On Alternative Cancer Programs

Fri 12 Mar, 2010 04:02 pm
I recently began alternating taking H3O for three days and then HRx for three days. During this time, I felt great, still, but the edge seemed to have been taken off, if you get my meaning. So, this week, I have changed it to five days for H3O and just two days for HRx. After four days in a row of H3O, I went to work this morning feeling as though I could run a marathon. My sense of well being was at optimum level and my knees felt so smooth and good. I think I may have found the best way to take this stuff (for me).
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Fri 12 Mar, 2010 09:13 pm
Alpha-Omega's website has abruptly changed. I am seeking to determine if they have been hijacked or if the change was intentional. It seems unlikely they made the change voluntarily, especially without giving prior notice.
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Fri 12 Mar, 2010 10:28 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Dear IMVA,

Yesterday I received a disturbing email from Greg Caton’s wife,
naturopath Dr. Cathryn Caton, that her husband was arrested in Ecuador
on December 2, 2009 at a premeditated license check point by
Ecuadorian police. He was then quickly handed over to United States
agents and taken forcibly onto an American Airlines plane against a
judge’s objections. Cathryn has not heard from him since.

I know them for they have recently built a mountain top home in
Ecuador. They sell one of the types of iodine I recommend and we
talked many a late night on skype. Greg is an inspired type who has
been around the block in the nutrition and cancer area and has run
into trouble with the United States government before.

There are a few of us who have escaped down here to the relative
safety of South or Central America. People like me, Mike Adams and
there was Greg, all of us medical and health freedom fighters
resisting the dark empire of the FDA and CDC pharmaceutical universe.

These and other medical and health institutions are the creators and
enforcers of a devastating form of medicine. From our perspective the
United States government is foul, running the greatest terror making
organization in the solar system. Though it is hard to separate the
Americans from the old European lust for conquest and domination.
Certainly their bankers are still playing the oldest and nastiest of
games. Mike Adams interviewed Cathryn and in the second part of the
tape he shares passionately about the war against healers who are
trying to help people. For more on the story click here.

But what can you expect from the only government in the world that
used nuclear weapons on civilian populations and depleted Uranium
weapons in large quantities in Iraq and Afghanistan releasing
staggering amounts of Uranium Oxide into the atmosphere. This is nasty
stuff with a shelf life of billions of years so it’s going to be
around for quite a while thanks to our friendly world dominating

Many times through the years I have gotten letters from readers
remarking about my courage and actually I try to forget about these
communications and the reality they represent as quickly as possible
because even the most courageous heart can feel fear. My commitment to
Medical Veritas " medical truth " has led me to some interesting
discoveries and probably made me some not so interesting enemies.

I have to have courage because what other choice does one have when
facing and trying to live with truth. One reader wrote me saying,
“Just want to say you never seem to be out of step with the state of
decay in the world, something that is evidence of a more divine
ordering in ones existence, so God bless you as you give the truth for
what it is. You are riding high on the light in a world of darkness.”

For me the heart (spiritual part of the pump) is the truth of human
life and one of the most interesting things about the heart (that
Christ and others have talked about) was that it has no tolerance for
liars and lies. Infidelity, what is it that tears people apart? It’s
not the sex it’s the lying about it. It’s the breaking of trust that
disrupts so terribly.

Anyone who has ever experienced trying to hide something meaningful
from someone loved knows the anguish of the heart as it has to suffer
the mind’s increasing need to justify and explain to itself ones
untruthful position. The trap is that it is impossible for the heart
to live (be open) with a lie because the heart is the truth. So once
an infidelity happens the heart gets buried under the weight of the
minds increasing velocity of justifications meaning the heart closes.
It hurts too much to stay open so it closes.

I share that because it really hurts and scares me to think of someone
taking me away from my wife and kids. It makes me think of the Nazi
times that seem to be coming back and Mike Adams mirrors these
thoughts at the end of his audio file above. I think of Cathryn and my
heart goes out to her and her feelings. I don’t want to feel the hurt
and sinking feeling of having something like this happen but it’s hard
to escape when writing about the things I do.

In my case I have to not only be protective for personal reasons but
also for this new form of medicine that I am bringing to people
everywhere on earth. Some people have this unexplained capacity to
dream big but in my case it is my close relationship with my highest
self (yes took two decades out of my life to be a recluse meditating
on the meaning of life and the meaning of pure consciousness).

Another reader wrote me saying, “My Sedona friend and author J.
Hamilton says, “Visionaries thrive in all times”. Dr. Mark is a
visionary and one of those special beings who follows the Bodhisattva
path and gives his Brave heart medicine to all he touches. May he fare
well for all beings’ benefit and continue to manifest his love for the
world through his writings and brilliant clarity. Yours is a voice of
truth in the midst of the growing insanity.”

