with, rather than against, nature.

I've won my battle against cancer. ... I had the most unlikely of partners: a small watering hole and, later, a flower.

We used thorny acacia plants to keep predators away from our camp. We drank from the same watering hole as elephants and giraffes, learning the best times to drink and how to stay out of their way.

Nature was a good teacher. I won $1 million and the confidence that I could survive just about any challenge.

In 2009, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, and it turned out that the confidence I gained on "Survivor" proved even more valuable than the million dollars. But not even the trials of the show could have prepared me for the greatest struggle of my life.

Chemotherapy drugs wracked my body for months. But as they worked I found some comfort when I learned that one of them was derived from an African flower, the rosy periwinkle.

The drug born of this flower, vincristine, was part of the regimen that saved my life. My cancer is now in remission and once again I owe my survival to working with nature.

My case is not an isolated one. It turns out that dozens of plants in nature manufacture anti-cancer agents as chemical defenses. Scientists figured this out years ago, and 80 percent of all anti-cancer drugs possess an active ingredient from the natural world.

This promise extends to other diseases as well, with half the new drugs created in the past 25 years derived from nature.

According to a recent study, natural drugs and related products are used to treat 87 percent of all known diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and HIV.

Yet this pharmaceutical pipeline is in danger.

Researchers unraveled the biochemistry of the snakeroot plant to improve the treatment of hypertension, but the plant is now threatened by deforestation in Indonesia.

Scientists derived a compound for treating severe chronic pain from a cone snail found in Pacific coral reefs, though its habitat is now threatened by destructive fishing practices and marine pollution.

The first antiviral medication approved for the treatment of HIV/AIDS came from a marine sponge, yet marine habitats around the world are threatened by pollution, overfishing and climate change.

Given the accelerating destruction of rainforests, reefs and other natural habitats around the world, we must take action today -- as there's no telling how many useful undiscovered natural compounds we could lose for tomorrow.

Right now, there's a bipartisan bill in Congress, the Global Conservation Act of 2010, that seeks to address extinction and natural resource depletion worldwide by laying out a strategy for helping other countries protect millions of square miles of natural habitat.

President Obama must put his weight behind this bill and the Congress must pass it soon.

According to the World Conservation Union, more than 16,000 species, plant and animal alike, are in danger of extinction, largely because of human activities.

Indeed, scientists warn that two-thirds of the planet's 10 million species could face extinction by the end of the century. Time is not on our side.

I won "Survivor: Africa," and I've won my battle against cancer. But in each case, I didn't do it alone. I had the most unlikely of partners: a small watering hole and, later, a flower.

I don't know what I'll need from nature next or where the newest nature-based medicines will come from, but I'm not willing to risk losing any of them.

The rosy periwinkle saved my life. Who knows what could save yours?

0 Replies
Sat 15 May, 2010 08:25 am
Ethan Zohn/above story
0 Replies
Sun 16 May, 2010 08:36 pm
0 Replies
Mon 17 May, 2010 05:18 pm
From Greg Caton's facebook:
Amazon Tonic III (8oz) Formerly sold as Cansema
CAUTION: There are counterfeiters of Cansema® who use our trademark, information, graphics -- even our testimonials, even though they are not connected to us; the formula is not the same; and the performance of their product is substandard to the genuine article! We list k...nown counterfeiters on our Fake Program Compensation Program page. This Cansema® User Instructions page is currently being recommended by a company run by Jennifer Wilson / George Ackerson -- who are telling the public that they are us. Do not believe it. We do not and will not provide customer service for their products.
0 Replies
Mon 17 May, 2010 05:35 pm
There is only one acceptable sweetener in a cancer diet - Stevia, which is an herb.

0 Replies

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