The point is that I do have this love for humanity and the most
positive expression of that is in this Natural Allopathic Medicine
that I am shouting from the roof tops about. It is certainly new,
though it uses very old remedies like iodine and sodium bicarbonate. I
added magnesium chloride into the mix creating the most perfect and
primary combination of medicinals with all three being plucked right
out of emergency rooms and intensive care wards everywhere, where
these substances are used daily " but not for chronic diseases.

For life saving situations I call this protocol Natural Emergency
Medicine but for cancer and other serious diseases the treatments can
be applied every two or three hours harnessing the raw emergency life
saving power of these widely available highly concentrated “food”
medicines. They have a powerful moving effect on chronic conditions
because each of the agents in the protocol addresses fundamental
physiological issues.

What I am struggling to say is that the most important thing for me is
that the Natural Allopathic Medical approach not be smothered by the
medical Gestapo, by the FDA or anyone else. So if anything ever
happens to me it is all my readers who will need to carry on the light
and coordinate and organize and assist my family as I hope now many
will do for Cathryn.

Below is most of the content I and many received from her yesterday.
Please read and please care.

Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD


In 1984 my husband founded Consumer Express, which later became
Nutrition for Life International (briefly traded on the NASDAQ stock
exchange as “NFLI”). In 1995 he created Alpha Omega Labs
(herbhealers.com / altcancer.com), which became a provider of over 300
alternative health products with 14 distributors around the world,
before its closure by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration in
September, 2003.
It successfully reopened in Ecuador in June, 2008.

Alpha Omega Labs is best known for Cansema® " an effective cure for
skin cancer, based on suppressed formulary information dating back to
the 1850’s. Over a 13 year period, Alpha Omega Labs was responsible
for curing thousands of cancer cases.

In 2007, Greg and his wife received residential Visas to live in
Ecuador. The Ecuadorian government had granted us all the proper
permits to manufacture and sell our herbal products from within
Ecuador at that time. And so, we legally reopened Alpha Omega Labs in
the summer of 2008 in Ecuador.

As of 2007, Greg had 1.5 years left to serve on his probation. He had
already been granted permission to fly back and forth from the US to
Ecuador and was hoping to have his probation commuted. However,
because of the involvement of an extremely corrupt FDA agent by the
name of John Armand, who had Greg arrested in 2003, we made a joint
decision to stay here in Ecuador and not travel until his probation
period had been completed. A clear and concise description of Greg’s
first persecution by the US government can be found on: www.meditopia.org
An archive of Greg’s newsletters can be found here: http://www.altcancer.com/ashwarch.htm

On December 2, 2009, Greg was arrested here in Ecuador at a
premeditated license check point by Ecuadorian police. Completely
false charges were brought against him. The charges were that Greg
was in Ecuador illegally and that we were selling herbal products

At the first hearing, we had no trouble showing the judge that the
charges were false which proved Greg’s innocence. As a result, the
judge signed papers to have Greg released from jail. However, the
police chief here has the final say as to which inmate is ultimately
released or not, and by the time the judge arrived, the police chief
had already been heavily pressured and bribed by the U.S. government.
This resulted in him signing paper work to deport Greg… illegally.

We appealed the police chief’s decision. However, at the second
hearing, the Judge essentially froze and said he was not qualified to
make a ruling on the case. We noticed that a US consulate official was
in the hearing room at that moment. Some Ecuadorian Judges have
residential visas in the US and do not want to piss off the US for
fear of losing them.

We filed another appeal. This appeal was approved and a hearing was
scheduled for December 14th or 15th, 2009. I then received a phone
call from Greg this morning: Dec. 12, 2009. He told me that whatever
legal work we were doing was not working. He said he was calling me
from the airport where authorities were preparing to fly him to the US…

I immediately called our assistant who called our attorney who called
the new judge. The new judge drove to the chief of police to release
him from his authority over this case. The judge then drove to the
airport to stop immigration from deporting Greg. Immigration had him
flying out on American airlines flight no. 952 from Guayaquil, Ecuador
to Miami, Florida.

Before the judge got to the airport, our assistant told the police who
were holding Greg at the gate that the judge was on his way with paper
work for Greg to not leave the country. The man from the U.S. State
Department immediately put Greg on the plane (in my opinion…illegally
kidnapping Greg) and told our assistant that he was now in American
territory (the American Airlines plane) and could not be removed.

The judge then arrived with the appropriate paper work and explained
that Greg was not to be flown out of the country but he was ignored by
American Airlines when he attempted to have Greg removed from the
plane, at which point the plane took off. The judge then talked to the
airport tower to have the American Airlines flight stopped. Both
American Airlines and the pilot refused to listen. The judge then
called a general in the Ecuadorian military to have the plane stopped
by forcing it to land in Quito. American Airlines refused to listen.

All of the above took place while the American Airlines plane was
within the country of Ecuador and subject to Ecuadorian law.

I have not heard from my husband since.

People need to understand that what the U.S. government did today….was
totally illegal under Ecuadorian law.

If we are to successfully fight this kind of evil….


All I have learned thus far is, Greg will appear before a Louisiana judge on March 17th. The store change may have to do with legal maneuvering re his legal status.
0 Replies
Sat 13 Mar, 2010 02:02 pm
Just opened this email. Hopefully, it is really from Mrs Caton.

Yes, the new store is legitimate. We are changing our US site to a no medical claims site.If you have any other questions, please let me know. Cathryn Caton, N.D.Alpha Omega Labs
0 Replies
Sat 13 Mar, 2010 07:38 pm
On this site is a recorded conversation with Cathryn Caton, concerning her husband's kidnapping. Riveting. One may have to register on the site to gain access, but it is free and not difficult.
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Sat 13 Mar, 2010 08:47 pm
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Sat 13 Mar, 2010 08:49 pm
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Sun 14 Mar, 2010 11:19 am
Thank you for all the info edgar much appreciated...
0 Replies
Sun 14 Mar, 2010 12:58 pm
It has gotten more than a little scary out there.
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Mon 15 Mar, 2010 04:05 pm
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Wed 17 Mar, 2010 10:26 am
I received thsi email yesterday from a good friend of mine its looking for testimonials..

Hello again,

As many of our customers are aware, the FTC and FDA stringently regulate the use of testimonials for herbal and dietary supplements. Their position is that if a customer makes a claim of treating, curing, or preventing a disease in a testimonial with a natural product (even if it is true!) and the company selling that product displays that testimonial in their website or in their marketing materials, then the company is accused of making a medical claim for that product. For that reason, you'll not see any testimonial for graviola, Graviola-Max, or N-Tense on our website, despite the many that we receive (and the numerous requests we get to provide them).

An independent media organization however, can say whatever they want to (as long as its true) and since they are not selling any herbal or natural products, they are not under these same stringent regulations. One particular health media organization has been writing articles about graviola and N-Tense since 2001. They are not affiliated with Raintree, Raintree does not advertise our products in any of their articles, magazines, or newsletters, and they are free to print whatever they choose to in their efforts to bring people the latest news on the benefits of natural health.

This organization, The Health Sciences Institute, is in the process of updating their information on graviola and publishing a new article. They are searching for people who would like to share their experiences about these products (graviola, Graviola-Max, and N-Tense) as a testimonial in their new article. They'll be happy to keep your real name private if you'd prefer.

If you'd like to share your personal experiences about these products, please contact Melanie Goodman by email at [email protected]. Please DON'T just hit reply on this message since this correspondence needs to go directly to them.

Thanks in advance for your participation and for your ongoing support of Raintree Nutrition, our products and our mission.

Best wishes,
Leslie Barone
Operations Manager
Raintree Nutrition
3579 Hwy 50 East, Suite 222
Carson City, NV 89701
(800) 780-5902
[email protected]

Wed 17 Mar, 2010 03:34 pm
NaturalNews.com printable article
Originally published March 5 2010
Free Greg Caton from FDA tyranny; your help needed
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Herbalist Greg Caton remains under arrest in the United States after having been illegally kidnapped and extradited from Ecuador by the FDA (http://www.naturalnews.com/027750_G...). He faces a hearing on March 17th in a Louisiana court, and he needs your help.

To support Greg Caton's bid for freedom, NaturalNews is organizing a letter-writing campaign that seeks to inform the presiding Judge of just how many people support Greg Caton's work and website (www.AltCancer.com).

This letter-writing campaign is being initiated as a courteous, supportive effort to lend support to Greg Caton during his hearing. It is not some sort of effort to bombard the Judge with hate mail or anything resembling that. In fact, if you choose to participate in helping Greg Caton, please keep your letters polite and professional. I've included my own letter to the presiding Judge below as an example.

Background information on Greg Caton - What you need to know
Why does Greg Caton deserve to be freed from being held by U.S. authorities? For years, he sold an anti-cancer salve that has helped thousands of people treat their own skin cancers. Using a recipe made with powerful anti-cancer herbs, Caton created the Cansema product line and marketed it to customers around the world using honest and truthful descriptions of the anti-cancer properties of its herbal ingredients.

The FDA, not surprisingly, couldn't tolerate this. The profitability of the conventional cancer industry depends entirely on preventing consumers from having free access to competing products like Cansema. So the FDA declared Greg Caton a criminal and turned his case over to their Office of Criminal Investigations which launched a witch hunt to put Greg Caton out of business and throw him in prison.

They succeeded in forcing him to serve three years of prison time in the U.S., after which he was released on probation. During that probationary period, Caton learned through a source that he was about to be targeted for yet another trumped-up criminal charge brought on by the FDA, so he did the only thing a reasonable person could do: He decided to move out of the country and pursue his business in another nation where selling anti-cancer medicinal herbs is openly accepted (and even welcomed).

As it turns out, herbal medicine is perfectly legal to sell in most countries -- including Ecuador, where medicinal herbs have been an important part of cultural healing traditions for as long as anyone can remember. The idea of criminalizing someone who sells medicinal herbs would be considered absolutely loony in Ecuador.

So Caton set up a legitimate business buying medicinal herbs from a variety of sources (including local farmers), manufacturing his Cansema product, and exporting it to customers all over the world, including the USA. His product is still sold online at: http://www.altcancer.com/cansema.htm

The FDA, once again, couldn't tolerate this. So the agency arranged for Caton to be placed in the Interpol "red notice" alert list along with a description accusing him of crimes related to "drugs" and "fraud." The drugs, of course, were only medicinal herbs that the FDA deceptively calls drugs. And the so-called fraud stems from nothing more than Caton's decision to not kow-tow to the FDA's tyrannical attempts to flag him as a criminal.

With the help of this Interpol listing, the FDA managed to get Greg Caton arrested in Ecuador. From there, a team of operatives from the U.S. State Department pulled Caton out of an Ecuadorian jail and placed him on an American Airlines passenger jet flying from Guayaquil to Miami. Despite the orders of a local Ecuadorian Judge who demanded Caton be released from the airplane while still on Ecuadorian soil, the American Airlines pilot refused to release Caton and proceeded to fly him to Miami, in violation of international law.

This is how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration pulled off the illegal kidnapping of a U.S. citizen living legally (and running a legal business) in another country.

Caton was guilty of just one actual crime: Violating his probation by leaving the USA and seeking freedom elsewhere. But even that probation was only part of a sentence stemming from the FDA's deceitful attempt to destroy Greg Caton in the first place.

Now, Caton is facing a hearing on March 17th to determine his punishment for violating his probation. As you might suspect, Caton only seeks to return to Ecuador where he can join his family and resume his legal, legitimate business of selling medicinal herbs to satisfied customers.

What to write
If you wish to help support Greg Caton's bid for freedom, you may write a physical (paper) letter and mail it to the address below. Simply state your support for Caton's natural products while expressing your strong disagreement with the way the FDA has violated international law in its illegal kidnapping and expatriation of Caton.

If you are a customer of Caton's, you might also wish to add that to your letter. Conclude your letter by asking for his release so that he may return to Ecuador and rejoin his family there.

These letters can make a real difference. They will be presented to the Judge for consideration. (I'm also sending a letter.)

Where to send your letter of support
When you write your letter, address it at the top to The Honorable Judge Tucker Melancon.

Mail your letter to this street address:

Judge Tucker L. Melancon
US District Judge
800 Lafayette St., Suite 4700
Lafayette, LA 70501

The letter written by Dr. Brian O'Leary
Former U.S. astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary wrote the following letter to Judge Tucker Melancon:

To Judge Tucker Melancon:

Greg Caton is an extraordinary healer whose product Cansema healed my skin cancer which made it unnecessary for me to go under surgery to remove it. He is a legal resident of Ecuador and conducts a legal alternative health product group here. I thoroughly support his work in healing untold thousands of people of cancer and other serious diseases.

My own healing happened when Greg arrived at our home two years ago with Cansema. I had just been diagnosed with basal cell skin cancer after a biopsy had been taken from a very large and deep lesion on my back. I was scheduled for surgery the following week. I cancelled the surgery and Greg applied the Cansema (a black salve consisting of a mixture of herbs and a bit of zinc chloride), and, in 3-4 weeks, a black scab formed that subsequently fell off. After three applications of the salve over 2-3 months, the cancer disappeared, leaving only a slight discoloration where the cancer had been. An examination by a dermatologist at the St. Agustin clinic in Loja, Ecuador, showed that the cancer was completely gone. No new lesions have formed anywhere on my body, and diagnostic blood tests for any systemic cancers recently showed negatives, i.e., no cancer in my body.

On the larger issue of the suppression of alternative possibilities in the health, environmental and technology fields, we see a pattern emerging that the true geniuses of innovation are all too often violently suppressed by authorities who illegally, unethically and immorally punish these true pioneers of our time -- solely because of powerful vested interests that are far less effective in solving the problems presented. This is an outrage, and I ask that, if justice has any meaning left, that Greg be released immediately from his current detention and flown back to his residence in Ecuador. This plea represents one of many coming from those of us who strongly feel that justice can only be served by supporting rather than condemning those of us willing and able to move humanity into a new paradigm of healing and sustainability.

Yours sincerely,

Brian O'Leary, Ph.D.
former U.S. astronaut

Letter of support from Mike Adams
From: Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com
To: the Honorable Judge Tucker Melancon

As the editor of one of the largest natural health news websites in the world, now reaching over two million unique readers each month, I've covered issues of health freedom, FDA regulation and natural remedies for many years. In those years, I have never seen such an egregious violation of ethics (and law) as what I've witnessed in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's attempts to criminalize the work of Greg Caton.

In my opinion, the FDA has engaged in an illegal and highly unethical "witch hunt" against Greg Caton that appears to have the sole purpose of destroying Caton's products which compete with the more conventional (and profitable) products offered by pharmaceutical companies.

As a permanent resident of Ecuador, I have access to local knowledge about how Greg Caton was arrested and illegally transported out of Ecuador by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Based on the information I have acquired first-hand, I believe the U.S. FDA illegally and with great malice plotted to submit false information about Greg Caton to Interpol via the U.S. Dept. of Justice office that interfaces with Interpol.

This false information apparently resulted in Interpol listing Greg Caton under a "red notice" -- a designation normally reserved for international war criminals, serial murderers, drug lords and other serious criminals. To my knowledge, in the entire history of Interpol no herbalist has ever been subjected to such aggressive and blatantly deceptive law enforcement tactics.

Should Caton be granted his freedom, his sole intention is to return to Ecuador to be with his family and continue his work with healing herbs. Greg Caton's work is of tremendous value to people all over the world. His business is an important and well-accepted part of the local economy of Ecuador, and through his sourcing of raw materials, he is providing income and jobs for a significant number of family farms.

Whatever you decide in this case, I hope to cover your decision in upcoming articles on NaturalNews.com, as this is a story that is being closely watched by advocates of health freedom and civil liberties. I also hope that your decision will involve finding a way to allow Caton to freely leave the United States and return to Ecuador where his products, efforts and business operations are accepted and welcomed rather than vilified.

Although I don't know the details of your jurisdiction vs. the FDA, you may also have an opportunity to slap the FDA on the wrist and send a message that the illegal kidnapping of U.S. citizens from foreign countries will not be tolerated by U.S. courts.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration acts as if it believes it is above the law. You have the chance to remind the decision makers of this agency that we are a nation of law and that even the FDA must abide by that body of law.

Thank you,
Mike Adams
Editor, NaturalNews.comShare7 Buzz up!3 votes


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0 Replies
Wed 17 Mar, 2010 05:01 pm

Why healing is a crime in America
As these events clearly demonstrat
e, selling products that actually help people heal is a crime in America. There's a wonderful book on the topic, in fact, by author Kenny Ausubel, entitled, When Healing Becomes A Crime

If you take a chance to read this book, you will discover that the kind of lawless tyranny, oppression and intimidation that has just been demonstrated against Greg Caton is nothing new for U.S. health authorities. Similarly unscrupulous activities were being undertaken by the AMA in the first half of the 20th century in a desperate attempt to destroy the credibility (and livelihood) of Harry Hoxsey, a man who also manufactured and sold topical anti-cancer salves.

To this day, intimidation campaigns continue against companies selling anti-cancer remedies. It happens so often that one day when I was walking along the sidewalk in Boca Raton, I met a couple who, when they realized who I was, told me they had been forced to flee the United States to pursue their anti-cancer stem cell work in another country.

Mexico, the Bahamas, Central and South America are all full of expat scientists, alternative medicine doctors, herbalists and naturopaths who have been forced to flee the USA or face imprisonment for their "crimes" of treating cancer with things other than FDA-sanctioned chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

This is why Americans have virtually no access to cancer clinics that offer real hope for healing. Instead, the American population is relegated to suffering the toxic side effects of chemotherapy and radiation under the "guidance" of nutritionally-ignorant oncologists who are poor doctors, but excellent followers of the FDA regime.

What Greg Caton's illegal arrest and deportation really represent is the ongoing war of tyranny against healers that's still pursued by the FDA and its "secret police" Office of Criminal Investigations (OCI).

This OCI, it turns out, operates with no oversight and no respect for the law of any land. Its employees and contractors openly engage in the intimidation of individuals engaged in the selling of natural products, routinely threatening them with imprisonment, armed raids, the seizure of their products and criminal prosecutions. Even Dr. Andrew Weil was recently threatened in this manner by the FDA.

But NaturalNews asks the question: Who does the OCI answer to?

The answer is no one. There is no Congressional oversight, no judicial oversight and no civil rights protections for individuals targeted by the FDA's OCI. The U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights -- which are supposed to guarantee freedom of speech for herbalists as well as everyone else -- are thrown out the window by the OCI. Once you are targeted by the OCI, you have no rights to free speech. You are considered an enemy of the state and can find yourself listed on Interpol alongside terrorists and war criminals even though your only crime might be selling herbal creams to natural health consumers.

The FDA claims its OCI office helps protect the American people from unscrupulous quacks and charlatans. Certainly, there is a role for that function in any society, as many companies will inevitably try to cheat the public by selling health-related products that don't work (Tamiflu comes to mind, incidentally). But do we really need to be protected from an herbal product that works? How is Greg Caton's selling of herbal medicine harming anyone at all? His product really works, and if the FDA was interested in what works, you would think they might be interested in embracing herbalists instead of criminalizing them.

Anti-cancer herbs are common knowledge in Ecuador

That all this is going on in the USA is considered quite bizarre to locals in Ecuador, by the way. They are astonished at the idea that the United States of America would take a tax-paying, economy-boosting business person selling medicinal herbs and throw them in prison as criminals where the state must now foot the bill with taxpayer dollars.

Keep in mind that Greg Caton was operating a perfectly legal business in Ecuador, with all necessary licensing, taxes and regulatory requirements. He was purchasing herbs from farmers, Shamans and land owners, then reformulating those herbs into long-proven anti-cancer remedies that were then sold to customers all over the world. He was breaking no laws in Ecuador, and in fact, he was contributing to the Ecuadorian economy by boosting exports and buying bulk herbs from all over Ecuador. Caton was a huge economic asset to the nation of Ecuador.

But he was a huge liability to the U.S. cancer industry which continues to base its business model on the intimidation and criminalization of anyone who offers cancer solutions outside the realm of pharmaceuticals, radiation and surgery.

The cancer industry's enforcement arm is the Food and Drug Administration, a dubious agency that follows no law (literally, there are no laws limiting the actions of the FDA) and operates with virtually no oversight whatsoever. Essentially, the FDA operates like the mob, respecting no law while using tactics of intimidation to assert its power and authority over others.

Interpol Corruption

Interpol, for its part, is already shrouded in corruption controversy. Its top chief now stands accused of maintaining links to organized crime, accepting bribes, and maintaining a relationship with a convicted smuggler of real drugs (not herbal medicines) -- a man named Glen Agliotti.

NaturalNews has learned that Interpol is routinely abused by profit-seekers in India, who use India's arcane "dowry laws" to label innocent spouses as international fugitives in order to blackmail them for payoff money.

Interpol has openly participated in this blackmail scam for many years, allowing its website to be used as a point of leverage for "dowry scammers"

We also found complaints about the abuse of Interpol by corporations in Dubai that are using the flimsy judicial system there to blame foreigners for corporate embezzlement when, in reality, people in Dubai are walking away with the cash.

In fact, if you begin to dig into this story, you'll find that Interpol is frequently used by scammers to red-flag innocent victims, so it's not much of a surprise to learn that the FDA rigged Interpol to list Greg Caton as a criminal mastermind in order to have him arrested, kidnapped and illegally deported to the United States.

Certainly, Interpol has some useful function in the world, as the sharing of police intelligence about truly dangerous, violent criminals seems a worthy goal. But when the system is used to destroy the lives of innocent victims who are guilty of no such heinous crimes, it becomes a tool of the destruction of human rights. Rather than protecting the innocent, in this case Interpol was used by the FDA to persecute the innocent. And that speaks strongly about the lack of credibility at Interpol. Its "Red Notice" listings apparently carry no more credibility than a plastic police badge found in a box of Cracker Jack.

About the term "kidnapping"

Some may question my use of the term "kidnapping" to describe the illegal arrest and deportation of Greg Caton from Ecuador. But if you carefully examine the definition of the word, you'll find it applies quite precisely to this situation:

Kidnapping: To abduct by force or fraud.
(Random House Dictionary)

As in, to involuntarily remove someone from their own home or property, with the threat of force (firearms), without the due process of law.

The United States of America, under this definition, is guilty of kidnapping an Ecuadorian resident. In no way did the USA engage in any legal extradition processes, nor did the USA even acknowledge any Ecuadorian law. Greg Caton was simply hauled away without a fair hearing and without any opportunity to defend himself against the charges being leveled against him.

This is not merely a violation of Greg Caton's civil rights, it is a violation of international law.

Action items: What you can do right now

You have the power to help rights these wrong and bring the FDA's actions in this matter to light.

As the editor of NaturalNews, I urge you to forward this story to your Senators and Congressional representatives. Someone please also make sure this story gets into the hands of Sen. Charles Grassley.

Protest this action with your elected representatives. In your own words, tell them why you think this kidnapping of Greg Caton is a great injustice that needs to be corrected. Ask them to investigate the FDA's Office of Criminal Investigations and determine how it is that FDA agents are able to exploit Interpol listings to achieve the illegal kidnapping and deportation of U.S. citizens living abroad.

Call, fax or write your representatives today:

Contact information for the U.S. Senate:

Contact information for the U.S. House of Representatives:
Call (202)225-3121 for the switchboard operator, or visit:

Contact information for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration:

Contact information to file a complaint with the U.S. Dept. of Justice:
(Choose the option to file a complaint about a law enforcement agency, then file your complaint about the FDA OCI.)

Report fraud or abuse of Interpol's name (which is essentially what the FDA has done in this case):

Why this truth must be told
People will ask me, upon this publication of this story, why I'm willing to speak out against the FDA, the DOJ and Interpol.

Actually, I have nothing against any of these organizations as long as they serve the People rather than the interests of domineering corporations. The FDA, DOJ and Interpol all have an important place in a just society -- but only if they stick to their original charter and use their resources to serve the greater good.

What this story on NaturalNews reveals is that each of these organizations has, in one way or another, been hijacked by corporate interests in order to suppress the actions of one individual whose products threaten the profits of the pharmaceutical industry. In essence, Interpol has now been used to enforce the profit aims of Big Pharma, and that's not what Interpol is supposed to be used for. It's supposed to be about protecting the innocent, not allowing itself to be subjugated by Big Business (because, of course, the pharmaceutical industry virtually runs the FDA these days).

When Big Business runs the regulatory offices, the criminal investigation offices and the police organizations, the world is no longer safe for anyone who threatens the status quo. When the police intelligence community is used as law enforcement puppets by the corporate puppet masters, anyone who acts in competition with the established profit centers of corporate America (and cancer is a huge profit center) is immediately targeted for criminalization, prosecution and incarceration.

These are not the traits of a free society. They are not the actions of a justice system. They aren't even what you would expect to find in a western nation that claims to operate under a free market enterprise system. And yet this is exactly what we are seeing in the United States of America today, where this nation of regulatory tyrants is now openly engaged in the international kidnapping of innocents who have, for understandable reasons, chosen to reside in countries that do not consider herbalists to be criminals.

0 Replies
Fri 19 Mar, 2010 03:58 pm
FDA vs. Greg Caton
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has, for many years, pursued Caton, accusing him of selling "unapproved drugs" -- herbal medicines that have never been, and will never be, approved by the FDA to treat anything. He was convicted of these crimes in 2003 and served 33 months in federal prison.

After serving his term, Caton was on probation for another three years. As Greg Caton’s wife explained to me in an exclusive interview, eighteen months into that probation, Caton received word that a "rogue FDA agent" named John Armand was intimidating his ex-employees in an attempt to convince them to testify against Caton in order to have him convicted of further charges that would lead to more prison time.

After submitting a request to his presiding judge to ask that the remainder of his probation be excused, Caton moved to Ecuador and acquired permanent residency there, in part to escape persecution by what he saw as a rogue FDA agent violating the law in an effort to see Caton prosecuted yet again.

As you’ll see below, this fear was not unfounded.

Selling anti-cancer herbs is no crime in Ecuador

In Ecuador, by the way, selling herbs and accurately describing their medicinal properties is not a crime. It’s common sense.
Every pharmacy, health food store, shaman and medicine man openly talks about the anti-cancer properties of various herbs. No one goes to prison for selling medicinal herbs in Ecuador -- the very idea seems silly. Why would any nation want to lock up its healers?

So the "crimes" for which Caton was convicted in the USA aren’t even considered crimes in more medicinally enlightened countries such as Ecuador. There, people like Caton are considered valuable members of society.

Back in the U.S., the only real crime Caton was now guilty of was failing to serve his last 18 months of probation. But even that probation sentence was based on the false crime of Caton selling medicinal herbs while accurately describing their health-related properties. In other words, if not for the FDA’s persecution of all herbalists who sell anti-cancer herbs, Caton would never have had jail time nor probation to begin with.

If it works, then why all the criminal accusations against Greg Caton in the first place? Why the absurd labeling of his herbal products as "unapproved drugs" when even Caton himself doesn’t call them drugs? He simply (and accurately) describes them as medicinal herbs, which is what they are. I find it fascinating that if I place a bottle of Cansema in my pocket when I board a plane in Ecuador, it’s just "herbs," but when I exit the plane in Miami, suddenly those herbs have been transformed into "unapproved drugs" by the regulatory language police who operate in the U.S. much like the Ministry of Truth from George Orwell’s novel 1984.

Regardless of what the product is called, the FDA isn’t at all interested in whether Cansema actually works. The mere fact that the herbs were sold as a natural cancer treatment without FDA approval is enough to have Caton condemned as an international criminal. But in taking this stance, the FDA misses out on the thousands of satisfied customers who have successfully used Cansema to cure their own cancers.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Mar, 2010 01:30 pm
Sorry I did not reply before. I hope that someone who reads this will be helpful to your friend.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Mar, 2010 12:44 pm
NaturalNews) The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Commission (EC) have been working on establishing dosage limits on vitamins and supplements within the European Union (EU) using flawed toxicology risk assessment methods to make such determinations. A recent paper published in the journal Toxicology exposes the approach as "fatally flawed," citing the junk science being used to try to limit access to effective doses of nutritional supplements.

Robert Verkerk PhD, lead author of the article and scientific and executive director of the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) International, has been working for years to explain to various European and international authorities the illogic of using toxicologic risk analysis to assess proper nutrient dosages. His paper in Toxicology is his most extensive and thorough critique thus far.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission, created jointly by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations back in 1963 to establish a world food code, established its guidelines for vitamin and mineral supplements back in 2005. Though not technically enforceable, especially in nations like the U.S. where such provisions would be wholly unconstitutional, the guidelines suggest establishing upper safe limits on vitamin and mineral supplements using the same toxicologic risk assessment methods used on dangerous toxins like mercury and lead.

In his paper, Verkerk lambasts the slightly modified version of the EU's method of assessing nutrients that is based on the Codex recommendations. According to his analysis, the vitamin and mineral limits currently being proposed are so low that one would exceed them by eating a simple junk food meal.

Two health trade associations in the U.K. recently conducted an analysis of their own that found that implementation of the limits in their country would end up shutting down over 700 independent retail stores, causing a loss in sales of over 100 million British pounds and costing at least 4,000 jobs. The Health Manufacturers Association and the National Association of Health Stores presented these findings to the UK Parliament back in December.

The Irish Association of Health Stores and ANH International both filed complaints with the European Parliament's Petitions Committee for redress in the matter. All petitions put forward thus far against the proposed limits, including scientific information exposing the methodology as unsound, have been ignored by both the EFSA and EC.

ANH International and other concerned groups from across Europe are proposing that the EFSA and EC stop the implementation of any vitamin and mineral supplement limits.

Sources for this story include:



0 Replies
Mon 22 Mar, 2010 07:36 pm
NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Nottingham have found that a rare, wild mushroom called cordyceps is an effective treatment for cancer. Commonly used in Chinese medicine, the cordyceps fungi inhibits the growth, division, and proliferation of cancer cells in the body.

Cordyceps was originally formulated into a cancer drug called cordycepin back in the 1950s. Though the drug version was ultimately found to be ineffective because of rapid degradation inside the body once it was administered, the active components from the mushroom continue to be effective cancer fighters.

Depending upon dosage levels, cordyceps mushroom extracts directly impact the process of cell protein development, impeding the production of the mRNA molecules that create them. At high doses, cordyceps inhibits protein development directly, essentially eliminating the ability of cancer cells to function and survive.

Since the study focused on the pharmaceutical drug formulation derived from cordyceps, called cordycepin, lead scientist Dr. Cornelia de Moor and her team specifically sought ways to improve the effectiveness of that particular drug. Their only solution was to suggest giving another drug alongside cordycepin in order to prevent it from degrading in the body. The team warned that the other drug causes serious side effects which may discourage its use.

Though the research focused primarily on cordycepin, it ultimately revealed the powerful effects of cordyceps in preventing and treating cancer. The study is set to be published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry and its authors hope that the findings will spark further research into the potential uses for cordyceps as a cancer treatment.

The truth about cordyceps is that you don't need some fabricated cordyceptin drug to experience the benefits of cordyceps -- all you need is cordyceps itself!
0 Replies
Tue 30 Mar, 2010 12:38 pm

However, not too many people know that frying with canola oil releases toxic, carcinogenic fumes. In recent epidemiological studies, it was shown that high lung cancer rates in Chinese women were linked to wok cooking with canola (also called rapeseed) oil. Consumption of canola oil has been shown to cause fibrotic lesions of the heart, CNS degenerative disorders, prostate cancer, anemia, lung cancer, constipation, irritation of the mucous membranes and many toxic effects, according to many nutritionists and biochemists."

A superior alternative to canola oil -- and indeed the healthiest oil for cooking -- is, and has always been, olive oil. Like canola oil, it's rich in monounsaturated fats, which help reduce "unhealthy" LDL cholesterol and boost "healthy" HDL cholesterol -- without the toxic effects of canola. Olive oil also has a high smoke point (that is, the temperature at which a cooking fat or oil begins to degrade both the flavor and nutritional value of food), which makes it ideal for frying.

New research shows that virgin (and extra-virgin) olive oils -- which refers to oils that are produced purely by mechanically pressing the oil from olives (i.e., no chemical processing) -- are even more beneficial because they contain antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols, which are found in olives, as well as red wine and green tea, mop up free radicals before they can oxidize LDL. Once LDL oxidizes, it becomes extremely damaging to arteries.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Mar, 2010 12:48 pm
From a friend of Greg Caton:
We need to continue to PRAY for Greg because Monday he will be taking the stand and pleading his case about why he was in fear for his life coming back to America. Agent Armand put our entire family in jeopardy with reckless excessive force through his position as an FDA Agent. We should know the outcome by the end of... Monday and I want to continue to THANK YOU ALL for your prayers, energy and light! Amen!
0 Replies
Wed 31 Mar, 2010 03:23 am
heres a link bill henderson sent in his newsletter quite good reading


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